Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Deck Duplicate GUID Fixer
Assets: Scripting
33.277 KB
2017 年 10 月 24 日 下午 10:10
1 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Deck Duplicate GUID Fixer

When you make a deck, all of the cards have the same GUID until they are drawn at the same time as eachother. Then they get new GUIDs assigned automatically. However if you are trying to access these cards with scripting, duplicate GUIDs can cause issues.

This tool spawns every card in a deck at once and lets them fall back down to form a new deck. You just put a deck on top, click the button, wait a few moments then save the resulting deck.
5 条留言
ForeverAFK 2023 年 4 月 21 日 下午 3:14 
Very nice. Thank you!:steamhappy:
wizcreations 2020 年 5 月 20 日 下午 8:41 
I'm just starting to learn TTS scripting. I understand that objects in decks (or bags) do not have their own GUID until drawn separately, which this tool performs. When the deck reforms, do the cards retain their individual GUID so that they can be referred to directly while they are still in the deck? Or do I need to refer to individual cards via some other method in order to pull specific cards from a deck?
MrStump  [作者] 2017 年 10 月 25 日 上午 8:23 
Works fine for a 1000 card deck for me, more or less: The only part that is flubbed up is if you have over 150 cards or so, the deck they are forming starts to get jostled to the side so then a new deck starts to form.

And the purpose of this tool is to spawn all cards at once, as new GUIDs only get assigned once 2 duplicate GUIDs are live on the same table. So I can't pull only X cards or there can still be duplicates.

Ideally, when people MAKE the decks they will just toss them into the tool, so the largest deck is only as large as the largest cardsheet allows, which is under 100 cards I think. It is possible to have too many cards and have them go off the top of the map entirely, but to people with that issue, I say just make multiple copies of the tool, put a max of ~1000 cards on each, then press the button for all of them at once =P haha
darleth 2017 年 10 月 25 日 上午 1:08 
Thanks a lot...
Tragic 2017 年 10 月 25 日 上午 12:36 
Great mod.. I had to make something similar to this for my own needs once. I have one suggestion for you though.... This tool bugs out when you run it on decks over a certain size. Large card pool games like say Netrunner or some deck builders like Thunderstone or Pathfinder ACG have card pools that are well into a 1000 cards. So I am not sure if this possible but it needs to pull only "X" cards and drop them in a new deck.. then when that has fully stopped, draw the next lot and so on.. so the tool can run on decks of any size. To see the error just copy the deck a few times till it is a 1000 cards or something.