The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Оценок: 202
Tru Blood
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Размер файла
803.585 KB
3 окт. 2012 г. в 16:03
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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Tru Blood

В 2 коллекциях, созданных MontyX
MontyX's Demonic Collection
Предметов: 20
MontyX's Handy Mods
Предметов: 20
"Works without DLC"

Satisfy your thirst with Tru Blood.
It will feed your Vampire Synthetic Blood Type O.
You can purchase it at some of the Inns around Skyrim, in the Food category.
You can only find it & purchase it, if you are a Vampire.

"Funktioniert ohne DLC"
Erfüllen Sie Ihren Durst mit Tru Blood.
Es wird füttern Vampire Synthetic Blood Type O.
Sie können es auf einige der Inns rund Skyrim kaufen, in der Lebensmittel-Kategorie.
Sie können nur finden und kaufen Sie, wenn Sie ein Vampire sind.

"Lavori senza DLC"
Soddisfa la tua sete con Tru Blood.
Si alimentare il vostro Vampiro sintetico sanguigno O.
Si può acquistare presso alcuni dei Inns intorno Skyrim, nella categoria alimentare.
Si può solo trovarlo e acquistarlo, se sei un vampiro.

Q: Why did you make this?
A: So all Vampire characters, can have a quick blood fix.

Q: Can I Hate & Troll all over your Mod?
A: You can, but you will be blocked.

Please Rate this Mod, as I was nice enough to share it.
You can not Modify or Upload my files.
I put too much work into my mods, for someone to steal my Work.
Комментариев: 68
dcd6406 4 мар. 2021 г. в 1:44 
Don't waste your time. It doesn't work.
skannerz22 18 июн. 2020 г. в 2:20 
it still works for me
skannerz22 18 июн. 2020 г. в 2:19 
this is the best mod ever make sure it is always supported
christina1969 1 окт. 2018 г. в 7:03 
no no vampire need the real blood from ppl lol nice throght tho
Rabid_Legend 1 мая. 2018 г. в 5:25 
dose this mod still work?
Profilename14 13 янв. 2017 г. в 17:36 
I dont mean to be mean but the person in the thumbnail kinda look retarded.
Alien Queen 7 янв. 2017 г. в 12:50 
i drink somtign as this as vamp in secend life:P
Asenath 25 авг. 2016 г. в 10:32 
nice mod
MontyX  [создатель] 25 авг. 2016 г. в 1:58 
Put it at the bottom of your mod load order. You might have a mod replaceing the item, in the inn.
RetartedGoat 24 июн. 2016 г. в 18:22 
Can somone post a specific inn to purchase Tru Blood?
I'm stage 2 vampire and tried 5 Inns, and was not able to find it.