223 평점
Late Night Conversation (Detailed Edition)
Toni 'Bō' Jones 님이 작성
Extended guide of the 'Late night conversation' achievement. Location, timing, walkthrough: everything explained.
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What's GOOD, Meadowians!

I have been testing 'Late Night Conversation' achievement for quite a long time (since early beta) and finally have gathered all the details. This little guide contains full 'walkthrough': location, server timing, tips, specific details. I enjoyed discovering things and dedicated many night hours to find out more about stars appearance, and pattern, thus will gladly share my experience.
Where to start?
The Big Green Tree in the middle of the map is a perfect place to start your journey. Simply teleport there by using 'Back To Tree' option in the Pause menu. Now, look around as your goal is to find the highest mountain in Meadow as an orient. Just run around the tree and you should find it:

Next to this mountain, on the right side, you will see big waterfalls, placed uphill, flowing down the hole of the world. That is your destination. Sprint, crawl, fly or simply walk up to those big running streams of water. Don't forget to pick up the flowers on your way there!

Displayed pictures are made during the day for better sight, however, you should remember that stars appear during the night time ONLY, thus do not forget to check your time, before going out huntin'. What time exactly? Next chapter, please.
Each server has different time lapse, based on the respective local time when stars could be found on the ground.

Right now you have an exact hour available to talk to the stars and unlock this achievement, regardless of your server:
  • Europe: 11.50 pm UTC / 1.50 am CET / 4.50 pm PST / 8.50 am JST
  • US East: 5.50 am UTC / 7.50 am CET / 10.50 pm PST / 2.50 pm JST
  • US West: 8.50 am UTC / 10.50 am CET / 1.50 am PST / 5.50 pm JST
  • Asia: 5.50 pm UTC / 7.50 pm CET / 10.50 am PST / 2.50 am JST

Duration for all the servers is the same: 1 hour. You have an exact ONE hour to talk to them stars, starting with the respective server time.

Check your time, grab your traveling Teddy Bear and get ready for a little adventure! Oh, and don't you wait till the last minute, okay?

Talked to the stars!
Location? Checked. Time? Checked. You are here, in nature, out at night. What's next? Once you're up that hill, nearby those big noisy waterfalls, you can start looking for the stars. This entire area, extending to the other edge of the world, will contain multiple stars.

All you have to do is simply approach the nearby star and use your scream (Left Mouse button) option to begin a conversation you will never forget.

If you'll succeed, you will unlock the achievement and become a ghost for approximately 5-6 minutes. Enjoy that moment, keep your awesomeness, run around and take some selfies, perhaps?

Every single animal can obtain the achievement, from little badgie to mighty bird. No restrictions.
Handy tips
Sometimes, despite the correct timing and exact location, stars still could be missed. It is a rare occasion I had during the beta test, however, if this will happen to you, simply try to go to the den and back and stars would appear.

If you are lucky (and early) enough, you may be able to see how stars falling down to the ground. Looks beautiful!

If you have missed your server time, you can always check others as there's a moderate amount of time between each one.

Keep in mind that time lapse may change in the future,as it already happened after release. I will update it respectively but feel free to add the correction if you will notice it, please.

I've had my fun researching, making this guide and frankly this is my favorite Meadow achievement so far. If my experience will help at least one of you, it was well worth the time :)

Thank you so very much for reading till the end, I appreciate all of you! Have any questions, corrections, wishes or simply feelin' like sharing some of your thoughts? You can use that comment section below.

Happy Meadow!

Big thank you to MaD Jens for helping me out with time correction and explanation of the server's location.

댓글 99
Mvek 2024년 4월 9일 오전 10시 55분 
Still works, 17:50 UTC Asia, which is 19:50 CEST (current summer time in Prague/Paris...). But I was there before and did not notice falling star, but I found them later on the ground.
Toni 'Bō' Jones  [작성자] 2024년 4월 1일 오전 1시 20분 
The green one? it's one of the M&D team skins that is only available for them, to distinguish them from the the others. :meadowfox:
GamerLED 2024년 3월 31일 오후 3시 13분 
i know about a skin in meadow that is an transparent animal with the night sky stars on the animal. i wonnderd if this skin has to do with it.
Toni 'Bō' Jones  [작성자] 2024년 2월 17일 오후 11시 41분 
Hey, thanks for the heads up! I will be revisiting this guide after daylight savings bulls is over to make sure the time is correct for all servers (as it's all a big mess). :er_heart:
folkgaeifrr 2024년 2월 17일 오후 6시 09분 
I got this achievement today (2024-02-17).
Europe server at around 21:55 (GMT -3).
Coordinates I saw the stars: (-107.46, 107.72, -1142.44) and (-11.05, 114.18, -1193.01).

- Start from the center tree.
- Copy and paste these coordinates in Nemo's interactive map ( .
- Leave the game and the map open side by side so you can see both while you play.
- As you walk, also copy your coordinates in-game (Shift + G) and paste them on Nemo's map, so you can see where you're going and don't get lost.

Hope it helps :)
Toni 'Bō' Jones  [작성자] 2023년 11월 15일 오전 1시 16분 
Possible fix will be coming with the next Meadow patch.
CSX 2023년 11월 14일 오후 5시 03분 
Yes, it seems broken right now. I just found the stars, talked to them, turned to a ghost, but no achievement.
Toni 'Bō' Jones  [작성자] 2023년 11월 6일 오전 3시 45분 
Hello, Le Slug - this achievement might be possibly bugged, so thank you for heads up! Reported it already.

what time you saw the stars, if I may ask?
Le Slug 2023년 11월 5일 오후 5시 26분 
I've talked to the stars two different nights and still the achievement won't show.
CaNoodle 2023년 8월 8일 오후 5시 13분 
Hello 2023 friends! Just a friendly reminder that if the stars aren't there, try switching groves! I had a hunt tonight and after seeing a lot of nothing and also a lot of stars stuck in the sky, getting to grove 5 was when I finally got them! This guide is amazing but I got super frustrated when I couldn't find anything, but the grove switch works! Good luck everyone and thank you for the guide! :meadowlovebadger: