Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

26 人が評価
Fate Core / FAE RPG
Game Category: Role-playing Games
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
タグ: 4+
333.048 KB
2016年1月12日 17時48分
2017年3月19日 8時40分
23 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Fate Core / FAE RPG

This workshop item is a complete setup to play the Fate RPG. It is compatible with both Fate Accelerated (FAE) and Fate Core System. It includes editable character sheets, multiple colors of fate dice, dice towers, fate tokens, and more.

Fate Rules/SRD[]

Information about Fate[]

It's Not My Fault[]
It's Not My Fault I'm Fantastic[]

* I am not the creator of fate or any of the components in this workshop item. I only organized them in a way that makes it easy to play Fate in Tabletop Simulator.
21 件のコメント
Negative Seven 2022年10月10日 15時01分 
Too many things missing for me to use personally.
Derfel 2020年3月27日 10時28分 
Doesn't work, a lot of assets are deleted
dr.quatermass 2018年6月30日 10時02分 
Crichton 2017年11月19日 13時32分 
The Mesh for the Dice Trays is missing I found replacement urls if you need them

Tray Image
FriedRiceOwl 2017年3月19日 15時47分 
Looks like it's all good now-- I'm not seeing any more errors. Thank you very much for putting together this board: it's got plenty of free space, the player areas are neatly divided, and everything you need is close at hand. I always struggle with laying out character sheets on the limited notecards in Table Top Sim, but you've got a clean setup with the 4 sections. Seems perfect for Fate. Great work!
treetrnk  [作成者] 2017年3月19日 8時43分 
Thanks for the response @ejopony! That's all I needed. I'm not sure why the meeples were working for me and not for others, but I didn't make those models. I removed them since they weren't necessary. Let me know if you're still seeing errors.
FriedRiceOwl 2017年3月17日 19時36分 
It doesn't seem to be an issue in practice: I think it's just the player tokens/figurines that are missing. There's a custom object with those assets by each of the sets of 4 notecards (character sheets)
FriedRiceOwl 2017年3月17日 19時28分 
Getting the same problem

This is what appeared in the chat box for me

failed to load Model (.obj):
failed to load Model (.obj):
failed to load Model (.obj):
failed to load Model (.obj):

There were also popup messages saying WWW Image Error: 403 forbidden

Does that help?

Is it possible that it loads fine for you since you've already downloaded them, so table top sim has cached them?
treetrnk  [作成者] 2017年3月17日 3時57分 
What exactly isn't working? I just loaded it up and everything loaded for me. If you don't know what the things are that are failing to load, where are they located?
b0br0ss 2016年12月31日 19時33分 
Needs to be fixed. The figurine models cannot download due to 403 Forbidden
Request forbidden by administrative rules. Serve the models somewhere not restricted or remove them please. :2016imnotcrying: