Master Levels for DOOM II

Master Levels for DOOM II

74 人が評価
How to run Project Brutality/Brutal Doom on Steam for Windows! (UPDATED)
作者: slyfuldragon
This guide is to help you getting Brutal Doom to run through Steam.
It's very simple actually.
Getting Started
What you will need

Project Brutality (For GZDoom)
  • Project Brutality 3.0 (most recent version is 3.0 located here [].
  • Latest GZDoom v4.5.0 here []
  • Doom WAD files and folders
* - note that you will need to run either Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, you cannot run both otherwise you will come across crashes

This is the updated guide from the guide that was created for the older versions: here
Project Brutality (GZDoom)
  1. Have Doom purchased through Steam.
  2. Download the latest version of Project Brutality (currently 3.0)
  3. Download the latest version of GZDoom (currently 4.5.0)
  4. Install Doom then locate the folder in explorer (Steam/steamapps/common/(Doom)
  5. Open the GZDoom 7zip file you downloaded [e.g.]
  6. Open /base folder (if you are in the Master Levels of Doom folder you will not see a /base folder. That's ok, just apply the following steps below in that folder -- as if you are treating it like it's a /base folder)
  7. Copy all files from the GZDoom zip folder to your Steam Doom /base folder
  8. Delete dosbox.exe, then rename gzdoom.exe to dosbox.exe
  9. Go to the GitHub Repository for Project Brutality 3.0 in the "Getting Started" Section
  10. Click on the Green Button that is labeled as "Code"
  11. Download as ZIP
  12. Once downloaded, rename " to "Project_Brutality-master.pk3 (it's important that you have File Name Extensions checked; in File Explorer, click the Ribbon dropdown > Go To View tab > Under Show/hide section > Make sure the "File Name Extentions" checkbox is enabled/checked)
  13. Copy/Move "Project_Brutality-master.pk3 over to the '/base' folder located within the doom steam folder
  14. Run the game once to have the gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini created automatically.
  15. Open the 'gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini' and scroll down to where you see [doom.Autoload]
    *NOTE: If the .ini file is not in this folder once you have launched the dosbox version of GZDoom, then it might be located in the following path: Documents»My Games»GZDoom. It may simply be named: gzdoom.ini (without your username).
  16. Type or Copy/Paste Path=Project_Brutality-master.pk3 right under [doom.Autoload] or [] if the autoload doesn't work for doom
  17. Rinse and repeat for however many Doom games you want to apply this to (The Ulitmate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and Master Levels of Doom)
  18. "Play" Doom through Steam and you will have Brutal Doom automatically loaded
  19. Enjoy

* - note (again) that you will need to run either Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, you cannot run both otherwise you will come across crashes
18 件のコメント
gameboy47t 2021年5月11日 6時01分 
ive been looking for this for over a month
slyfuldragon  [作成者] 2021年1月26日 16時46分 
fastedd8 2021年1月26日 4時12分 
You Call This Easy nahhhhhhhhh
slyfuldragon  [作成者] 2020年12月4日 8時19分 
The guide has been updated to reflect Project Brutality 3.0 and GZDoom 4.5.0.
Also, this guide has a link to the older versions guide that you all have grown to know in case anyone wants to go back to the older versions.
Steel, my beloved 2020年9月24日 0時32分 
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this but I figured I should try. So I'm trying to get all of the official doom content in one place and running with GZDOOM and BRUTAL DOOM. I got master levels, final doom, no rest for the living, the romero versions of E1M4 and E1M8, Sigil, and the PS1 levels. My problem is the two Xbox levels Sewers and Betray. I have the wads and when I put the path in sewers shows up as the first ps1 level and I can't find Betray at all. I'd like to have the Xbox Levels play after the ps1 levels. If anyone could help me, I'd be immensely gratetful.
slyfuldragon  [作成者] 2020年9月21日 13時58分 
Check out the ini setup. It autoloads brutaldoom several times with the error
Steel, my beloved 2020年9月17日 21時18分 
Help! I'm getting this error when trying to run it :((. Script error, "brutalv21.pk3:cvarinfo" line 1:cvar 'bd_bloodamount' already exists
Steel, my beloved 2020年9月17日 21時05分 
What folder do I need to put them if not the base folder?
B U N G E R 2020年7月11日 22時50分 
Does this work with other mods?
Fringe Wizard 2020年4月2日 8時39分 
Turns out I just needed to update my graphic card drivers and that fixed the problem with this game as well as a lot of other problems I've been having.