Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

518 voti
Star Wars Tank Theme
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Infected: Tank
Game Content: Sounds
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23.095 MB
25 giu 2015, ore 20:25
1 nota di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Star Wars Tank Theme

By request, this replaces the regular and finale tank musics but not the concert tank musics with Battle of the Heroes soundtrack from Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
All credit of the music goes to John Williams.
84 commenti
ivan braginsky gaming 16 apr 2023, ore 20:33 
Is there any chance you could update this mod to replace the tank theme used in The Last Stand's finale during the second tank fight?
Jacksepticzilla 21 ago 2022, ore 16:07 
still love the battle with anakin and obi wan from star wars revenge of the sith and now it's the tanks theme
EL NEWKOS 8 apr 2022, ore 11:43 
i hope it start at 30:00
Jyers 5 gen 2022, ore 23:03 
"This is where the fun begins."
Revan 19 nov 2021, ore 17:26 
simplemente hermoso
OH BOY, 3AM! 22 set 2021, ore 14:42 
this is gold
JediCZE 28 ago 2021, ore 8:35 
CaptainVoid 28 dic 2020, ore 15:16 
its over anikin i have a tank
otupel 31 mag 2020, ore 3:37 
I am the tank.
Skibidi Majima 25 dic 2019, ore 20:24 
Tank, have the high ground.