Tembo The Badass Elephant

Tembo The Badass Elephant

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6 σχόλια
DisableBore 28 Ιαν 2016, 12:07 
Well that elephant looks awkward....at least for me
Reaper Madness 28 Ιαν 2016, 12:01 
Love how you post screenshots beforehand, Tom. It's like having trailers for upcoming reviews :caster_happy:
?Therapy 28 Ιαν 2016, 10:43 
Not a good sign. Short game then?? :rfacepalm: :Eye_tv:
jgfghfhgf  [Δημιουργός] 28 Ιαν 2016, 10:39 
Review shall be coming up this evening :)
?Therapy 28 Ιαν 2016, 10:36 
It looks awesome... can't wait for the review!! :B1:
Cyber_Chupacabra 28 Ιαν 2016, 10:35 
I dont have this game yet but I love the art style!