Age of Wonders III

Age of Wonders III

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Westeros Winter Is Here v1_2
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Jun 29, 2017 @ 7:20pm
Jan 21, 2018 @ 10:55am
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Westeros Winter Is Here v1_2

Westeros: Winter is Here, start of season 7 of the TV series

Daneryuys Stormborn, mother of dragons, is (finally!) sailing for Westeros. She has a coalition formed of ironborn (from Yara and Theon), Dothraki, Unsullied, and regulars from Dragon's Bay. Varys the Spider has smoothed the waters with Dorn and Highgarden.

Queen Cersei is crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdomws, first of her name. The explosion at the Temple of Balon the Blest removed her immediate enemies, but the repercussions are unknown. Trouble brews in the north with a new king and to the south with the return of an old enemy.

The King in the North! Jon Snow has died and returned from death, releasing him from the Night's Watch vow. He has risen to power with the defeat of Ramsey Snow in the battle of the bastards. Now, much to his chagrin, he is the King in the North and must consolidate his power before the White Walker's return.

Petr "Littlefinger" Baelish has risen up like a snake into the midst of the elite. He rules as regent over the Vale, a land removed from the conflicts of war. His hold on the Vale is tenuous, dependent on the sickly child Robin. But he has seduced Lady Stansa of House Stark to his side. Now is the time to complete his rise to power.

Euron Greyjoy won the moot of the Iron Isles, only to see his niece and nephew burn his ships and steal away in the night. The fleet is restored and he will finish what his father and brother failed to do, return glory to the Ironborn.

In the Land of Everwinter, the Night King rises and sets forth. The true war begins...
jsteinbeigle Oct 18, 2020 @ 4:59pm 
so great game over all but there is way to many mob roaming the map with tier 3 and 4 units at the start of the game. i spent most of the time trying to hold my cities and and constenly rebuilding the troops but had no way to get tier 3 or 4 units to counter
Pretzio55 May 1, 2020 @ 2:02am 
i mean besides that i have a lot of fun playing it the night king is fun but i had the same deserting problems mainly do to money which i didnt know the night king payed his army im just joking i know its for balance
Pretzio55 May 1, 2020 @ 1:59am 
the Daenarys faction has a rough start that i just cant get into everytime i try starting a campaign my forces desert me and i lose control over one of the two vassals every time i try to start a game as them it makes me feel like im just watching a planned invasion crumble before it even gets to land
Multifaced Oct 11, 2019 @ 12:43pm 
Playing a game as White Walker, having so much fun. Thank you for this mod
Gilafron  [author] Jul 31, 2018 @ 4:31pm 
I'm still around, if you have bug fixes or suggestions.
hans Jul 31, 2018 @ 4:07am 
is this mod still worked on?
dizzy Feb 19, 2018 @ 11:26pm 
The Disputed Lands are between Lys, Myr and Tyrosh. That is where Cersei is sending Euron to hire the Golden Company Mercenaries at the end of season 7 I know this mod takes place at the end of season 6, but it'd be nice if there were stacks of independent armies wandering around you could attack that would offer to join you for coin. Either than or a series of Inns that offer discounted mercs. I dunno, just throwing ideas out.
dizzy Feb 19, 2018 @ 8:28pm 
Playing this with a friend and he commented that Daenarys' Dragons, Dothraki and Unsullied should be immune to morale and thus should never desert. Throught I'd pass that along as I tend to agree with it.

Also, perhaps to this effect you could name Daenerys dragons, Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal?
dizzy Feb 19, 2018 @ 10:29am 
Let me know if you dont want anymore feedback. Otherwise I'll just keep posting.

I suggest adding a 5-6 hex wide mountain wall around the southern half of the white walker lair. Maybe add a new terrain type of mountains that does frost damage over time like you did with the Blighted Vines? This will help prevent players like Jon Snow, Euron Greyjoy and Cercei from heading up there taking the city over while the Night King is on campaign. What's worse is when he surrenders to whoever captures the city. I'd string the mountain range from the sea starting at the southwest of the walker domain and wrap under it all the way to the southeast mountains. That would force a slow trek across that area helping reduce the incentive of capturing that city.

Of course, it was kinda fun as Euron Greyjoy took control over the Night King and began his unholy destruction of Westeros to see him eventually take the Iron Throne with his combined might of Mariner Marines and Undead armies.
dizzy Feb 19, 2018 @ 7:35am 
Also, I'd repalce Varys the Spider with Daario Naharis, one of Daenarys warlord champions. I just cannot see Varys the Spider in combat. It's disturbing. Please change.