Kreedz Climbing

Kreedz Climbing

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Kreedz Climbing Terminology/Jargon
By SoUlFaThEr
This is a Guide that covers all the main Kreedz Climbing terminology from around the scene. Thanks to Coppenst for the assistance.
A jump can be any gap between platforms in a kzmod map that needs traversing by the traditional means. Jump from here, land over there. In essence, the concept is simple and works the same in any FPS game.

If a player is talking about a particularly hard jump, something is making it difficult to get from point A to point B. Whether its the sheer distance or if there are obstacles blocking the way, it's still a jump.
Longjumps are a more advanced jumping technique in KZmod. The furthest distance any climber can jump straight ahead, without any extra assistance, is 216 units. However, by adding "strafes" in the middle of your jump, it's possible to increase the total distance you can jump, making it possible to reach over 250 units.

Special jumps that require this skill are called longjumps. Longjumps can usually be recognized by a lack of other obstacles, a clear approach, and often have a number posted informing climbers of their length. With larger gaps, you may need multiple strafes to achieve the distance required.
Strafejumps are the bread and butter of any KZmod jumping map. If you need to reach that next platform, but it's around a corner, you'll need to add strafes to your jump. Strafejumping is just what it sounds like: a combination of a jump and a strafe.

First, move toward the edge of the platform you are on. Once you leave the ground, stop pressing forward and press the strafe key in the direction of the curve, while steering with the mouse. Changing directions in mid-air you can increase your speed making you fly a bit further. More difficult jumps may require strafing back and forth to make your way past obstacles between you and your goal.

Remember, if you hold forward in the air, your ability to maneuver will be drastically reduced.
To learn how to perform a strafejump in KZmod, visit the tutorial on the main menu, or load the kz_tutorial map with the Create Game dialog from KZmods main menu.
90 and 180 Degree Strafe
A 90 Degree Strafe is an "L" shaped strafejump, making a right or left turn in the air from platform A to platform B at a 90 angle.

A 180 Degree Strafe is a "U" shaped strafejump that requires jumping all the way around an obstacle or wall to your target platform.
Double, Triple or Multi-Strafing
This is simply doing 2 or more strafes in the air during a single jump.
(left-right, right-left, left-right-left, etc.)

Note: To do this properly you need to move your mouse according to what direction you strafe. Remember to do it slowly once you're learning it. Accuracy is more important than speed when considering the timing required to synchronize your A and D strafe button presses in relation to your mouses left and right movement.
Bunnyhops (bhop)
An avoidance and speed-increasing trick that originated in deathmatch games, Bunnyhops are a more advanced technique that's particularly hard to master due to its off-rythmic nature between your hands. If you don't know how to do this, the next time you log in just ask an experienced bhopper to show you how.

Some maps are made specifically for bunnyhoppers complete with altered physics routines, and usually begin with the title kz_bhop_mapname.
There are presently 3 total modes of Bhopping.
1. 1.6 style bhopping where you have to bhop quite perfectly to avoid the stop-land penalty and no special Air Acceleration adjustments. (10AA)
2. Bhop Mode, which applies an air acceleration adjustment of 50AA and removes the stopping penalty. This particular mode allows you to gain incredible speeds and is a good way for beginners to get use to the typical bhop rythym.
3. The last way you may get to bhop in the game is with Surf Mode and Bhop Modes on, giving you an AA setting of 100 and removing the stopping penalty.

Principally, the bunnyhop is a jump with a hard strafe in it, or even 2, jumping again as soon as you touch the ground, so as to never actually stop on the ground. It looks like someone waving left and right through the air going BOING BOING BOING....without the funny sound of that!

Maps dedicated to mainly or only bunnyhopping will be named like kz_bhop_mapname.
Auto Bhop
Auto bhop is yet another setting in Kreedz Climbing that can be combined with any mode of gameplay except for Tag Arena (explained below), but is limited to servers as a setting or for mappers who wish to create a course with Auto Bhop with our special Kreedz Climbing map entity trigger_player_movement_attributes.

Auto Bhop allows you to simply hold your jump button and the game will deliver perfectly timed jump as soon as you hit the ground, allowing to relaxingly bunnyhop which just steering with the mouse. There are many players around the entire KZ scene who exnjoy playing just like this.

For dedicated server admins or those who create a listen server:
The command for Auto Bhop is sv_bhop_auto (1/0)
Surf or Surfing and Surf Mode
Surfing is another discipline in a Kreedz Climbing map that's been popular in CS1.6 and CSS maps for many years. Surf maps typically run 100 air acceleration for smooth air strafing at high speeds.

Kreedz climbing has this too with a special mode that can be turned on for a map, a single course or even just a short part of any course. If your jump map has a surf section, it will usually turn on surf mode for you and remove it after the surf part has been done successfully. This is what makes Kreedz Climbing maps so special. The possibilities for mappers to set any set of base settings for specific part of maps in hundreds of variations!

What is Surfing?
By strafing against a steep incline and steering with the mouse, experienced surfers can reach awesome speeds and clear incredibly long gaps. 'Surf' is also a term describing any inclined surface suitable for surfing.

Surf courses contain many surfs strung together, requiring precision control to clear the gap from one surf to another. They key to Surfing correctly is never to hold Duck or the forwards/backwards keys, but rather only left and right strafe.

Maps dedicated to mainly or only surfing will be named like kz_surf_mapname.
Bungee Rope
Not to be confused with CS1.6's hookmod or our hook for easier map course viewing, the 'elastic' Bungee is a challenging "discipline" in Kreedz Climbing.

On Bungee maps, players attach a 'Limited' Bungee" to a specified bungee target (usually a pole), then use momentum, bounce, slackspeed and control over the Bungee's length to launch yourself over large distances, or to also simply swing from target to target like Tarzan/Spiderman would.

In addition, a 'Free' Bungee can attach to any surface (including the sky) is often rewarded to players who complete the main course on most of our maps.

Maps dedicated to mainly or only bungee will be named like kz_bun_mapname.
PowerJump with Wall Jumping
Powerjumping is a special Kreedz Climbing discipline where you load up power and then release it to make a HUGE jump. Powerjump is usually given to you with a sort of fake set of boots hovering over a small pedestal as seen in kz_powerjump, which is a map to play where you can learn how to get accurate with this ability. The powerjump has a very special attribute in that you can actually powerjump off walls and even ceilings, allowing you climb straight up the side of a Skyscraper!

In Tag Arena, the Seekers always have the PowerJump ability.

Maps mainly or only dedicated to Powerjump will be named kz_pj_mapname. Be the first to make one!
Checkpoint (cp) or Teleport (tp) and the "Stuck" command
Checkpoints are a feature of Kreedz Climbing designed to make the game more accessible to new Climbers and assist in reducing the frustration during the "learning how to" process.

By simply pressing a button, Climbers can set a checkpoint to which they can teleport in case they miss the next jump for another attempt.

Some servers may limit the number of checkpoints or teleports used, or remove the option altogether. The current maximum limit for number of teleports/checkpoints is 10,000. The default is 1,000.

The chat command /stuck (default key bind: BACKSPACE) allows a Climber who falsely set checkpoint, to revert to his previous one. This will not do anything unless you have saved at least 2 checkpoints. The game always saves your present and previous checkpoint whether you teleported to them or not.
Raceway and Bhop Raceway
A Raceway is what CS:S players call a Sliderace. Since we also have Slidemaps, which is a slight diversion to classical Surf maps using only 10aa, we decided to rename this map concept to avoid confusion by similarity.

Basically, you are literally pushed at high speeds through a given course and have to avoid various forms of hinderances to complete them using the WASD keys, duck, and jump. Strafing does not work at all in a Raceway.
Example map of this is kz_sliderace_city

Ideally Raceway maps should be named kz_rw_mapname to keep things clear in the map list.


A Bhop Raceway is the same concept as a Raceway with the exception that you are simply able to strafe and bunnyhopping like normal and are also being pushed to gain high speeds. This Kreedz Climbing discipline became extremely popular in version 1.0 and is still the big hit today!

Strafing is absolutely necessary in this mode of play and the push entity is very low over the ground which means that with each contact you make with the ground, you are being additionally pushed allowing you gain incredible speeds.

Ideally Bhop Raceway maps should be named kz_bhrw_mapname. Be the first to make one!
Dance is a slang-term for any area of a kz map that has an array of platforms that appear and disappear randomly, usually with some warning sign that the change is about to occur.
Navigating a dance area requires both skill and luck, since it's easy to find oneself marooned on a disappearing platform.

The point of a dance is to stay on it as long as you can. The longer your time was on a dance, the better you were. This is the only "discipline" in the game that relies on a higher-time-is-better feature. Sometimes you will also encounter a Dance in the middle of a course, which means you just have to reach the other side as fast as you can to continue as seen on kz_quadrathon.

Obviously, dance-style jumping areas are a particular demon, especially for anyone trying to speedrun a map. You can find a dance in the Triathlon course in kz_quadrathon and there is also a solo map called kz_dance which showcases 4 different difficulties to practice on.
Checkpointer and Nochecker
To "nocheck" a course is to complete it without teleporting to a single set checkpoint. That makes you a No-Checker on that particular course. Accidental set checkpoints do not matter as long as you don't teleport to it. This is the real deal for any player. More skilled players will compete to see who can nocheck a map course in the shortest amount of time.

Those who use checkpoints to complete a map course are called Checkpointers and are either testing something, really want to save each jump, or would like to learn the map first before trying to nocheck it. Many casual Climbers will use them because they don't care for the competetive aspects and just want a relaxing climb.
Elite Status (will soon change)
Elite Status is given to Nocheckers who complete ANY given course with a timer set. Elite status gives you special foot trail sprite effects, along with a Blue name in the Scoreboard and a move to the Elite Group who have their own seperate Chat (default U for team chat)

Generally, the main course in a map will be selected as the "Elite giving" course. This is however not always true and is completely up to the map designer whether he/she gives the Elite status. In mix maps or maps with many mini-maps you may notice that Elite status can be given on multiple or even all courses.
To achieve Elite status on and "Elite giving" course, you must complete it without teleporting to any set checkpoints. You will know you have this when your name in the scoreboard turns blue, you receive a Platinum Medal or Gold Medal or you notice that as you move, a trail of blue "Elite-Sprites" follows you. These Elite-Sprites can be removed by unchecking their option in the Advanced Options menu.

A Medals system change is coming soon and after that update, Elite Status will only say this:

Elite Status is given to Nocheckers who complete any course with a timer set. Elite status gives you special foot trail sprite effects, Elite written in Blue under your overhead name as well as a Blue name in the Scoreboard and a move to the Elite Group/Team who have their own seperate Chat (default U for team chat).
Legbreak and Death Traps
Legbreak is the short term for a special Kreedz Climbing entity called trigger_legbreak. Since there is no way to die in game, we had to create an entity to simulate "death" to support courses with Deathtraps. They work very similar to a trigger_teleport but have special custom messages, can spawn a ragdoll and simply send you back to a specified destination after a short "death animation".

Currently, legbreak entities may or may not remove the climbers checkpoints, depending on the map designers preference. Most legbreak entities are either traps, such as buzzsaws or smashing pillars, or the bottom of a pit below a surf or precarious set of jumps.

Side Note: Legbreak entities do not "kill" players, but simply act as a setback or a 'hospitalization', in keeping with Kreedz Climbing's non-violent premise. If you wish to avoid the "death animation" you can simply press FIRE (+attack1) to respawn immediately.

Mappers also have the option of making respawn instant without any effects, but in this case, other than the cool message this entity offers on legbreak, a trigger_teleport may also be suitable.
Powerups /Pickups
In some maps you will encounter floating icons as you would commonly see in Tag Arena map.
Picking these up will give you special abilities like Boots of Speed or Anti-Gravity for example.

To activate them you have to press 1. If you have a powerup active, you can pick up a second, however, it is impossible to use 2 powerups at once. At specific points these powerups may be suddenly stripped from you, so pay attention to the display at the bottom center of your screen.

A missing powerup display means you either have not yet picked up a powerup or all of your powerups have been used and are expired.
Mix Maps and Minimaps
A Mix is a type of map that has one of the following attributes:
1. It is a map with a single course where the player is required to show prowess in multiple disciplines to reach the end. Any combination of disciplines is possible. Example: a course with surf, bhop, jump, dance, bungee.
2. It is a map with a ton of courses involving a multitude of single courses using different disciplines. They may also have mix courses among those single discipline courses. Kreedz Climbing can technically, but not practically, have 2048 separate timer sets or courses.

A perfect example #2 of this is kz_mix_journeys, which has a bungee course, 2 jump courses, a ladder course, a 2-man course as a mix (flare targets, jump, bungee), a Powerjump course, 2 styles of Bhop Raceways and a Surf course! Finally, the map also has a Mixed course with a small maze, jump, bhop, surf and bungee.

Minimaps are secondary courses along side the main course of the map. The main course is usually named like the map title. Most Kreedz Climbing maps have and should have a few minimaps. More courses in a map help the map stay on a server longer because there is simply more to do. If you are a mapper, we highly suggest not making a single course map.

A map with only one or 2 minimaps along with a main course do not really qualify as a mix. Mix maps should be named like: kz_mix_mapname
Tag Arena Multiplayer
Tag Arena is a Multiplayer Deathmatch style gameplay mode that was introduced in Kreedz Climbing 1.0.
This mode is started automatically by loading specific maps that carry the kztag_mapname tag.
In this mode its "Runners" trying to escape "Seekers" in a Hide and Seek type of gameplay that includes a large amount of special abilites for both sides that can be obtained by moving over a pickup/powerup, which can be found spread out around those maps. The Kreedz Climbing server Toplist keeps statistics of your skills in Tag Arena and can be found by searching the pulldown menus when viewing a specific player or other statistics when viewing the maps themselves.

There are 2 modes of play so far:
Normal: This mode is dynamic. The more players on the server, the more Seekers there are and the main point of the Runners to have far more "untagged time" than the rest of the players. Gain untagged time by simply not getting tagged.

Elimination: An Elimination round begins with 1 Seeker. The rounds are timed and the goal is to tag all players. Any players left untagged win the round. There may be multiple winners.