The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

123 평점
Mammoth Chickens
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2012년 2월 10일 오전 11시 13분
2012년 2월 11일 오전 8시 46분
변경 사항 2개 ( 보기 )

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Mammoth Chickens

This simple mod turns all giants into chicken shepards. It is a silly mod, so if that's not for you then don't even bother. The mod replaces sound effects and animations, but due to the way Skyrim assigns the names, they are still named mammoths.

This mod should leave most wild mammoths intact.

Redditor Frodevil was a genius and suggested that I make this complementary mod that replaces chickens with mini mammoths. Link is here

If anyone is willing to create a simple custom mesh and texture for a giant egg, and a giant feather, let me know. Right now Giant Egg and Giant Chicken Feather are just regular sized

Version 1.1

Added 100 chicken breasts, 100 giant chicken feathers, and 3 giant chicken eggs to the chickens death items. The eggs are worth 200 a piece

Version 1.0

Initial release
댓글 44
HoovSlayer 2017년 3월 11일 오후 6시 36분 
Would Tamriel turn on me if I killed one of these massive cancers?
Senpai_Slime 2015년 4월 2일 오후 4시 15분 
and possibly a chicken chuppacabra-like monster in falmer dungeons?
Senpai_Slime 2015년 4월 2일 오후 4시 13분 
omg someone make a mod that adds like forsworn chicken herders to the game! they would go around with like a dozen chickens and kill ppl. it would go great with this mod, NO WHERE IS SAFE FROM THESE CLUCKERS!!!
scottishmisfit 2015년 1월 20일 오후 10시 06분 
my first thought when i saw the chickens was.....CLUCKY!
sailtheplains 2014년 5월 16일 오후 11시 32분 
Hahahahaha! Thank you. I love the internet and the dark absurdist humor it provides. And I MUST now go and get the mini mammoths.
magiy 2014년 4월 14일 오후 1시 46분 
now all there needs to be in a chicken mammoth mod
kvyotho 2014년 3월 4일 오전 5시 39분 
Kropolis 2013년 8월 29일 오전 5시 44분 
Dragon VS. Giant Chicken!

*Chicken pecks dragons head*

Chicken Wins... FATALITY!
jason_slin 2013년 5월 23일 오후 1시 01분 
LOL ,would love if you could fly on them.
anderfels 2013년 1월 1일 오후 2시 25분 
LOL alexandriev97