Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

46 ratings
King of Jerusalem achievement
By Tokimasa
[EN + FR] One way to get this quick achievement as Cyprus
To complete this achievement, you must form Jerusalem beginning as Cyprus or The knights.
To form Jerusalem, we must be of catholic religion and "own core Jerusalem (379), Nablus (1854) and Gaza (364)".
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I chose to play as Cyprus.

I formed Jerusalem in 1476, but it depends mostly on the moment Charlotte de Lusignan gets on the throne.
NB : we can eventually force the king to abdicate.

I made this achievement with v1.21.1, all dlc activated.


Pour compléter cette prouesse, nous devons former Jerusalem en commencant avec Chypre ou Les Chevaliers (Rhodes).
Pour former Jerusalem, nous devons être de religion catholique et posséder les provinces de Jerusalem, Naablus et Gaza.
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J'ai choisis de commencer avec Chypre.

J'ai formé Jerusalem en 1476, mais cela dépend surtout de la date à laquelle Charlotte de Lusignan monte sur le trône.
NB : on peut éventuellement forcer le roi à abdiquer.

J'ai complété cette prouesse avec la v1.21.1, tous les dlc actifs.

The Plan [EN]
The general idea for this guide is to become vassal of the Mamluks and win the independance war.

1) The first part of the challenge is to prepare ourself for the moment Charlotte de Lusignan will get on the throne.
In 1444, Charlotte is the heiress and just born, so it will take at least 15 years.

During that time :
- i leveled my techs ;
- made some money ;
- increased my stability ;
- converted the island of cyprus to catholicism ;
- improved my relations with the pope ;
- fabricated claims on Gaza and Naablus. Not sure it is necessary, but i supposed it could help me during my independance war ;
- and most important : improved my relations with Ottomans and i kept this one maxed.

From 1459, it can help to begin stocking administrative power.

2) Become vassal of the mamluks.
Soon after Charlotte de Lusignan gets on the throne, there will be an event with several options. One of these options offers to put Jacques de Lusignan on the throne, but we will become vassal of the Mamluks : choose this one.
We will quickly receive a new casus belli : independance.

Now it is time to check who will support our independance. On my two tries, Ottomans were always up. We will of course ask their help as they can easily take the mamluks alone.

From now on, there is one danger which happened to me on my first try : the mamluks forced me to convert sunnit. And this is not good because we can't form Jerusalem in this case. I didn't manage to convert back to catholicism, so i stoped and tried again from beginning.
Just to say that i think we can't wait much after vassalization, to declare war on the mamluks.

3) The war.
Before declaring the war, remember that we will loose 3 stability and begin with war exhaustion.
It can be a good idea to have a stock of admin and diplo powers at that moment.

When ready, declare war on the mamluks, with the ottomans.
I sent my glorious and courageous 7k army to the mainland. The ottomans will of course do more than 90% of the job.

We must be careful on two things :
- keep our army alive
- and we must be sure to be able to take the 3 provinces needed to form Jerusalem at the peace treaty. So during conquest, these provinces must not have ottoman's color.

4) Kingdom of Jerusalem.
At the peace treaty, i took the 3 provinces i needed to form Jerusalem.
I gave one province to the ottomans, but they still broke our alliance. It doesn't matter.

Now we just have to core Gaza, Naablus and Jerusalem and the national decision will be available to form the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
If the mamluk rebels grow too fast, we can increase our stability, increase autonomy of the provinces and use the Harsh treatment option using military power.

Enjoy :)

A quick and not hard achievement.

Le Plan [FR]
L'idée générale de ce guide, est de devenir vassal Mamelouk et de gagner sa guerre d'indépendance.

1) La première partie du défi consiste à se préparer pour le moment où Charlotte de Lusignan montera sur le trône
En 1444, Charlotte est l'héritière et viens juste de naitre, donc cela prendra au moins 15 ans.

Pendant cette période :
- j'ai monté mes technologies ;
- fais un peu d'argent ;
- augmenté ma stabilité ;
- convertie l'ile de Chypre au catholicisme ;
- amélioré mes relations avec le Pape ;
- fabriqué des revendications sur les provinces de Gaza et Naablus. Je ne suis pas certain que ce soit nécéssaire, mais j'ai supposé que cela pourrait m'être utile pendant ma guerre d'indépendance ;
- et le plus important : amélioré ma relation avec les Ottomans et je l'ai conservée à son maximum.

A partir de 1459, il peut être interressant de commencer à stocker des points de puissance administrative.

2) Devenir un vassal mamelouk
Peu de temps après que Charlotte de Lusignan monte sur le trône, il y aura un événement avec plusieurs options. Une de ces options va nous permettre d'installer Jacques de Lusignan sur le trône mais nous deviendrons vassal mamelouk : choisissez cette option.
Nous recevrons rapidement un nouveau casus belli : l'indépendance.

C'est le moment de vérifier qui soutiendra notre indépendance. Sur mes deux essais, les ottomans ont toujours suivi. Nous demanderons bien sûr leur aide. A eux seuls, ils peuvent vaincre les mamelouks.

A partir de maintenant, il faut faire attention à un danger qui m'est arrivé lors de mon premier essai : les mamelouks m'ont forcé à me convertir à la religion sunnite. Ce n'est pas bon pour nous puisque cela nous empêche de pouvoir former Jerusalem. Je n'ai pas réussi à revenir à la religion catholique, et du coup j'ai recommencé la partie du début.
Ceci juste pour prévenir qu'on ne peut pas attendre trop longtemps après notre vassalisation, pour déclarer la guerre aux mamelouks

3) La guerre
Avant de déclarer la guerre, il est bon de se rappeler qu'on va perdre 3 points de stabilité et commencer avec de la lassitude de guerre.
Il peut être utile d'avoir un stock de points de puissance administrative et diplomatique à ce moment.

Dès que prêt, déclarez la guerre aux mamelouks, avec les ottomans.
J'ai envoyé ma glorieuse et courageuse armée de 7k hommes sur le continent. Les ottomans feront bien sûr plus de 90% du travail.

Il faut faire attention à deux points :
- garder son armée en vie ;
- pour le traité de paix, être sûr de pouvoir prendre les trois provinces nécéssaires pour la formation de Jérusalem. Donc, pendant la conquête, ces provinces ne doivent pas avoir la couleur ottomane.

4) Le Royaume de Jérusalem
Au traité de paix, j'ai pris les 3 provinces nécéssaires pour former Jérusalem.
J'ai donné une province aux ottomans, mais ils ont quand même cassé l'alliance. Cela n'a aucune importance.

A partir de là, il ne reste plus qu'à légitimer les provinces de Gaza, Naablus et Jérusalem, et la décision nationale pour former le Royaume de Jérusalem sera disponible.
Si les rebelles mamelouks devaient progresser trop vite, on peut augmenter la stabilité, l'autonomie des provinces et faire de la répression aggressive en dépensant des points de puissance militaire.

Bon amusement :)

Une prouesse rapide à faire et pas difficile.

Tokimasa  [author] Dec 31, 2017 @ 10:34pm 
I think that you should restart. It is a short time achievement.

- Check the rivality between ottomans and mamluks at beginning.
- catholicism : you must be catholic to form Jerusalem. You begin as catholic. Convert the island of cyprus.
- Keep your money ! You need nothing until the war for independance. Destroy your castle ; destroy war ships ; can even destroy some troops ... Keep a positive balance and make money.

Now go at speed 4 or 5 and play the game.
etch Dec 31, 2017 @ 10:09am 
Ah, so I tested this in another save, hitting the bankrupcy button converted me. But when I went back to my old save and tried it I was still orthodox, possibly because it needs the majority to be catholic? But that doesn't make sense either because the majority were sunni... This achievement is screwing me over so hard help!
etch Dec 31, 2017 @ 8:31am 
Now i think about it, what if I tested this by declaring bankrupcy again with my capital as catholic? I'll try in a new game
etch Dec 31, 2017 @ 8:30am 
Thank you for the reply, lucky I got it in the same day! So, here's my situation now: I got an event that turned cypus to cathoic, while my state religion is orthodox and all my other holdings in the mamlucks are sunni! I tried the trick where you put a 0 maintenance missionary in the catholic province but all i could do to accept demands was gain "heretic tolerance" giving me some minor negatives to conversion strength and tolerance of the true faith. No matter what I did I couldn't get them to turn my state religion back to catholic. I heard that half your provinces need to be catholic for it to work, but I'm not sure.

Also I think what turned me to orthodox was going bankrupt during the independence war with the mamluks due to too many loans, maybe this is a 1.24 thing, I'm not experienced enough to know. Also FYI the event took fucking years to trigger, ending me up in massive debt, so maybe that's changed in the current update too...
Tokimasa  [author] Dec 30, 2017 @ 8:32pm 
- You became orthodox ... a "no luck" event ? orthodox rebels ? It may be something new with the 1.24 update.
I converted the island to catholicism while playing the first years (needed 3 stability, i don't remember if a religious was needed too). Note that there is always a risk getting forced by mamluks to become sunnit, but i am surprised you became orthodox.
Only thing i see to lower such a risk to become orthodox is to convert Cyprus to catholocism during the first years.

- Without having a catholic province, i don't see a way to convert back.
Tokimasa  [author] Dec 30, 2017 @ 8:31pm 
During my game, the ottomans joined immediatly. It is important to max and keep maxed the relations with them before Charlotte gets on the throne.

- Now, there are major changes with the ottomans with the 1.24 update. They have a slower start. This may be a reason that it can take more time until they join our will for independance. The quicker they have a border with mamluks, the easier it will be to have them with us.
Be sure the ottomans put the mamluks as rival at beginning. It may be a reason too.

etch Dec 30, 2017 @ 11:31am 
Ok, thanks for the guide. But I eventually got all the provinces after going bankrupt since I had to wait so long for the ottomans to want to join my independence treaty and when I got them I became orthodox and couldn't use the decision to form Jerusalem.... Any easy way to flip back without catholic provinces, or should I just restart? And do you know what could have caused this so I don't fuck up again?
Tokimasa  [author] Jul 9, 2017 @ 9:36pm 
Nice. Congrats Bladerunner ! :)
Bladerunner Jul 9, 2017 @ 7:17pm 
very good guide helped me get achievement :steamhappy:
BeKnown Jun 24, 2017 @ 8:24am 
Cyprus > Knights anyone?