Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game

182 คะแนน
Classes & Perks
โดย Panabas
Instructions with characters and perk selection to support a certain class. Don't hesitate to connect to our horror Discord at:
Characters: Brandon 'Buggzy' Wilson, Adam Polomino

Team Role: These characters serve as defence for other characters during critical objectives or as a means to aggressively distract Jason in a confrontation. Furthermore, they are essential to remove Jason's mask with damage - pivotal for slaying Jason. These characters typically have strength as their central trait to enhance damage output, stunning potential and depletion of stamina during combat.

Perks: Slugger, Thrasher, Sucker Punch, Man At Arms, Heavy Hitter, Friendship, Swift Attacker, Evasion and Thick Skinned.

Builds: You may be a tanker (thick-skinned) who's specialised in stunning (Slugger, Sucker Punch) or damage (Thrasher). Alternatively, a purely aggressive build is viable, starting with a baseball bat (Slugger) or possessing higher weapon durability (Man At Arms) for protracted combat. You may also specialise in being competent in combat mode with Swift Attacker and Evasion.
Characters: Deborah Kim, Eric 'J. R.' Lachappa, Mitch Floyd

Team Role: These characters are able to accomplish objectives efficiently as possible, revolving around Repair/Intelligence, and also utilize vehicles competently. They are fundamental for a smooth mission and are highly vulnerable to require either distractions in their interest or active protection.

Perks: Grease Monkey, Tinker, Lead Foot, My Dad's A Cop, Motorboating and Speed Demon.

Builds: You have perks to increase objective time (My Dad's A Cop) or start/control vehicles for a better position (Motorboating, Lead Foot, Speed Demon, Grease Monkey) - no objective/asset is a challenge for you to either complete or control. Repair is never an issue, Jason close or not - Tinker offering increased performance for a mere few seconds being adequate to complete repairs.
Characters: Vanessa Jones, Chad Kensington

Team Role: These are loud characters - specialised in either luck or stamina - who're competent at sprinting speed for escaping to effectively explore rapidly and also divert Jason's attention from objectives being accomplished. They will tease, mock and evade Jason with an expertise in manoveuring and provide teammates invaluable time to either seek objectives or complete them. This is a dangerous, indepndent role and all other characters are advised to ensure distance from their activities.

Perks: Restful, Spatial Awareness, Marathon, Adrenaline Rush, Scout and Heavy Mover.

Builds: Perks benefit stamina regeneration (Restful) and momentum (Marathon) for higher stamina without stumbling (Spatial Awareness) whilst increasing loudness. As Jason's regularly fixated on you, Adrenaline Rush complements ever being apprehended with a boost to your central abiltiy to escape - speed with stamina. Scout and Heavy Mover sustain fast, temporary fortification for breaks and to keep Jason occupied. You may alternate these two into a 'Fighter' classas as a hybrid - luck (durability) and stamina/speed (juking) benefits combat impressively.
Characters: A.J. Mason, Tiffany Cox

Team Role: These characters specialise in stealth and moderate stamina to scout objectives or track Jason's position for teammates. They are calm obsevers and have impeccable protection from Jason's sense - they're able to take advantage of their invisible status to either retrieve Jason's mums sweater, ascertain locations for objectives in coordination with Distractors or collect critical items at an ideal opportunity. These characters often operate solo.

Perks: Home Body, Low Profile, Level Headed, Quiet Swimmer, Night Owl and Lone Wolf.

Builds: You specialise in being covert (Home Body, Level Headed, Low Profile, Quiet Swimmer) with composure for less noise (Night Owl, Lone Wolf) whilst alone, avoiding Jason's Sense from either fear or noise, to have abundant opportunities for infiltration or observation.
Characters: Jenny Myers, Kenny Riedell, Fox

Team Role: These characters are relatively versatile to be adaptive with any situation unfolding and provide active support to main roles with a considerable composure to not become disabled - tools to divert Jason's attention for a break, healing items to recover allies and buffs to increase their performance. They may also provide additional support to those fulfilling objectives.

Perks: Medic. Hypocondriac, Teamwork, Friendship, Firecracker, Nerves of Steel, Preparedness, Tinker, My Dad's A Cop and Potent Ranger.

Builds: You may be supportive of combat with a combination of perks to boost local stats (Teamwork, Friendship), including Firecracker to have an immediate item for a diversion, or focus on increasing time with an objective (My Dad's A Cop) for that to be accomplished sooner as an increment to those focusing on repairs. Furthermore, there are options to be a medic - caring for teammates' health - with double healing, increased healing and a medical item at the start (Hypocondriac, Medic) or a navigator (Nerves of Steel, Preparedness) who's able to direct people as necessary over the map with an extensive knowledge of locations/spawns. As a contingency, Potent Ranger will provide you the chance to return as Tommy and fulfil any role with bonuses.
Neutralising Target Jason
Your whole team of 7 should set their spawn preference to 'Counselor' and prepare to confront a stranger as Jason. There are three prerequisite conditions for this objective with the addition of a coordinated team:

1 - A female counselor has the sweater alongside a stunning weapon,
2 - Tommy is called, controlled and has a machete or axe,
3 - Jason's mask is removed.

To effectively kill Jason, I recommend two female Scouts, three Fighters, 1 Tinkerer and 1 Support - scaled or balanced at the leader's discretion. The purpose of each role as followed:

A/Fighters - Remove Jason's mask with damage-based weapons and perks,
B/Tinkerer - Complete other objectives/activities as a diversion and contingency,
C/Scouts - Locate Jason's cabin, acquire the sweater, organise items/weapons and regroup with Tommy,
D/Support - Heal teammates, boost damage output and navigate direction.

Immediately, the whole team should begin searching different regions to call Tommy as a priority. Afterwards, a Scout should covertly ascertain Jason's cabin location as other teammates fulfill their role. Once Jason's mask is removed via Fighters and two deaths have been accepted for Tommy's selection to be triggered, it should be time for all to regroup for killing Jason. I recommend the designated Sweater-User to not approach Jason's mum's sweater, which notifies Jason, until Tommy's arrived and Jason's mask is removed to: 1) Reduce interval for her to be killed to have all a failure, 2) Allow all team to be available/organised to support retrieval, 3) Immediately proceed to subsequent phases.

Penknives should be dropped for Tommy and the Sweater-User - two indispensable roles - whilst they remain adjacent to be positioned well. Tommy should be equipped with a melee weapon and also the female sweater-user - all other roles prepared equally to perform crowd contron on Jason as necessary. You have a single chance for the following process and Tommy/SU are advised to be the only active, involved roles in front of Jason, close:

1 - The Sweater-User activates their sweater to entice Jason,
2 - A single, decisive stun is enacted afterwards from the SU/Tommy to streamline the practice to two (or a third nominated individual) to disable Jason onto his knees,
3 - Tommy rapidly approaches Jason and interacts to finish Jason with a damage weapon.

You have one opportunity without error, coordination must be flawless for each sequence and positions/roles must be firm without interference. It's time for a contingency when any critical elements fail - activating the sweater, stunning mishap or Tommy/SU die.

Note: Jason's mask affords the opportunity to enter Jason's cabin without him receiving any alert.
53 ความเห็น
ThatDesolateMess 20 ก.ค. 2023 @ 6: 50pm 
This is really good but I'd put fox into fighters because her kit is definitely built around a hit and run play style
GREENIE 16 ส.ค. 2022 @ 2: 10am 
A.J. Mason is also a good fixer
bladee glazer 30 ต.ค. 2021 @ 4: 04am 
Dustylo 9 มี.ค. 2020 @ 12: 12pm 
Fuji 31 ต.ค. 2019 @ 4: 40pm 
UHHHAAA, Great!!
KimRaven 20 มี.ค. 2019 @ 4: 57am 
I also shared it,, as this is great for new comers i wish this had been around when i started hahahhah maybe i would still not be a noob at level 150 :steammocking:
KimRaven 20 มี.ค. 2019 @ 4: 54am 
I have to say LimeyPolo, you have made a great group here,, with great advice,,, but reading it i find it a shame,, that some had to be so dam rude,, with they bitchy comments,, and the person doing it knows who it is,, so I don't need to say your name,, Your doing a great job keep up the great work babes xx :cozybrawlhalla1:
BACON 31 พ.ค. 2018 @ 5: 25am 
I think Victoria should be a disractor since she has high Luck and she has a lot stamina
himbo enthusiast 4 พ.ค. 2018 @ 10: 42am 
If you've seen Melissa stats, what class do you think she would be in??
himbo enthusiast 8 ก.พ. 2018 @ 5: 30am 
I think Shelly would be a Support character tbh because he almost has the same stats as Fox