The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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[Portal Spell]Letter From GLaDOS 2.0
70.710 KB
2012 年 9 月 3 日 下午 8:17
2012 年 9 月 23 日 上午 1:23
9 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

[Portal Spell]Letter From GLaDOS 2.0

#Setup the Turregnus System!!!(Turret+Magnus)
#Meet your new partner "Weight Companion Cube"!
#Newly "Borrowed from Skyrim" items/animations/dialogboxes!!!
#And a letter from GLaDOS, of course, but from GLaDOS 2.0!

The description is edited for a better understanding of this plugin.

[Pre-CAUTION!!! Few instant fun here! Patience needed!]
I'd say this is not the popular Instant-fun or Looks-better kind of plugin. This plugin is a mix of Portal-like-magic, Clue-finding, and part-Collecting. The fun is more but comes slower, patience is needed.
Please check the description and the last four picture before or after having trouble finding something!
Pre-Caution end. Let's go on and see what this plugin got!

[FAQ! Important! Player Beware! Tips for the fun!]
The 2.0 letter is placed in Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn , as always. And I put the spell In ALTERATION class .
How do I get ALL Three Spells? Unlock them at a Turregnus!
Wait, there aren't any Turre...whateverthing, only a piece of paper on that Stone Base, at the corner if the Inn...
READ THE PAPER and find out what happen to Turregnus! Ang get it back, of course!

Look what I've done in 2.0:
>Companion Cube Added! An important partner(to be throw away)
>Setup the Turregnus piece by piece, no kidding!
>Choose which TYPE of Portal you wanted to use:
Short Duration low cost...
Middle Duration mid cost?
Forever, Portal further and high cost, of course!
>Switch between three types at the Turregnus System!
>A Short-trip-across-map to get Turregnus set, equip your Portal, I suggest.

If you want to know more:
>Well... It seems unable to portal some enemys across the map and beat them with your "friends" in town
>No object, animations or something else is left on the map, after lots of travels(As far as I know, so this plugin is clean and safe)
>The "Unlimited Falling" in Portal can be performed... But each fall counts(HAS DAMAGE-First on the ground, then portaled)
>In the 1st Person View, you will not experience "The Falling(to Death if high enough)"
>About the FPS... Short trip-no(I can't feel); Mid trip-A little; Long trip-Loading Screen XD
>If you have a Creation Kit and want to check how this work, just unpack the .bsa file, every thing including the source file of the script is inside

Special thank to @Jaxonz and his "Jaxonz Blink Teleport Spell", a great example for "Teleportion Spells". This is why I started to learn the P-script(Papyrus).
@Major Marris and @Aplestormy , thank both of you for the great video! I've added it up!
[What? Someone in Nexus made a portal too... Well... sadly his portal looks more advanced: search Portal by Alex Ducey... Anyway, I think that makes mine more Skyrim, mine is not bad, after all(Now with Turregnus!)]

[Some Advice]
>Read All The Letters or Notes or Books, there are CLUEs inside.
>If something goes wrong (fat chance!) , try: Unload plugin--Enter & save--Load plugin & load
>To All who had the "Letter missing in Solitude Problem",I comes up with a ''better way'' to solve this!
__>1. Open console with "~"
__>2. Left Click that Wardrobe (should see its id displayed)
__>3. Type "disable", then it disappeared!!!
__>4. Find if the letter is inside
__>5. Read the Letter but don't exit the read mode
__>6. Type "enable" to get things back to normal
PS. If you do step 6 before 5, the plate and apples will fall on the ground

UPDATE 1.01 "Horse Problem" Solved
UPDATE 2.0 Turregnus, Companion Cube, Letters&Books added
UPDATE 2.01 More Hints added in Letters&Books
UPDATE 2.02 You can't move the Letters&Books now, fight freely
UPDATE 2.03 Keep User Guide until get F-Portal; unchecked "Respawn"(If it matters)

Well, if you prefer a Nexus version:
WalkThrough can be found @ --> Files --> [WalkThrough] or [WalkThrough -- Mini Picture]
156 条留言
Blackcat132342 2020 年 1 月 15 日 下午 7:39 
It's not in the corner of the inn. Its between the two rooms. -.- hint for anyone who wants this MOD: the pictures give context that the description is lacking.
GeneralKerbalmaster911 2017 年 12 月 19 日 下午 4:18 
:3 where is the Turrogus console after you assemble it... i dont have anything but still alive in my invintory
Klabauter 2017 年 9 月 25 日 上午 5:50 
I had the first version of this mod and I liked it. Now I try to get the spells back, after a long time not playing, but the Letter of Thonar is not there, where it should be. Can anyone give me the Item-ID, so I can spawn it?
Blazing Worm 2016 年 8 月 25 日 下午 2:24 
can you make version of this mod that has only the two portal spell? i don't need any of the other things. please i would be so GLaD
RavenOfMirrah 2016 年 6 月 23 日 下午 3:26 
Which standing stone is the first one near????? I searched the area around all of them and the stupid fork isn't there! Please help!
Freeasabird🕊 2016 年 6 月 2 日 上午 7:31 
Could you show the Spells ID? i don't really want to Faff about with The rest of it i just want a portal spell. :/
Grape 2016 年 3 月 25 日 下午 5:51 
What are the spell IDs? They corrupted my Magic Menu.
Asenath 2016 年 1 月 24 日 下午 12:02 
thats one funn/good ay to kill an enemie lol
Voglir 2015 年 7 月 3 日 上午 10:46 
Should make dungeon crawling a lot easier
Kherao 2015 年 5 月 9 日 下午 5:02 
ineed help with #2 and #3