Immortal Redneck

Immortal Redneck

109 ratings
Quick & dirty Achievement guide
By Torus
A quick guide to the achievements for Immortal Redneck.
Now with updates on Insane achievement, based on what I did to earn it (yay!).
And final updates on "That monster had family" now that I've finally killed 25k minions...

Now updated for version 1.2.

August 19 2017: updated with feedback from 19Yeti94 (see comments).
October 16 2017: updated with feedback from whoisbatman
Any comments, or further tips are welcome!
Beating the game normally
These you'll get by playing and completing the game normally:

Beginner - Reach the second floor of the pyramid
Pharaoh - Defeat Pharaoh
Weryt - Defeat Weryt
Maaty - Defeat Maaty
Temsep - Defeat Temsep
Asyut - Defeat Asyut
Fayoum - Defeat Fayoum
It's a conspiracy - Beat the game

- "Beat the game" means "Complete pyramid 3". You'll need to beat the other pyramids at least once to open it up, but for any other achievement that starts with "beat the game" you only need to clear the last one.
- For hints on beating the bosses, see my quick & dirty boss guide ( Or use a better guide if you can find one.

Skill-tree related achievements
The following achievements are all obtained by throwing gold at the skill tree until you run out of things to buy.

Suy - The Merchant is open for business
Apis - Obtain Apis' Favor
Seth - Obtain Seth's Favor
Sekhmet - Obtain Sekhmet's Favor
Neith - Obtain Neith's Favor
Amunet - Obtain Amunet's Favor
Ammit - Obtain Ammit's Favor
Hathor - Obtain Hathor's Favor
Thoth - Obtain Thoth's Favor
Full power - Buy every Skill Tree node
It's raining money - Spend 100,000 coins on the Skill Tree
Compulsive buyer - Buy every level of each Skill Tree node

- Basically, prioritize as you see fit, and feel free to skip Favors that you don't like until you're pushing for the Compusive buyer.
- If you're going for the Insane achievement, you'll want to be more careful in how you spend your cash on the tree. More on that in the section on that particular achievement.
Miscellaneous easy stuff
No way out - Nice try but sorry, you're trapped in here
On the hub level, put your back to the pyramids and walk into the desert until the achievement pops up. See if you can find the dune buggy from the intro while you're at it.

Scroll master - Get 10 scrolls in a game
- It doesn't take much luck to see 10+ scrolls drop in a game, if you go for a full clear of a pyramid.
- For a head start, unlock the merchant. Starting with version 1.2, you can now buy multiple scrolls from him (regular and golden/guaranteed good ones) before starting a run, and those count toward the 10.
(Price of the scrolls increases based on gold spent on skill tree, and based on number of scrolls bought from merchant)

That monster had a family - Kill 25,000 minions (used to be 50,000)
- Play enough, grind enough and you're guaranteed to get it eventually. Even if you are hunting for other achievements, chances are high you'll finish this last. 25000 kills is a lot of runs to complete: When the average pyramid will net you between 450 and 500 minions per run, if you clear all rooms.
- If you want to finish this the fastest way possible, keep doing full clears of pyramid 1 - you'll get relatively more rooms with the hordes of frogs, snakeguys and flying skulls which should help push the counter along. And there's the somewhat obvious point that monsters in pyramid 1 are at their weakest, so killing goes faster.

Getting used to it - Die 50 times
- You'll probably get this automatically if you're going grind the 25k monster kills and/or the gold to max out the skill tree. Or if you're like me, and you need plenty of practice before beating the game. I've had plenty of botched runs before I got the hang of the game.

Pro skills - Complete a Skill Room
- Skill rooms are any room that lists a specific objective at the top of the screen. (Time trial, pacifist, don't get hurt or just reach the chest.) First time you complete the objective and open the chest gives the achievement. Some skill rooms are easier than others, but you should be able to get this fairly early.
- A "Trap Disarmer" scroll makes a large number of the challenge rooms absolutely trivial anyway.
- Note that some skill rooms have more than 1 chest, the room counts as complete when you open *all* of them.

Greedy gods - Pay 5,000 coins or more as a tribute
- Starting with version 1.2, chances of getting this automatically simply because you can't spend gold are lower. (Since you can now sink more gold into scrolls). Still easy to get though: Eventually you'll get enough gold easily enough, just don't buy too many skill upgrades & scrolls so you have 5000+ left when you enter a pyramid.

Lucky you - Get a health steak from a vessel
- Requires getting a "Lucky Vessels" scroll during a run. If you have that, break every vessel you see until one drops a steak.
Starting with 1.2, vessels no longer drop steaks. They drop chicken legs instead (= less powerful healing item). I assume, but cannot verify, that the achievement was adjusted accordingly.

Why? - Kill a chicken
- Requires getting a "Metamorphosis" scroll during a run. When the scroll effect triggers and turns an enemy into a chicken, shoot the chicken until it dies. The poor cute and harmless chicken. You monster.

Completionist - Find every scroll
- A matter of luck more than anything else: just keep collecting scrolls good and bad and it'll pop eventually.
- Again, splashing cash on the merchant for extra scrolls gives extra chances to get the last few.

Heavy load - Equip all the weapons
Nostalgia - Find the Crowbar, the Rocket Launcher and the Explosive Bow
- Requires reaching pyramid 3 (to unlock the other weapons). May require unlocking all favors to unlock weapons tied to those - I'm not certain on that.
- The first time you play with a new favor, cycle through all the weapons you get.
- The rest is a matter of luck, and picking up every weapon you see at least once. (You can immediately pick up the previous weapon again if you prefer that one.)
- Getting and using the Cursed Medallion equips you with a new weapon every room. That helps for this achievement too, but be aware that there are weapons the medallion won't give.

Déjà Vu - Use Déjà Vu to keep the layout of a pyramid
- Once you've unlocked Suy the merchant, he sells the scroll for 10 gold.
- Keep in mind that locking down a pyramid's layout can be very useful for the "Easy peasy lemon squeezy" and "Sudden death" achievements - for both of those it helps if you know the shortest way to the next floor beforehand.
Miscellaneous trickier stuff
Da Vinci - Unlock and buy every medallion
Handyman - Find your first blueprint
- This requires unlocking Suy the merchant, as he sells and manages the medallions.(And blueprints don't seem to drop at all until you unlock him)
- Buying he medallions is a matter of getting enough gold; unlocking them is the trickier part:
-- Pharaoh, Maati and Asyut blueprints drop from the respective bosses. Activating a boss medallion and running the matching pyramid will then start you off on the 4th floor instead of the 1st. (So you skip the halfway boss.)
-- The other medallions drop 2 per pyramid: Chosen One & Abundance -> pyramid 1, Artillery & mobility -> pyramid 2. Cursed & Plague -> pyramid 3

Saving ammo - Kill 7 enemies with a single explosion
- Recommended favor: Redneck, Apis, Hathor and Amunet all start off with a splash damage weapon, which you'll need to get this achievement.
- Pyramid 1 has the most rooms with larger groups of snake guys or frogs. On the higher floors it shouldn't be hard to find a room that groups 7 or more of these together ready to be exploded.
- As plan B, you can also find a room with a Coffin enemy and kite things around until that spawned enough baby mummies.

Scrooge McDuck - Get more than 50,000 coins in a game
- To get this in a reliable way, max out the More Gold and Gold Rush nodes in the skill tree. Then run Pyramid 3 with Hathor (+upgraded favor), going for a full clear from 1st floor. You should get enough gold for this achievement by the time you reach floor 5, especially on a chest-rich run. (Speaking of chests, in most of the challenge rooms you can avoid the hazards with the grappling hook.) Get and use Abundance medallion if you really want to max out gold earned.

Every last inch - Complete a pyramid exploring all of its rooms
- You'll want to try for this anyway when playing with Sekhmet favor, to get the most out of the passive ability (health boost per new room visited).
- Do NOT use a boss medallion. Skipping floors is skipping rooms, which stops you from getting this achievement.
- The Elevator scroll will also make you skip a floor, so that'll also stop you from getting this achievement on a given run.
- Completing any of the 3 pyramids works

No help - Complete a pyramid without taking scrolls or weapons
- Do NOT buy scrolls from the merchant as those will stop you from getting the achievement
- Make sure you have the "automatically pick up scrolls" and "automatically pick up weapons" options disabled in the game's settings, so you don't pick anything up by accident.
- Completing any of the 3 pyramids works
- I don't know if using a boss medallion to skip half the pyramid interferes with this achievement.

Quadruple jump - Acquire four jumps in a game
- The guaranteed way to get this is to get the extra jump from the skill tree, the Toth favor, and the Mobility medallion.
- Equipping the medallion is enough, you can switch it out for another before starting a pyramid.
- Since 1.2, you can also switch to another favor at the sarcophagus in the hub if you don't like playing with Toth.
- Otherwise, you'll need to get lucky with the scroll that gives extra jumps.
- Using Apis favor will stop you from getting this, because he limits you to a single jump.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy - Defeat Pharaoh in under 15 minutes from when you enter the pyramid
- I recommend using Toth favor for this. The extra jump, natural high speed and teleport ability all help navigate the pyramid faster.
- Having the damage, critical hit and critical damage nodes in the skill tree maxed out for maximum killing speed is also a big help.
- Take note of the floor plan, especially if floor 1 has an exit relatively close to the entrance. If you luck out on short routes, you can use the Deja-vu scroll for a second attempt.

The Gods are nice - Beat the game using all the favors of the Gods
- You only need to beat Fayoum to count as "beating the game", so if you're pushing for this achievement I'd recommend using the Asyut medallion for all favors (except Sekhmet), unless you really want to maximize your chance at getting a favorite weapon.
- Starting with version 1.2, and chances to class/favor selection this should be a bit easier to get:
-- The game keeps track of which favors you've completed the game with. Those favors will have a blue flame icon above the portrait.
-- Free favor selection means there really is no luck involved anymore in getting the favors you still need to complete the game with - just buy them from the skill tree. (The Reroll node from the skill tree was also replaced with a free weapon drop, since it's now obsolete)
-- Save the favors you dislike for last - the ones that you don't use often now get stat boosts, so you might as well profit from those.
One weapon only
One weapon only - Beat the game with the Cursed Medallion
- "Beat the game" means "Complete pyramid 3".
- Blueprints for the medallion drop from chests in pyramid 3.
- Recommended favor to use is Neith or Seth. Their active abilities give you something to fall back on if the Medallion gives you a bad weapon.
- Other than that, play well and hope you get lucky with the weapons you get. This really is easier or harder depending on the luck of the draw.
Sudden death
Sudden death - Beat the game with the Plague Medallion
(Quite possibly the hardest achievement in the game)

- Blueprints for the medallion drop from chest in pyramid 3.

In general:
- Avoid scrolls, except the good scroll you can buy from Suy (unless you luck out and get "No Thanks" as a good scroll of ourse). Most of the positive scrolls boost your offense or defense - these all become worthless when every hit is an instakill. Same goes for scrolls that trigger when you take damage etc. And a lot of bad scrolls really aren't worth the risk, since they'll only add more ways to instakill yourself. (Nitro Vessels, The AIR is lava etc.may be survivable in regular play, but not here)
- Don't bother clearing whole floors, and avoid challenge rooms. The fewer rooms you need to clear, the fewer chances you have to slip up and die.

- Plan A: Use Seth favor + upgrade.
-- The boosted electric ball ability will wipe out the smaller rooms in one go, and with careful positioning and timing will also clear most of the bigger rooms. So set that off early, and make sure it's recharged between rooms.
-- The chaining effect from the Tesla Coil pistol can be a big help if there's packs of late spawns.
-- Do be weary of the few enemies that can become temporarily invulnerable, as well as the balls that explode in a salvo of spikes.
-- On Asyut, use the energy ball to wreck all 3 shield generators at once, and the tunnel trap he pulls up after will keep you safe from the laser disco ball enemies long enough to shoot him again.
-- On Fayoum it can take out a volley of homing projectiles; that'll save you if he opens up with hiding behind a pillar where you can't get a clear shot.

- Plan B: Use Amunet favor + upgrade.
-- Even though everything else dies in one hit, the ninja log dummy from the active ability doesn't. In addition, enemies often keep attacking the dummy even after your invisibility wears off. So dropping that at the start of a room, and then quickly thinning out enemies while they're attacking the wrong target is a solid strategy.
-- Machine gun becomes a better weapon than Kunai on the short-to-mid range, thanks to higher rate of fire. Kunai still are useful for long range though, because they're more accurate.
-- On Asyut, don't drop the decoy ability until *after* you take out the first shield generator. The temporary invisibility should cover you long enough to take out the other 2.
-- On Fayoum, ninja log will attract his homing shots, so again you have an answer when he opens up with the wrong attack.

(Note on plan B: I must confess that I've not been able to get past floor 5 with Amunet yet on a Sudden Death run. Plan A is how I got the achievement myself, after multiple attempts.)

- Plan C: Use Apis favor + upgrade.
(As suggested by 19Yeti94.
Reason why I didn't consider this earlier, is because I really don't like playing as Apis. I like my double-jumps :) )

-- Let your invincibility secondary skill recharge before entering a new room. Then when most enemies have spawned, pop it and kill as much as you can with the minigun or grenade launcher (if enemies are grouped together) or the Uzi. Uzi's also good for picking off remaining enemies.
-- Of course, if you can take out a few enemies before using the shield, you should do so. The shield is really there to let you clean up the bulk of the room safely. Or in rooms where enemies are scattered more, to help out with tricky situations.
-- I'd swap out the Rusty Revolver for another weapon at earliest chance. It's high damage makes no difference when everything dies in one hit, and it's poor accuracy is a liability here.
-- On Asyut, fully upgraded shield should give you enough time to take out his shield generators
-- Oh Fayoum, yet again use your special if he opens up with the wrong homing shots attack.
Insane - Beat the game with 20 lives or less
(The other candidate for hardest achievement in the game)

- Important to remember: The 20 lives count per profile, and you can switch profiles by pressing Esc on the title screen. So you can practice all you want, and then switch to a new profile to try for this achievement.
- Stepping into the ray of light at the end of a pyramid does count as a death (or at least it will, starting with version 1.2). However, the achievement will pop immediately after killing Fayoum. This does mean that killing Weryt and Temsep will cost you 2 out of 20 lives.

- Do note down somewhere how often you've died for a given profile - the game doens't track this.

- If you're running for this, keep an eye out for how you spend your gold. In particular: Don't bother unlocking favors and medallions you don't prefer. That's just wasting cash. (When I got the achievement using speedrun approach, I just went all Redneck all the time ignoring the other favors.)
- I'd recommend against using the boss medallions; you want to maximize gold income per run so you can maximize your skill upgrades regardless of approach used.

Conservative/speedrun approach
The idea here is to push through the game as hard as you can, with limited upgrades. However, which upgrades you do buy still makes a big difference.

-- Focus on getting the defensive and offensive stats from the tree trunk. However, ignore critical damage increase unless you manage to get critical chance up to 20% or more, otherwise it's poor return on investment.
-- If you've got gold left to spend, go for the healing from meat increase first, increased ammo gains next.
-- I would recommend branching out to get the extra jump (requires some investment in more health from drops) and at least 2 out of 4 extra movement speed though. Extra mobility means much better chance of survival.
-- Investing in gold increase is worth it if you've got gold left to spend. But ignore getting the extra bonus from chests - it may look good for the long run, but it's really expensive and getting the investment back means you lose the immediate gains you could have for main stats..

- Do unlock the Merchant's to gain access to the golden scroll (start with a guaranteed good one), and giving access to the Chosen One medallion from pyramid 1 (extra offense & defense bonus) the Abundance medallion. Abundance medallion probably requires an extra run of Pyramid 1 to get the plans (Chosen One blueprints probably drop first), but the bonus is not to be underestimated - especially not since the extra gold gains means upgrading much faster.

Gold farm approach
(As suggested by 19Yeti94)
The idea here is that by maximizing income early on, in the mid-game you have a lot more cash to spend upgrading, and you can get much higher stats before running out of your 20 attempts.

- Basically, when buying skill upgrades, unlock the Merchant ASAP, then go for minimums to unlock the gold gain upgrade. Get enough ranks in that to unlock Hathor, then buy that and start using it. The extra gold gained from her passive is too good to pass up here.
- From there, buy upgrade for Hathor ASAP, otherwise try to spend cash on more gold gain skill first, other skills after that. Do invest in other skills sooner if you feel Hathor is too slow/too fragile though.
- Like speedrun approach above, you'll want to use Abundance medallion from the merchant. It's even more important here, as you're really looking for maximum profit. This is also why I said unlock the merchant ASAP -> the bluieprints don't start dropping until you do.
(And keep in mind Hathor's grappling hook can help you get to the coins quicker; helps to offset the medallion's faster despawning of loot.)
- Here you will want to get the gold from chests as well when you can afford it. And then make chest hunting a priority in addition to just clearing whole floors.
-- A number of chests are found in hidden passages in regular rooms. These aren't marked on the map
-- A lot of the bonus rooms that appear to have only 1 chest also have more in hidden passages/areas.
-- Another good reason to play Hathor -> the grappling hook in many cases allows bypassing the hazards to get to the chests.
- If after completing a pyramid feel you're ready for the next one stat-wise, it's better to re-do the last one. That will get you more money more reliably, and the stats you want/need.
- Finally, again the downside of playing Hathor is that she has fairly low base stats. With that in mind, consider switching back to the higher-powered favors (like the basic Redneck) when you get your upgrade tree filled out far enough for your liking.

Around run 15 or so, you should be able to have the main damage & defense stats up high enough to beat the game easily enough. Including crit damage, since you should be able to get crit chance up far enough to make that worthwhile.
Pretentieux Jul 30, 2023 @ 11:57am 
I'm so bad at the first pyramid boss. It ruins my chances!
JustinceYalen Jun 3, 2023 @ 12:09pm 
Late for the party too but for the No Help achievement, you can use the Medallions and still get the achievements
JustinceYalen Jun 3, 2023 @ 7:33am 
To iwansquall

thank you!
iwansquall May 19, 2023 @ 6:44am 
after mind boggling grind and pain staking setup, i have couple of save file that hopefully can help people to tackle those annoying achievement.

it can be found at link below, refer to read me inside the zip

*I still highly recommend people to play the game normally though, at least until you beat the third pyramid
iwansquall May 17, 2023 @ 4:26am 
kinda late to party, im trying to 100% this game now

just want to confirm that if you ran out of ammo, you can throw your weapon to kill enemy and pick it back up, wont prevent you from getting "no help" achievement
Pretentieux Apr 13, 2023 @ 5:45pm 
Thanks for this guide! I'm just about to start a new game and embark on this journey. I need to play through a few times on my old full save to refamiliarize myself first.
Kris Jan 5, 2022 @ 10:57am 
fyi for any cursed medallion gamers, the randomising stops you from getting the "No Help" achievement
Elford Dec 15, 2021 @ 8:37am 
last achievements are really insane
Ninjamantis Feb 13, 2021 @ 11:13pm 
Confirming, using medallion on no help does work, also FUCK THE 20 DEATH ACHIEVEMENT, haven't even tried it yet but i can preemptively say that
Werenix May 31, 2020 @ 5:45pm 
i'm so fking pissed to have just read that finishing a pyramid counts as a "death", that's bull****!!!