

590 ratings
How to Get Your Own Custom Achievement [PATCHED]
By ElitɘtѳN and 1 collaborators
This guide explains to you how you can get a custom achievement onto a Steam game for you to display in your achievement showcase.
This guide explains to you how you can get a custom achievement into a Steam game for you to display in your achievement showcase.

Only the developer of a Steam game can add achievements to their game. Luckily for you, there is a very nice developer that will add your custom achievement to his games. Simply comment in this thread (or one of his other threads).

All threads
Your comment must include:
Achivement Image (link)
Achievement Name (text)
Achievement Description (text)
Name: Template
Description: The Link^ Can be Used as a Template

Note: You are only eligible for 1 custom achievement per game. Don´t be greedy and bother the developer with this. It is already very generous of him to give you one. Comment in his other threads, if you want more than one.

The developer will check the threads on a regular basis and add your achievement if it meets the above mentioned requirements. The achievements of the game will be updated once every few days. Please be patient as he cannot update it every time someone wants it added. He has other things to do.

You need to own the game to unlock your custom achievement. It is very easy to do so, just play around in the game for around 30 minutes and you should have unlocked it. If that is still too slow for you, you can check out this guide out for the fastest results for Dinosaur Hunt.

To display your custom achievement on your profile, you need to be at least level 10. Click edit profile and chose your achievement showcase. Find your achievement and you can showcase it for your profile.

Closing Remarks
I would like to thank for giving this opportunity to everyone. It is very nice and generous of him to do this. If you support this, please consider leaving a review for his games.

Thanks for reading this guide, I hope it was helpful. If you have any questions, post them down below in the comment section.
Zarkitek Jun 4 @ 11:49am 
Is there a way to hide the numbers of achievements obtained, games completed and the percentage of achievements in the achievements showcase?
♥♥ RainbowFurry ♥♥🌈 Feb 7, 2023 @ 12:26am 
Achievement Image:
Achievement: Nugi&Bengy
Achievement Description: Nugi&Bengy
B A N D Z Jan 29, 2023 @ 1:26am 
Achievement Image:
Achievement: Jihyoshi
Achievement Description: Jihyo
P l u t o Dec 1, 2020 @ 8:58pm 
GM|Y@Quake Nov 26, 2020 @ 1:32am 
Is this still active?
Haw1K Jul 27, 2020 @ 8:39am 
Achievement image :
Achievement Name:Princess Haw1k
Achievement Description :❤️
z3shy Jul 19, 2020 @ 10:11pm 
Hình ảnh thành tích:
Thành tích: roseBP
Thành tích Mô tả: loverose
triY Jul 8, 2020 @ 4:41am 
Achievement image :
Achievement : triY
Achievement Description : triY
Equinox Apr 10, 2020 @ 8:29am 
Achievement image :
Achievement : E Q U I N O X
Achievement Description : EquinoxBH
Fredzi SFM Mar 4, 2020 @ 7:45am 
Achievement Image:
Achievement: MilvuDesigns
Achievement Description: