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How to potentially fix a crash during Wood Elf AI turn
By Kazaanh
So I bet most of you already encountered very terrible coop bug, when it tends to crash during the AI turn. And makes whole COOP game unplayable anymore. Reloading earlier saves ( if you made them ) might fix this issue but sooner or later bug/crash might appear again. Here is a potential fix to this crash/bug that worked for me.
How it happens?
How does this bug happen then?

Actually I did a little of researching and very often that bug is tied to the Wood Elf faction trying to re-settle Oak of Ages. Yes game will crash. It mostly happens if non-core Wood Elf faction such as Torgovann tries to re-settle razed down Oak of Ages. Game will simply crash as they attempt to do that with their unit stack.

Why does it happens sometimes and sometimes don't?

Well every Total War game experience is very different, sometimes AI does better or worse. But looking at Welves that are really suicidal and tend to declare war very often to every nearby neighbourhood. Which leads to them being overnumbered and all ( of most ) of their cities get razed down. Also add Beastmen to that, especially if you play with economy altering mods, AI Welf player will upgrade through oak of ages very quickly and each Oak of Age improvement draws attention from enemy Beastmen hordes. Elves were always a root problem ,weren't they?

How to fix it?
How to resolve this issue

There are potential fixes that worked for me:
  • First make sure Wood Elf/Argwylon confederates with minor wood elf factions asap. Doesn't really work everytime though. So you may ignore this one and skip to second tip.
  • You can ]download a mod that alters Wood Elf AI and makes them very passive, they won't try to expand and resettle which permanetly fixed the bug. Because with this mod they won't try to re-settle Oak of Ages, forever crippling their faction though. At this point you can wait until WoodElf/Argwylon declares war on nearby minor wood elf factions and conquers them or you have to move your forces there and remove all minor Wood Elf factions from existence ( Torgovann ) , re-save the game, disable the mod that makes them more passive and let the Wood Elves re-settle razed provinces/oak of ages again.

Again using that mod will save your coop game, but will make Wood Elf faction literally useless for the rest of the game unless you do the ^ above mentioned moves.
My example
In my game it happened around turn 40, I was playing as dwarfs. We tried many things, checking if mods were causing this, reloading various saves and finally we loaded our 5 turn earlier save and I sent my army to scout the Athel Loren. It took me few tries though, sometimes game crashed earlier or later ( +/- 2 turns ). It was all depending when Torgovann was going to re-settle Oak of Ages, sometimes they get disctracted so it took longer, thats why reloading a earlier save-game might really help and not dooming your COOP game forever.

As you can see a Torgovann unit wants to resettle and later during their turn game crashes.

If you look at the screen I managed to get my scout army to check out whats happening, a simply Torgovann faction conquered Oak of Ages and it crashed at the same time.

Now after applying a mentioned mod they will simply stay there forever , not trying to re-settle. Fixing the game for us. You can see their army stack standing there pointlessy. But you can take a look at turn number and game did not crashed after 6 turns since I took that photo. Game did not crashes in the later turns either.

It might or not might work for you, but I hope it will manage to fix some of your COOP games. At least temporarily until CA managed to fix this bug.

Also I have been using a Conquer Anywhere mod, and its definitely not caused by this mod.

Hope it helps. Enjoy
VARIANVS Jun 18, 2017 @ 1:40am 
Glad I could help :) Have Fun then!
Kazaanh  [author] Jun 17, 2017 @ 6:03pm 
Nice, thats some fine craftmanship dawri
VARIANVS Jun 17, 2017 @ 4:57pm 
Ok tested it now in MP and it works like a charm! Bless Crynsos for letting me know how to figure this out! We finally got a fix which doesnt makes thes WE useless completely :)
VARIANVS Jun 17, 2017 @ 1:38pm

Still needs MP AI test but should work :D
Kazaanh  [author] Jun 17, 2017 @ 9:09am 

That would be really nice, maybe a possibility to change a Torgovann AI a bit. Sadly I tested with few AI mod and they still repeat the same thing. Sure its pure RNG because not always oak of ages gets destroyed, sometimes Torgovann faction is destroyed first or joined.

Let me know if you manage to edit sth!
VARIANVS Jun 17, 2017 @ 6:13am 
Thanks for this! I will consider it if I can't pull up a "better" fix for this issue. I am a Modder and try now to make them be able to rebuild the oak. But to be honest it looks like a hard coded bug. If you download the Faction Unlocker Mod and play as Torgovann you will notice that you won't have any options of rebuilding the oak when it was raized. And from there on you can't exit the build menu. So you need to close the game and restart. So the problem is Torgovann did not even have the option to rebuild the oak. But as of now it doesnt seem i can put an option in. But I still try.
Kazaanh  [author] May 14, 2017 @ 9:15am 
Thats sweet to hear!
Gaudron May 14, 2017 @ 7:25am 
Worked like charm, thanks !
Kazaanh  [author] May 9, 2017 @ 9:30am 
Glad it helped someone!
Chuck May 8, 2017 @ 11:16pm 
Thank you