Left 4 Dead 2
38 ψήφοι
Van Darkholme/Van-Sama Mods♂
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Collection of Various mod of your Dungeon Master Van Darkholme♂
Αντικείμενα (14)
Van Darkholme Chainsaw Sounds (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ)
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Hello! Finally, My final exam is over. So, I can spend more time to make Gachimuchi mods. This mod replaces Chainsaw sound to Dungeon Master Van Darkholme (Also Mark Wolff as Chainsaw start sound) The Chainsaw start sound will have 2 sounds : Van's "Deep D...
Van Darkholme Frying Pan Sound (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ)
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Well, This is small mod that replaces Frying Pan sounds into Van-Sama FA♂Q (Fxxk You) If someone wonder why there's neptune doll instead of pan in preview, I've just lazy for change it back to normal pan. Thank you for download sir♂...
Van Darkholme Minigun/Gatling Gun Sounds (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ)
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Well, I had alot of time to waste here. This mod replaces Minigun/Gatling Gun and .50 caliber Gun with Van Darkholme's FA♂Q (Fxxk You) like in the preview videos. Thank you for download sir♂...
Van Darkholme Smoker Sounds
Δημιουργήθηκε από NGJ
This mod replaces Smoker sounds with your favorite Dungeon Master: Van Darkholme....
Van Darkholme(TDN) Fuck you & Wuuuuh M16 rifle sound
Δημιουργήθηκε από PYgame.D.Cthulhu
This voice from Van Darkholme(TDN),Replaces the M16's firing sound Van様的声音,替换M16的枪声,普通弹药的声音是Fa♂Q,燃烧弹是搓屌电音...
Van-Sama Fuck You Weapon Push/Shove Sound (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ)
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Hello Bros! This small mod replaces all pushing/shoving sound into Van Darkholme's "Fxxk You/FA Q" Sound" Push all Zombies with mighty Dungeon♂Master's power Thank you sir♂...
Van's Fuck You Pistols Sound (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ)
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Well, I'm back. I'm busy af for doing GTA San Andreas Anime mod. So, Now I played L4D2 less often. This mod replaces dual pistols/handgun/Glock to Van Darkholme's "Fa Q" and big pistol/Desert Eagle to Van's "Fa Q" but louder. Thank you for downloading sir♂...
Van's Slave Scream [Fireworks Box/Sound] (Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ) [Ear Rape Alert]
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Hello bros! This mod is simple, Replaces fireworks box with Van Darkholme/Van-sama image and fireworks exploding effects. Also replacing fireworks exploding sounds into Gachimuchi sound too. (Since muzzleflash uses the same textures with firework particles...
Van Darkholme (Ellis) [Gachimuchi/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ]
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
Hello bros! Well, This is my very first survivor mod. This mod replaces Ellis with our Favorite Dungeon Master Van Darkholme! This mod is just reskinned CS:GO Terroist, So his face is seem to be awkward.... Thank you for downloading sir♂...
Van's sound for healing
Δημιουργήθηκε από MenMensAa
Replace the healing sound with our favourite master---Van Darkholme's sound 本MOD用VAN样的声音替换了游戏中打包的音效 Thank you♂ for subscribing ,sir♂ 欢迎大家订阅槐音大大的B站空间,自己也能动手制作简单的MOD啦(。・ω・。) https://space.bilibili.com/12250777#!/ ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ ...
van's chainsaw sound
Δημιουργήθηκε από 蒂国交警
This chainsaw holds the spirit of your favorite dungeon master Van Darkholme, enjoy...
Δημιουργήθηκε από kanoke_kun
Δημιουργήθηκε από 🧊
Replaced the grenade launcher's firing sound and explosive sound effects. 替换了榴弹枪的发射音效及爆炸音效。...
Van Darkholme as Smoker (Gachimuchi/哲学/レスリングシリーズ)
Δημιουργήθηκε από TrueKringe
So, I finally done this thing. it is basically a cheap reskin of slenderman for smoker. Original: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125920212 This mod replaces smoker into the Dungeon Master, Van Darkholme. also replaces smoker's tongu...
Gachimuchi/GachiGASM/哲♂学/レスリングシリーズ Collection
67 αντικείμενα