Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

52 értékelés
5 Types of Trapper (Out Dated)
Készítő: Ironsights
A Dead by Daylight Trapper Guide giving detailed stats, tactics, and discussions of five Trapper Perk Builds used in high level play.
The Trapper; First and Best
After a long hiatus, it is time for my next guide. This time featuring The Trapper, DbD's first killer and most lethal.The trapper is also my first killer, and the killer I have had the highest level with; my only P3 thus far, and nearing max perks. I can also say that the trapper is the most tactical killer as for playstyles, and with that in mind I have added a section to this
guide called "Trapper Tactics to discuss some of these as well as a section of each build discussing which of the trapper tactics is work best with that build. So, after a brief piece of self promotion, let's get this started!

Edit: This builds guide is two years old at this point, and much has changed in DbD. While the builds are still likely to perform well, the specifics of the guide are out dated and there are many new perks out there not accounted for in this guide. Peace, and happy gaming y'all.

Shameless self promotion:
Check out all my guides right here:
Trapper Tactics
The trapper is a tactical killer, in that you have to have foresight in where and how you use traps. With this in mind, the following are some Tactical choices you can make with the trapper and his traps in your games to maximize your potential...but remember, it is only
potential, in that the trapper is the only killer not effectively guaranteed to get points for using his ability: traps can be easily avoided, disarmed, or even broken.

Fear the Grass
This tactic centers on makign survivors afraid to enter high grass. Grab traps whenever you see them and place them in high grass areas that you suspect will be high traveled or used during a chase. If enough of these are set up and triggered, survivors will start to fear the grass,
chosing to not use a good hiding tool or to at least slow down while moving, both of which benefit you. Locations that are narrow are also a plus, making your trap harder to miss by accident or design.

Chokes and Bottles
Place traps at choke points and bottlenecks, such as in pallet paths or near windows likely to be vaulted. While these will often be found and targeted, this slows down generator progress and when not disarmed, turns the usual avenues of escape into a deadly mistake instead.

Baited Traps (EDIT: with the patch that removed traps under hooks, baited traps is no longer anywhere near as valid as it once was, since using hooked survivors as the bait was the strongest option. You CAN still use generators or other objectives as bait, but the hooked survivor option is no longer viable.

Using a hooked survivor as bait is great. While placing a trap directly under them can work, it usually only slows down the save as opposed to preventing it. However, if you take the time to set a trap or two on escape paths near a hook, then also under if possible, you have set yourself
up for a slaughter. Not only will the path traps be a hazard regardless of the hook, with one under it to disarm most survivors will then relax and make mistakes. This can allow you to get 2 or more survivors trapped at the same time.

A variation on this is using generators as the bait. Placing traps in approach paths or likely slink away spots near generators you intend to patrol can yield points when you are away or a kill if you are near.

Basement Fort
The trapper is the undisputed king of the basement. The monstrous shrine is his, and making use of it is a powerful tactic. Place traps near the basement to hinder rescues and escapes. The wooden shack is thus your favorite basement, but any will do. Set traps outside of nearby window, to the sides of doors or in the doorways if you are sure you won't need to carry through them, and anywhere that looks like a handy juke spot near your fort.
As you are doing this, carry any downed victims to your basement. You don't have to keep tight patrols, but be within response range, and you will often get 2 or more victims at once as the ever hungry altruists step into your Basement Fort.
(Iron's Note: I giggle a lot with this tactic, one because it feels a lot like role playing as the trapper not just using him, and two because I am fond of telling victims 'Welcome to Uncle Iron's basement. Feel free to hang around a while and we will have a good time!' Of course, the only person who can hear me is my wife whose desk is behind me in the office, but she usually laughs, which is satisfying.)

3 Keys
More accurately "3 Gens", but these are the "keys" to your success. Locate three generators in a tight pattern, then trap and patrol them as you see fit. Other gens are meaningless, and hooking isn't worth leaving for. Defend these three, and they will never escape.

There are of course many, many tactics, and nearly endless places to set traps, but these 5 are solid archetypes for how to plan out your tapping. With that said, let's move on to the builds!
Savor the Flavor Build
This one uses a hex perk, Ruin, which is a questionable choice sometimes. It also uses Thanatophobia, which is often called crappy since survivors frequently heal one another, leaving the debuff kind of useless. However, time spent healing is time spent not doing gens, as is time spent finding and cleansing a totem. This, combined with the effects of Thanatophobia, significantly slows down the early game and potentially the entire game, preventing
gen rushes from being near so effective and giving you time to soak up points.

Given that this build plays "blind" with no hunting perks, you need to keep moving and be active. Set traps in strategic locations as you pass them, and pick up new traps when able. Chase and down survivors, but don't worry overmuch about hooking them, at least until the end. This build can be "feast or famine" on kills, but still gives good points and is an active and fun playstyle.

Point Focus
1-Brutality: with all the downing (and endless pallets) you should easily fill this category.
2-Hunting: The chases should be real, as will the points be.
3-Deviousness: If your traps are fortuitous, this category will net decent points.
4-Sacrifice: Its possible to fill this on a "feast" game, but a "famine" isn't a big deal. This is not a priority.

Trappers bag and stitched bag are bugged, but having lots of traps to throw down is always nice, especially if the bug gets fixed.
Rusted Jaws are good, given that they add another debuff to the party.
Darkening items are usually ok with any trapper build, as are speed boost items.

Trapper Tactics
Given that this is a highly mobile build, tactics such as "Fear the Grass" or "Chokes and Bottles" works well. Set these up as you are moving around and see if they pay off as the game progresses.

1-Ruin: This slows down early gen gains, giving you time to find your victims while they waste time finding your totem.
2-Thanatophobia: This adds more time to survivor actions, and coupled with a down 'em and leave 'em mentality, forces more of these actions.
3-Deerstalker: This allows you to keep tabs on your downed vic's as well as find them to hook them if you get all 4 on the ground.
4-Brutal Strength: This is quality of life, given the number and popularity of pallets at the moment.
(Iron's Note: Replace deerstalker with enduring if you are particularly annoyed with pallets and enjoy the slug meta. Be prepared for salt.)

Weakens Gen Rushes
Ignores Sabo Teams
Handles Pallets OK
Reduces Annoying DS

Blind! No hunting perks
Limited Killing Potential
Last Survivor Will Likely Hatch if still standing

Games and Notes
Game 1: Trapper's Gloves and Rusted Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,1,6 Kills: 2 Points 12,603
Game 2: Trapper's Gloves, Rusted Jaws, and Shroud of Seperation used. Ranks: 1,1,4,12 Kills:3 Points 20,343
Game 3: Trapper's Gloves and Rusted Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,5,18 Kills: 3 Points 25,049
Game 4: Trapper's Gloves and Rusted Jaws used. Ranks: 1,7,16,16 (good perks for both) Kills: 2 Points: 22,126
Game 5: Trapper's Gloves and Rusted Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,18(good perks)20(newbie) Kills: 3 Points: 20,734
Game 6: Diamond Stone and Rusted Jaws used. Ranks 1,20,20(newbies)20(good perks) Kills: 4 Points 26,472
Game 7: Trapper's Gloves and Rusted Jaws used. Ranks: 14(good perks),4,4,18(newbie) Kills: 4 Points: 21,543
Game 8: Trapper's Gloves and Logwood Dye used. Ranks: 1,1,4,12(good perks) Kills: 2 Points: 13,779
Game 9: Trapper's Gloves and Logwood Dye used/ Ranks: 1,1,2,4 Kills: 3 Points: 15,506 (Note: lost hex nearly instantly, then gen rushed. Switched into "Baited Traps" using hooked victims as bait. Managed 3 kills and a pip by adapting; otherwise likely would have been wrecked.)
Game 10: Trapper's Gloves and Logwood Dye used. Ranks: 1,20,20,15 (3 newbies) Kills: 4 Points 22,920

Average Kills per game: 3

Average Points Per Game: 20,117

Final Discussion of "Savor the Flavor"
Amusingly enough, at least for these ten sampled games, the Altruism was simply too strong in the survivors and the "Famine" never really came. Averaging 3 Kills per game and 20K points, this build really showed off the trapper as a viable killer at high rank play even without the typical
camping that he is so well known for.
Evan's Build
Found this on Reddit and its amazing.

This build is two things: 1-My go to, highly lethal Trapper build, and 2-a Role Play as the Trapper build. The idea is to embrace the Trapper's power to make the basement the deadliest place on the map, and to drag all of your victims to your beloved shrine. Once they are in the darkness, they must never leave.

Find your basement reasonably quickly and start setting traps there as convenient. Down survivors whenever possible, and drag them to the basement. Keep them there, and add as many Altruists as possible. Patroling gens near the basement is a good pass time, near enough to respond quickly but also keeping the other survivors honest.

Point Focus
1-Sacrifice: with the goal being to have 3+ kills, you should be earning sac points.
2-Deviousness: your traps, and the merciless victory bonus, should fill this nicely.
3-Brutality: aiming for 600 per survivor killed (unless trapped), this will have some points, but not too many.
4-Hunting: you will hae to chase them, but hopefully only once.

once the bugs are fixed, trapper's bags are good here.
darkeners, speed setters, and trap defenses can be good here.
diamond/sharpening stones are OK, but you may lose victims (no tracking perk other than whispers)
Spring sets that keep victims in traps longer are good here.

Trapper Tactics
"Basement Fort" is the tactic of choice with this build; the tactic and the build are basically the same thing.

1-Whispers: the Trapper benefits greatly from this, not just for finding survivors, but for knowing if his traps are secrets or if he is seen setting them.
2-Iron Grasp: To the basement, we must go.
3-Agitation: To the basement, FASATER.
4-Brutal Strength: This is again here for quality of life and to speed up the chase process.

(Iron's Note: Traditionally I used monstrous shrine in this build instead of brutal strength for the full on Role Play aspect. However, the shrine really doesn't "help" so much as is "fun" and with pallets and ds and other frustrations, I have substituted Brutal Strength. If you want the full flavor of the build, take off either whispers or brutal strength -- whichever you can most stand to lose -- and add back in Monstrous Shrine. Expect lower performance, but more fun!)

Whsipers! Find them, know when to set traps.
Lethal: you will be getting kills.
Can handle pallets ok.

Vulnerable to gen rushing.
limited bloodpoint potential

Games and Notes
Game 1: 4 Coil Spring Kit and Trap Setters used. Ranks: 1,17(GoodPerks),20,20(2 Newbies) Kills: 4 Points: 14,621
Game 2: 4 Coil Spring Kit and Trap Setters used. Ranks: 1,1,1,3 Kills: 1 Points 9,278 (Note: Gen rushed by SWF Streamers on the Pale Rose. Rough Game)
Game 3: 4 Coil SK, Trap Setters, and Shroud of Seperation used. Ranks: 1,1,1,3 Kills: 3 Points: 11,024 (REVENGE! Two SWF PiPs lost.)
Game 4: Secondary Coil and Wax Brick used. Ranks: 1,1,2,20 (newer) Kills: 4 Points 14,098
Game X: (DC during loading. No valid statistics. Redo game 5.)
Game X: (DC during loading. No valid statistics. Redo game 5.)
Game 5: Secondary Coil and Wax Brick used. Ranks: 1,1,3,20(newbie) Kills: 4 Points: 15,607
Game 6: Logwood Dye and Trapper's Gloves used. Ranks: 1,1,2,5 Kills: 4 Points: 19,914
Game X: (Redo game 7, cheater encountered. {profile removed so as not to "name and shame"}Speedhack or lagswitching for insane move speed. REPORTED)
Game 7: Logwood Dye and Trapper's Gloves used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Kills: 4 Points: 20,253 (Rank 1 SWEEP!)
Game 8: Logwood Dye and Trapper's Gloves used. Ranks: 1,2,20,20(good perks) Kills: 4 Points: 16,308
Game X: (DC during loading. No valid statistics. Redo game 9)
Game 9: Logwood Dye and Trapper's Gloves used. Ranks: 1,1,2,15(good perks) Kills: 3 Points: 17,901
Game 10: Logwood Dye and Trapper's Gloves used. Ranks: 1,1,5,20(good perks) Kills: 4 Points: 14,299

Average Kills per game: 3.5!

Average Points Per Game: 15,330

Final Discussion of "Evan's Build"
The build performed admirably, as it always does for me, and showcased the true killing potential of the Trapper. With an Average of 3.5 Kills per game, and that after a 1 kill round, you can assume you will get 3-4 kills the vast majority of the time. Additionally, with an average points earned of 15K, you will also be assured of ranking up as you go.

This round we did encounter some issues. 3 DC games that we simply didn't count (for the record, all three were 3 kills) and one round against a hacker (who I tunneled hard and managed to face camp) made this take longer than usual to compile, but does show that even in the current era of infinite loading screens and random DC's, the trapper can shine brightly.

The weakness of the build, namely gen rushing, was showcased once when we failed to PIP and only landed one kill, but the overall awesomeness showed up in the next round where we murdered our former Victors. Additionally, we scored an all kill against a skilled group of rank 1's, showing that even at the highest tiers of play, this build will deliver results.

Fun Fact: My Wraith build "Haunted Basement" was designed based on this build; the Trapper was my first killer, and He echoes through them all now.

Game 7 Rank 1 SWEEP:
The Hunter Build
Using a series of hunting perks, run this as a beat 'em up build to rack up points and kills.

Find surviviors, down them. Hook if near by, or simply leave them and deal with them later. Classic beat 'em up gameplay.

Point Focus
1-Brutality: between pallets and hits, you should be filling this.
2-Hunting: Multiple chases per survivor should net good results here.
3-Sacrifice: The random hookings, or final hookings after 4 are down, should yield good points.
4-Deviousness: you should always be setting traps, but this isn't a focus for points. It may still pay off.

Since we are focusing on beat 'em up play, basically whatever you want.
Deerstalker does make Honing/Diamond stones even more effective.

Trapper Tactics
"Chokes and Bottles" or "Fear the Grass" will be good with this.
If you choose to go full hunter and use insidious, baited traps would also be good.
Beat'em Up Focus also lends itself well to 3 Keys style play.

1-Whispers: The true hunter senses his prey
2-Bloodhound: If it bleeds, we can kill it. Follow the red road of their ruin.
3-Deerstalker: No one escapes, not even if they grovel.
4-Brutal Strength: Because ♥♥♥♥ pallets, that's why.
(Iron's Note: Go "Full Hunter" by switching out Brutal Strength for insidious. The silent killer lurks in these woods!)
(Iron's Note: A good hunter never takes his eyes off the prey. By ensuring Whispers is in the left most perk slot, you can keep an eye on the icon without having to avert your focus from your main field of view.)
(Iron's Note: Switching out Deerstalker for Sloppy Butcher can work if you intend to hook them more often then let them lay. Bloodhound and Whispers are enough to find down victims even without Deerstalker.)

Good Tracking Options
Good Point/Kill Potential
Handles Pallets OK

Reduced focus on traps
Vulnerable to Gen Rushes

Games and Notes
Game 1: Trapper's Bag and Trapper's Gloves used. Ranks: 16,16,20,20(4 sets of good perks) Kills: 4 Points 20,039 (Note, bag still bugged)
Game 2: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,9(good),20(newbie) Kills: 4 Points: 14,111
Game 3: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,3,14(good) Kills: 1 Points: 14,717
Game 4: Tar Bottle and Diamond Stone used. Ranks: 1,1,3,13(newer) Kills: 4 Points: 22,545
Game X: (Multi DC Loading screen, lost Tar and Stone. Redo Game 5)
Game 5: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,1,5 Kills: 4 Points: 23,093
Game 6: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Kills: 2 Points: 11,628
Game 7: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,3,3 Kills: 4 Points: 23,700 (Red Sweep!)
Game 8: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,3,4 Kills: 1 Points: 7,721 (Gen rushed hard by 3man SWF)
Game 9: Trapper's Gloves and Serrated Jaws used. Ranks: 1,1,19,20(all good) Kills: 3 Points: 19,059
Game 10: Gloves, Jaws, Ivory Momento Mori used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Kills: 2 Points: 11,601 (Gen Rushed early, scared of Mori)

Average Kills per game: 2.9 (3)

Average Points Per Game: 16,821

Final Discussion of "The Hunter"
This build could have netted fewer kills with more points if I had played it more akin to Savor The Flavor, but instead I went for kills simply because that is my preference. Doing this I averaged 3 kills per game with nearly 17K points, showing The Hunter to be not only viable, but lethal and efficient at high levels of play.

Game 7 Red Sweep:
Hopeless Build
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" <--I honestly considered naming this the Reaper build just for that quote, but...anyway.

I spent a non-zero amount of time trying to come up with a viable Devour Hope build for the Trapper. The troubles I kept running into are the ones that should have been expected: losing the totem takes away your perk, and using the perks that help reduce totem hunting/cleansing actually seem to make the issue worse. In other words using Devour Hope felt a lot like gambling: if you win, you get players unfortunate or new enough to not go for the totem
and then you get to "mori" most of a team. YAY! Or, more often, you lose 2-4 gens trying for tokens and boom, the totem gets destroyed and you are left with no satisfaction (whatever, screw points) and likely no kills thus far. With this latter scenario in mind, I developed the Hopeless Build. When it works its Devour Hope in all its glory, and if they take your totem, you can punish them...No One Escapes!

Do what you can to protect your totem while setting up your traps and downing survivors. Hook them nearby and hoof it out of there. Setting a trap under them can actually help, since it slows down the save and gives you time to get that 24 meters. Once you aquire your 5 tokens, live it up while slicing them up! If, however, they try and take your fun by destroying your totem... punish them! Down them, hook them, and feel free to patrol. After all, you DID try not
camping, and they DID take that option away from you...they must want to go camping, right? Just don't face camp them, that is damndably rude, after all.

Point Focus
(This will vary with this build, especially depending on your totem's survival)
1-Sacrifice: If all goes well you should hook someone at least 5 times. Good points here!
2-Hunting: Again, assuming all goes well, there should be many chases.
3-Brutality: Endless pallets and many chases should yield many points.
4-Deviousness: You are the Trapper, you should land a few points here, even if its an accident.

Speed setters could be good to keep you mobile.
Bags (if not bugged) would be good to help set up more traps faster.

Trapper Tactics
3 Keys could be very good, especially if your totem is within the rotation.
Baited Traps can be used, as noted above.
Chokes and Bottles is always good with mobile builds, as is Fear the Grass.

1-Whispers: With this build you really do want to find them, quickly and often.
2-Devour Hope: This is the gimmick of the build. I am running 3, if you are smart don't take more than level 2...
3-No One Escapes Death: LEVEL 3 --> PUNISH THEM :steammocking: No seriously, use this to net a few kills if they take your totem.
4-Brutal STrength: Given that you need to be frequently hooking, this Q.O.L. skill is a must to keep things moving.

Strong Hunting Potential
Good Point Opportunities
Can Handle Pallets OK

Totems Suck
You are relying on Altruism
Limited Kill Potential
24 meters is stupid
Vulnderable to Saboteur Play

Games and Notes
Game 1: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,2,4,4 Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's. Kills: 4 Points: 19,222 (red sweep, forgot to Screnshot)
Game 2: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,4,4,12 (unknown perks) Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's. Kills: 4 Points: 23,068
Game 3: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,6,8 (all good) Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's. Kills: 4 Points: 20,776
Game 4: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,1,2 Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's. Kills: 4 Points: 17,991 (Rage DC = Kill in my book)
Game 5: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's. Kills: 4 Points: 18,924 (Red Sweep w/ Salty Teabagger!)
Game 6: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,2,17(good perks) Totem Survived: 0 Mori's. Kills: 2 Points: 12,382
Game 7: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,2,8 Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's Kills: 1 Points: 8,613 (SWF Hell on the Pale Rose)
Game 8: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,7,13(good perks) Totem Survived: 0 Mori's Kills: 1 Points: 14,115
Game 9: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,2,4 Totem Destroyed: 0 Mori's Kills: 3 Points 13,113
Game 10: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,3,20(decent perks) Totem Survived: 0 Mori's (Did get NOED) Kills: 2 Points: 8,753

Average Kills per game: 2.9 (3)

Average Points Per Game: 15,696

Final Discussion of "Hopeless Build"
Well. That was an exercise in frustration for me lol. The first five games were all sweeps, showing just how lethal the Trapper can be against altruistic teams, and this build did encourage altruism. However, the last five showed exactly how dependant this build is on the altruism of the team, because once the survivors started abandoning their own, the build crumbled somewhat fast. Game ten is a prime example: 2 kills, 3 tokens on totem, didn't even PIP.

Additionally, the Totem itself is clearly garbage, though fun. It survived only 30% of my matches, and then never provided a mori opportunity. I would suggest this perk only for trolling or self amusement, as it is NOT in an ideal state to use in any serious fashion.

However, this somewhat gimmicky build does allow us to see the power of the Trapper continue to shine: even while trolling Dearest Evan managed 3 kills per game and near to 16K points. Hail to the King!

Game 4 Red Sweep:

Game 5 Red Sweep:
The Beast's Revenge Build
In many of the lore quotes the killer is referred to as "The Beast". The Beast has taken a beating lately from survivors who seem convinced that pallets are the answer to all of their troubles. With that in mind, I offer you The Beast's Revenge: a killer build meant to eat up pallets and sacrifice so called "survivors" who are too comfortable behind their precious barricades.

Do not respect the pallet. Charge in swinging. You may well get the hit, and you will shake off the stun and be through the pallet faster than the prey can imagine. Once downed, use that beastial strength to haul them off to a hook and enjoy their screams.

Point Focus
1-Brutality: getting hits and smashing pallets is what its all about.
2-Sacrifice: we are trying to kill them, after all.
3-Hunting: you will have frequent chases, but they should be relatively short.
4-Deviousness: traps are somewhat optional here.

Given the low focus on traps, use your preference or none at all.

Trapper Tactics
Baited Traps can work well since you are focusing on kills. Otherwise stick to Chokes and Bottles, or Fear the Grass.

1-Whispers: find them, kill them.
2-Enduring: To hell with your pallets, and your Decisive Strike!
3-Brutal Strength: To hell with those pallets, I say!
4-Iron Grasp: And to hell with you it would seem #EvilLaughter

(Iron's Note: swap out iron grasp for deerstalker if you prefer a more slug oriented game.)

Good Hunting Perks
Good Pallet Handling
Soft Counters DS

Vulnerable to Gen Rush
Reduced map presence due to fewer traps

Games and Notes
Game 1: Trapper's Gloves and Logwood Dye used. Ranks: 1,1,2,5 Kills: 3 Points: 12,884 (3 man SWF, two instablinds and a sabo jake.The "random" lived)
Game 2: Glvoes and Dye used. Ranks: 1,1,5,20(newbie) Kills: 4 Points: 18,909
Game 3: Gloves and Dye used. Ranks: 1,2,18(good)20(newbie) Kills: 4 Points: 19,130
Game 4: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Kills: 2 Points: 20,533 (Pale Rose)
Game 5: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,19,20(newbies) Kills: 4 Points: 13,640
Game 6: No Items USed. Ranks: 1,1,1,4 Kills: 2 Points: 18,143
Game 7: No Items Used. Ranks: 1,1,4,9 Kills: 4 Points: 17,191 (Gen rushed hard, snagged one, killed three more altuists)
Game 8: Setting Tools and 4 Coil Spring Kit used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Kills: 2 Points: 9,782 (another friday night gen rush, sadly)
Game 9: Setting Tools and 4 Coil used. Ranks: 1,1,1,1 Kills: 3 Points: 14,902 (Two streamers dead)
Game 10: Setting Tools and 4 Coil used. Ranks: 1,1,1,2 Kills: 4 Points: 17,992 (Red Sweep for the finale, nice!)

Average Kills per game: 3.2

Average Points Per Game: 16,311

Final Discussion of "The Beast's Revenge Build"
Given that this build yielded an average of 3 kills per game with 16K points, it certainly performed on par for the Trapper we have demonstrated. That said, this build didn't feel like the Trapper to felt like the Hillbilly with no chainsaw. Sure, I could run down pallet town heroes and cackle over their broken corpses, but I didn't have that aura of fear...the fear of the map that the trapper usually instills in his victims.

All in all its a good build and will perform well, but for the Role Player in my soul, it just didn't do the trick.

Game 10 Red Sweep:
This guide has demonstrated 5 builds with various playstyles to be viable at high levels of play with The Trapper. Additionally, we have shown exactly why the Trapper is so frequently called the best killer: he is lethal. Sure, Nurse can pass through terrain, and yes Billy is fast as hell. We know
that Myers is the ultimate stalker, and the Wraith has his shiney bell...but the Trapper is the Beast, the one who started it all. Hail to the King!

Source Credit for Guide Icon:
11 megjegyzés
Jachymor 2019. ápr. 26., 12:10 
Invaluable guide for any aspiring trapper. Kudos to you and you assistants!
DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP 2017. júl. 14., 12:54 
Liked just for the random avenged sevenfold in the end
low availability 2017. márc. 12., 4:42 
Great work :pizzalove:
Vanitas 2017. márc. 4., 0:17 
@Iromsights It's not just about that perk. We are like 100+ killers now fed up with the way the game is right now and wilö become.
Ironsights  [készítő] 2017. márc. 3., 19:56 
"Will you join the strike" I find it difficult to want to strike over a perk that doesn't even exist yet. It sounds OP, but we will have to see. Just saying "killers have it too rough, STRIKE" isn't enough for me, especially when at Rank 1 play I am still able to routinely do quite well. Do i think killers needs some buffs? Yes. Do I think survivors need more perks? No. Am I ready to "strike" over the current imbalance? No. I work with unions, I am a union steward. I understand the power behind a strike, and its terrible consequences for both sides, win or lose. I am not willing to join a "strike" that appears to be little more than a temper tantrum.

IF however, you called on ALL players to strike for one day to convince the devs to focus more on improving balance and fixing bugs than generating new content, THAT I would get behind 100%.
Vanitas 2017. márc. 3., 15:14 
@Ironsights. Will you join the strike?
Ironsights  [készítő] 2017. febr. 10., 11:33 
@deadlyvanitas: It just might be...
Vanitas 2017. febr. 10., 2:25 
Me going through guides. Read the title.

Me: Could it be?
PartyWurmp1e 2017. febr. 3., 19:21 
I love your guides, you definitely helped me get into playing the wraith. If you ever have the time, could you please do a Hag guide? Hopefully with the upcoming Hag and totem buff she will be more playable.
Foxboy 2017. jan. 30., 19:42 
i find anything to do with the trapper fun. he is my highest killer and for good reason, i am very tactical when it comes to how i play. I give you a chance, i let them think that they can out play The Beast. But once you start breaking my stuff the gloves come off and you are going down. unless of course its only a 1-2 person game and then i usually let them go. but thats not very often. but i enjoyed reading this guide, keep up the good work.