The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

134 értékelés
Olde Homestead
Category: Houses, Miscellaneous
250.890 KB
2012. júl. 18., 17:04
2013. dec. 7., 22:41
17 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

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Olde Homestead

I don't update this mod, as I've been using it "as is" since it's creation. The mannequins are subject to the usual "Bugthesda" issues, and I've noticed that my bookshelves are off kilter (the books sit too high) however, bookshelves are one of THE most complicated things to make and while I may fix the issue at some point, probably not. someone mentioned "storage issues", but I've never had any, and I use this house almost excusively to store items.

A player house that I built just outside of Riverwood, before the bridge to Whiterun.
It has everything the Dovakin needs in their personal home.
I removed the stables outside the house and replaced it with a fenced "corral". I also added a new player horse that you can use named Halvor (which is Olde Norse for "guardian"). I've made him Essential, and unkillable (with "Oblivious Horses" he doesn't attack, however things are still attacking HIM, which actually is rather helpful since it distracts them from ME so I can kill them safely, including Dragons). I've also made him faster than the vanilla horses. He shouldn't affect your stealth any longer, and he's unique.

I've been asked about making spouses able to live here, I have no idea how to make it possible, however there is a mod available on the Nexus which makes it possible for spouses to live in any home, even custom ones. It's available here:

I also added a garden to the left of the house in front of the blacksmith area.

There are four large NON-respawn chests in the 'great hall' area. One on either side of the entrance, and one to either side of the Armory Area.

Armory Area (including a Loft area):
Straight ahead when you enter the home, it contains:
2 weapons racks which each hold 5 weapons
4 large display cases
Loft area:
9 mannequins
(The ones pictured are Sexy Mannequins - Vyktoria, there is also a male version- they are NOT mine, however I wish to give the awesome creator credit)

At the request of one of my wonderful subscribers, I've added a loft over the entrance to accommodate more book shelves and a small seating area. Unfortunately, I was unable to use the ones that hold 18 books, as those seem to be part of Hearthfire, and I did NOT want to make the house dependent on having that mod.

Alchemy Loft
To the left, in the loft, when you enter the home, it contains:
Alchemy Workbench
Shelves and low table with many ingredients
Safe storage chest
Ingredients chest containing 100 of EVERY ingredient

Dovahkin's Bedroom:
Bedroom below Alchemy Loft
Safe storage chest
2 strongboxes (safe for storage)
Room has been rearranged slightly, but nothing has been removed.

Enchanting Loft:
To the right, in loft, when you enter the home:
It contains:
Enchanting Worktable
4 working bookshelves
low table with 2 custom-made Enchanting skill books
2 Chairs for reading

Extra Bedroom:
Located below the Enchanting Loft:
Safe storage chest

The "Great Room" has been heavily changed:
Banners for all the 9 Holds and the one for the Dark Brotherhood and High Hrothgar.
(The thieves guild doesn't seem to have one, and I'm debating creating one)
cooking pit rotated
seating area to left moved closer to cooking pit
bench added to right of cooking pit
10 weapon plaques
4 large display cases added to the left
8 small display cases added under several of the weapons plaques
rug added to 'extra bedroom'

The Blacksmithing Area has been moved to the far left of the exterior of the house and contains:
Blacksmith Workbench
Sharpening Stone
Tanning Rack
Firewood Chopping Block
Smithing Chest containing 250 of each ingot/ore, as well as leather. 500 leather strips, and 100 of each of the hides/pelts, FINALLY remembered to add 1000 firewood as well.(The chest IS respawn)
Shelf with various ingots.
Safe chest to store items, which will initially contain treasure, however it is NOT respawn.

If you fast travel to the house, (while NOT riding your horse) it horse will end up in it's normal place at the other end of the road in Riverwood. (I'm working on making him appear in the corral I added)

**The only minor issues are that Lydia can only use the front stairs, she seems to "hang up" about even with the edge of the house (seems I managed to build in at the corner of THREE cells---navmesh hates that) if you wait on the porch she'll do a "side to side shuffle" then move forward just fine. (I haven't tried entering the house while she's stuck to see if she still follows inside) and lastly, when leaving, she again seems to get stuck sometimes at the cell edge. I 'forced' her to move thru it by dropping an apple at the top of the stairs and telling her to pick it up... Oh yeah, for some odd reason she will run thru the trees instead of taking the stairs down. (I may have to remove the navmesh in that area to fix that.)**
129 megjegyzés
SHADOWRAVEN 2016. aug. 30., 3:33 
I am so glad you did I have always waanted to go to Ireland to visit than .....hahaha never come back. Now I can it is awesome. Beautiful MOD thanks for sharing it.
Kryssaira  [készítő] 2016. aug. 29., 18:13 
@Shadowraven I'm glad you like the mod. I created it as a place for my self and shared because friends thought others would enjoy it.
SHADOWRAVEN 2016. aug. 28., 20:56 
I just want to say thank you sooo much for creating this MOD. I have always wanted to have a house that looked like the ones in Ireland and this just captures it so well. This is such a great player home. I actually take my break during the day in this home by placing my player in the loft in a chair to relax while i relax and read on the couch. Is too cool Thanks fo the great home.
Kad 2015. jún. 11., 14:52 
oops sorry !! it's an ebony mine village mod by Maverick on the other end of the Riverwood Bridge as you head to Whiterun - I wondered as they might both share/touch the river/bridge but have NO idea about mods and think you are all marvelous for the wonders that you do - having said that i have been up all night trying to get mine working again as something went awry and I lost 4 games i had to level 28-30, finally started off a new one and only 4 mods so far, hoping yours can go on with Evondale to give me mining and home :) thanks for such prompt reply, such pretty mods such imput... wow thank you
Kryssaira  [készítő] 2015. jún. 11., 11:57 
I have no idea what "Ebonvale" is, but the only spot that should be effected is outside Riverwood, before the bridge to Whiterun. I DO know that the "dragon souls for perks" mod is effected as the Standing Stone for it, is located literally in the middle of where the house is located.
Kad 2015. jún. 11., 0:47 
is it likely this is affected by using 'Ebonvale' ?? I would love to have this house but I cannot load both
TechMech9615 2015. máj. 21., 15:08 
ok thank you for trying I wish I could play with it but its ok
Kryssaira  [készítő] 2015. máj. 19., 19:04 
nope, it's a totally independent mod. and i don't use any custom items. I honestly have no idea why it's giving you problems. I've also talked to several modder friends and they don't know either.
TechMech9615 2015. máj. 17., 13:26 
is there any mod that it needs to run?
TechMech9615 2015. máj. 17., 13:26 
i only use steam community mods