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Setting up a dedicated server
By Kerryu and 1 collaborators
This guide aims to help users to setup their own dedicated servers for Slymes.
The dedicated server currently is shipped with the Windows version of Slymes. You can find the dedicated server folder within the Slymes windows installation folder.
Setup of the server
To setup your server, you must navigate to the installation folder either manually or through right clicking on Slymes and going into properties as shown below.

After you reach the folder location you want to open the folder called, "Slymes Dedicated Server", once there you should see something like this:

Once this is done, you will want to read the README.txt file to fully understand how the setup process works. Currently all server options are embedded into the servers name which is fully explained within the readme file.

Next you will want to edit the RunServer.bat file by right clicking on it and then proceeding by clicking edit. Once this is done you should see this line.

You may edit this line according to the options within the readme file. If something does not comply with the readme file, your server will not be shown on the server list.

After this you may now run "RunServer.bat" and enjoy playing on your server within game. If you do not find your server on the server browser within the game, please double check you files to ensure you have entered everything correctly.

If the server has started correctly you shall see a window like this on your screen:

Congratulations your server is now ready and should be in the server browser like the screenshot below. Enjoy!

Giving admin permissions
Now that your server is up, you may want to moderate it. In order to do so, you will need admins. To add someone as an admin you must get their steamid64 (example: 76561198055311406) In order to get this id you may use trusted sites such as .

After you have retrieved this ID you must navigate to the "Slymes Dedicated Server" directory. Then navigate to the "Config" directory, once there you should see a file named Admins like below.

Right click on that file and proceed by clicking edit. Once there you shall see something like this:

You want to place the steamid64 within the quotations like so:

The colon is used to seperate the admins ids, this is needed. Here is a full example of having 3 admins.

Now you have admins on your server! Congratulations and enjoy running your own Slymes server!

TIP: type /help within the chat on your server to get a list of available commands.