Tiger Knight: Empire War

Tiger Knight: Empire War

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The Unofficial Manual: Combo
By IronHat
How to perform the three hit combo with your choice of melee weapon
The Basic
in tiger knight, your character can perform a "three" hit combo, with the third hit being a special attack. The special attack usually being a powerful swipe or a double strike depending on the weapon.

In order to chain up the next strike, you need to click the attack button again after the start of your strike/swing and before the end of the strike/swing.

Your character will grunt when he start his swing/stab, so you can use the audio cue to time your input. It's easier to practice on a slower weapon like a 2handed axe or 2 handed hammer.

performing The combo is dependent entirely on timing. Your 3 strikes can be all be from the same direction, or it can be a mix of the four. It's easier to perform a combo when all 3 strikes are done in the same direction, but this is mainly due to timing and simplicity.

Eventually, you will want to be able to perform 3 hit combo that uses different direction for each strike, as it will be hard to parry.

Lastly, you can not combo off a power swing. It will need to be a quick attack.
3 hit combo and special attack
The third strike in a 3-hit combo is always performed as a special attack. The specific special attack depend on the direction of the strike and the weapon being used.

Usually, the specal attack will either be a wide swipe or a double strike.
IronHat  [author] Mar 8, 2017 @ 9:15pm 
the long shu combo the same way as any other weapon. it's actually easier to combo with a slower weapon since the timing window is larger.
Havie Feb 11, 2017 @ 10:15am 
timing this is pretty tough, and it seems like ur swings get interrupted alot, from either hitting too many soilders or like htting their shield, or nearby trees etc. not sure what interrupts it so much. Also the little combo meter that pops up is pretty impossible to see most the time Imo
Odisey Feb 2, 2017 @ 10:50pm 
How to combo the Long Shu ?
Arcanum Dec 11, 2016 @ 3:09pm 
Thanks. It gave some clarity, but I still don`t understand how to do this. It would be better if there was a video about this. How to do different combos on different weapons.
memnon Nov 28, 2016 @ 4:01am 
Nice! good guide!
Thanks for it.
Null Nov 24, 2016 @ 10:37pm 
well, if you want sugestions, a list of which combos you can preform with various weapon types could be helpful. possibly, after some experimentation, the time and place to use each. could turn this from how to do one thing into something people can use to help determine how they play the entierty of the game.
IronHat  [author] Nov 21, 2016 @ 2:49am 
This is the first guide I've ever written, so suggestion would be appreciated.