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How to make a duct-tape Jimmy mask.
De A Flying Brick
I'm back with yet another mask guide, this time for a duct-tape Jimmy mask that is quick, cheap and easy to make.

Made for Paydaycon 2016.
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Welcome to my 2nd mask guide. This time we are making a duct-tape Jimmy mask.
This mask took me about 6 hours to make and cost less than $10. I made this one for Paydaycon so I'll probably be adding more images later and cleaning up the potato quality phone images. Note the photos suck because it's night time and I took them with my phone.

Still if you have more than a day or 2, I'd advise not just using duct-tape to make the mask as the tape gets heavy and tends to not hold its shape, hense why it looks weird in the photos. Either use cardboard or check out my other guide for a paper mashe mask.
What you need
I went to the hardware shop and got mine for $5 for both rolls.
I could of got it cheaper elsewhere, but I find the more expensive brands don't tear as much and is stronger overall.

Other non duct-tape stuff

Elastic - if you don't want to duct-tape it to your face.

Scissors - to cut the duct-tape.

Super Glue - incase you need to glue something to the duct-tape.

Coffee/any other source of caffine - to stay awake while you make the mask.

First thing I did was make some flat sheets of duct tape by sticking multiple long strips of tape together. Note the tape stretches when it's comes off the roll so I stick to to the table to so it'll relax back to it's original length.
I made about 8 of these sheets and ended up using them all.

The whole time I had my tablet handy with a reference picture of the mask. (I cover reference images in my main mask guide.)

Next I gathered up all my sheets of tape (that had all found a way to stick together) and stuck a few together to make a large hat shape. It needs to be very large because it'll only get smallar the more it's worked on and folded in.

And here we have Bimmy from the Paycheck Crew.
Afterwords and FAQ

Have a rabbit too, he was running around my feet the whole time.

I made this mask two days before Paydaycon and it's pretty good for 6 hours of work late at night and I made this guide the night before.
My goal here was to make a mask in the shortist possible time and have it still be passable. For example you might want to make something simular for a party or game night.

Q: Is the mask only duct-tape?
Yes this mask is 99% duct-tape and 1% elastic (so I can wear it).

Q: Can this be made with less duct-tape?
Yes and I would recommend that. Just using tape is heavy and the mask doesn't like keeping it's shape.

Q: What is it like to wear?
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horrible. It smells like chemical and is sticky and damp.

Q: Why didn't you paint the duct-tape to make it look nicer or to add some detail?
If I was making this "properly" I would have.
Basically my goal was to make a duct-tape mask and that was it. If I was going to actually cosplay Jimmy I would of gone with a cardboard or paper mashe mask covered in tape and dry brushed it to make it look super cool but that would of taken weeks and I had 2 days.

Q: Can I add you as a friend?
No. I get way too many friend requests from my other guides and online activities. is the group I made to cover anyone who needs help with mask making in general so feel free to join.

Q: Why does your duct-tape look nothing "actual" ie fabricy duct-tape?
A: I wish I could get the more fabricy tape but no one here sells it :(
If I was going to make a mask that looks like the in game one, I'd probably paint some fabric to look like duct-tape or paint the tape to look fabricy.

Q: Why didn't you make this before halloween?
Because I'm lazy.

Q: Couldn't you of made this sooner so you'd have more time to make it better?
See the previous answer.

Q: Paydaycon was ages ago, what took you so long to make this guide?
See above and personal matters.

If you have other questions, ask them in the comments.
5 commentaires
mr balls 8 févr. 2019 à 13h13 
do more rabbit and more masks
joe mama 4 févr. 2019 à 14h41 
why is a picture of your rabbit included its not relevant to the guide at all
Let's Play 8 Ball! 3 févr. 2019 à 18h20 
nice rabbit
kusilya 31 janv. 2019 à 12h11 
Q: Would you do other masks in the future?
SpartanWar118 30 janv. 2019 à 11h04 
Awesome, Jimmy is my favorite character
I think just getting a normal skull-like mask and putting duct tape over it would also work