Grid Legion, Storm

Grid Legion, Storm

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Economy Manipulation and Dragons (two decks)
Készítő: Wind Jester Games
Manipulate the gold/aether economy to before exploiting it. Two decks included in this guide.
Play Notes
I've decided to write the following two deck guides as one. Although they only share a single card in common (a Seer) , they largely operate on the same principles.

Commonly speaking, in the early game, the scarce resource is gold, players will have aether and/or cards in hand, but only so much gold available to put their cards into play. This resource scarcity changes in time, in the late game, players will have the gold to play cards, but no aether to available to draw new cards. That's the way it traditionally plays out, however, that's not the case with these two decks.

With the Chained Dragon deck you are going to use your Sky Sight enchantments to flood both yourself and your opponent with Aether while also using Hellions and Goblin Looters to deny both yourself and your opponent of gold. Your opponent will have cards in hand and aether in the bank, but no gold. You on the other hand will be playing Chained Dragons which cost zero gold to put into play. Also, your Chained Dragons have an ability called worship which will make them tougher and stronger but will cost you six aether, a thing you can afford in the economy you've created.

With the Hoarding Dragon deck you'll be using your Abundant Harvest enchantment cards to flood both you and your opponent with gold while using your Nagas to deny both yourself and your opponent of aether. Your Hoarding Dragons will cost you four aether to draw them, just like every other card, but you'll be able to sink a totally of 44 gold into playing a single Hoarding Dragon card!

Both decks have defensive cards to support you until you have the resource economy manipulated the way you'd like and are putting your dragons into play. Both decks also have a single Seer card. Your Seer's vision ability will add cards to your deck, the idea is to you stop yourself from running out of cards (and thus your deck from restocking). By keeping your deck stocked at three or so cards, you'll be in control of perpetuating your combo.

Deck List #1 - Hoarding Dragons, Flooding Gold & Aether Deny
Domain Play Order: Earth, Water, Divine, Earth

Mold Beast x1
Tepeyollotl x1
Naga x2
Abundant Harvest x2
Seer x1
Frost Blast x2
Moss Giant x3
Hoarding Dragon x4
Keeper x2
Earth Vine Druid x2
Deck List #2 - Chained Dragons, Flooding Aether & Gold Deny
Domain Play Order: Water, Demon, Divine, Water

Sky Sight x3
Sea Witch x1
Goblin Looter x2
Seer x1
Mind Bender x2
Hellion x4
Frost Blast x1
The Great Wave x1
Chained Dragon x4
Serene Angel x1