Predynastic Egypt

Predynastic Egypt

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Sanctuary of the Falcon
Por Phteven
This guide will cover the beginning of the game through completing the Sanctuary of the Falcon.
It covers using the "Easy" game mode and getting the "Golden Victory" condition for the Trial of the Sanctuary of the Falcon
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First Guide
This is my first Steam Guide - so I hope it'll be helpful.

Random Events
The game uses Random Events, and Random rewards for Exploring so your playthrough won't exactly look like mine. Hopefully I'll guide you well enough that some variation won't make you start over.

The Mulligan
This guide hinges on Turn 16 Yielding a specific result from Exploring. If you don't get it, you're welcome to continue on but getting the Gold Victory condition will be much more difficult.
Selecting Prologue Options
This guide is only going to cover playing on "Easy" which means selecting the top row for each column.

After selecting these options, press "Start the Game" to continue.

This guide is going to skip the tutorial, as we'll be necessarily deviating from it during the first few turns.
Mission: Colonization
The goal is to get 3 workers as quickly as possible.

The Mission
You'll get your first Mission: Colonization as soon as the game starts.

Turn 1
However, there isn't much to do, except put your worker on the only available locaiton.

Turn 2
Have your worker explore the new location.

Turn 3
Place your worker on the +2 location.

Turn 4
Purchase a worker (2 total), and place the new worker on the +1 location. Don't Explore your map further.

Turns 5-6
On turn 5, you'll see and show up under your resources. If you're not playing the tutorial, it comes out of nowhere (no event or popup or anything).

Continue to pass turns colleting resources. You should be getting:
EACH TURN | +1 | +1 | +2

Turn 7
You should have 4 . Open the discovery menu and purchase the Cult of the Falcon Discovery.

Now you should be getting:
EACH TURN | +1 | +1 | +4

Turn 8
Discover Experimental Breeding

Turn 9
Purchase your 3rd Worker and complete the Colonization Mission.
Then use your new worker to Explore the location right-most in the map. (see screenshot)

You will have lost 1 point of Farming. Don't worry. Keep your worker on the location to generate Production.
EACH TURN | 0 | +1 | +5
Mission: Neolithic Revolution (part 1)
The goal of turns 10-15 is getting worker #4 and building 2 Fields of Grain to complete the Neolithic Mission.

The Mission
Once you've purchased your 3rd , the next mission will start.

Turn 10
Nothing to do here. Just collect resources/Explore.

Turn 11
You should have 14 so Discover Experimental Farming.

Your worker went back to being idle after exploring, so begin Building Fields of Grain, area 1. You should have a total of 6 , and the construction will cost -3 over the next 2 turns.

Turn 12
Just continue.

Turn 13
A couple of things will happen on this turn. Hopefully the event Humidification of the Sahara will occur, adding +1 to your revealed locations.

You should also have over 12 , so go ahead and Discover Weaving

Because of the +1 Event, Place your worker back on the revealed location for +3
You should be getting:
EACH TURN | +6 | +2 | +5

Turn 14
You'll be presented with the Hostile Tribe Event. Don't worry about this for now.

You should have enough to discover The Domestication of Dogs.

Turn 15
The Humidification of the Sahara Event will end, and you'll have enough to purchase your 4th worker. Do so.

You'll also have enough production to begin building Field of Grain, area 2 so place a worker on the south-most location to Explore, and begin building with the other.
You'll notice in the screenshot that I don't have enough to actually finish the field of grain. That's OK, as hopefully the Exploration will yield at least a +1 location.

The Turn 16 Mulligan
If you're dead-set on getting the Gold Victory for the Sanctuary of the Falcon, Turn 16 is pretty crucial to this guide (as mentioned in the disclaimer).

This relies on a completely random event - discovering at least +1 on the next revealed location.

The screenshot below is likely the best result you can expect from the game.

If you don't get something revealed on Turn 16, you can try exploring the other locations I've circled but it'll put you off from this guide.

Start Over...?
My recommendation is to restart the game and try again. If you've done this once or twice it doesn't take long to get back to this point.

In addition, if you continue playing after finishing the Trial, having additional resources in these locations is an incredible boon as after discovering Primitive Army you'll be able to stack up to 4 on each of these locations.
Mission: Neolithic Revolution (part 2)
Time to finish the mission and get 5 .

Turn 16
You'll be presented with the Growing Threat Event. Don't worry, we'll have 5 before Turn 24.

You should also have enough to discover Cattle.

Place your worker that finihsed exploring on the newly revealed tile.

(hopefully anyway...)

Turn 17
The Field of Grain, area 2 should be completed this turn. You'll get a bonus +10 , so go ahead and purchase the 5th worker. Re-arrange your workers so that you're maximizing your production. This might vary game-to-game depending on what resources are where.

Have one continue to Explore the area south of your position.

Mission: Permanent Housing
The actual specifics of each turn get a little bit more fuzzy here on out. This all depends on what resources you get at locations and from scouting.

The Mission
Once you've built the 2nd Field of Grain, the next mission: Primitive Dwellings will start. Your primary goal is building the Primitive Dwellings, area 1 and getting 8 .

By Turn 21, you should have enough to discover Primitive Dwellings.

By Turn 24, you should have enough to discover Early Rituals.

This will add +1 to your Resources.

DO NOT Discover The cultivation of Flax. The tool-tip on top of the Build Menu for Field of Flax, area 1 says "Flax Fields are a Necessity!" <-- while likely historically correct, mechanically in-game it's just not true.

You'll want to be maximizing your food production in order to grow from 5 to 8 . Purchase new workers as soon as you have food for them.

The only buildings you should consider now are first, Primitive Dwellings, area 1 and then if you don't have enough , explore to the North-West of your settlement in order build Field of Grain, area 3.

Hopefully you'll be able to get 8 long before Turn 32 (start of the Trial)
Mission: Explore the Region
We won't actually be exploring much, as we'll be focusing instead on stockpiling resources for the Trial ahead.

The Mission
Once you've got the Primitive Dwellings, area 1 built and 8 workers, the event will end giving you about 20 and 30 . Then you'll be presented with the next Mission: Explore The Region

The discoveries you'll want are Badari Culture and Component Tools. You likely won't be able to get both before Turn 32, so just go with Badari Culture.

Again, DO NOT go back and get The Cultivation of Flax.

Unlike in previous missions, we're not focused on growing our numbers. Instead, DO NOT waste resources on trying to build Primitive Dwellings, area 2 and increasing your worker count.

Feel free, however, to use workers to explore locations to get better resources (this is especially true if the game wasn't kind to you earlier).

Don't spend any on buildings right now.

We won't be completing this mission before the end of the Trial, so don't sweat it.
Trial: Sanctuary of the Falcon
On Turn 27 you'll get an alert on the top-right side of your screen saying that the Trial will begin in 5 turns.

This is nearly impossible to see/notice if you're busy with other things. It does tell you that you'll need , , and .

The Trial
On Turn 32, the trial will begin. You'll be told that another tribe is going to finish it in 10 turns, and to start building it immediately.

Open up your build menu and start building the Sanctuary.
As soon as you drag a worker onto the build menu, a new screen pops up.

Close this with the [Reconsider] button, and continue to Turn 33.

Horus the Ruler
On Turn 33, your Cult benefit from the Falcon will change from Hunting/Fishing to speeding up All Construction by 2 Turns!!! (this is the best cult benefit by far as it also reduces the COST of the building by 2 turns worth of as well).

You've likely got 14 turns left to build on your Sanctuary. Use the free Honor from the Horus the Ruler Event and any additional uses of the cult benefit you can from excess . This will hopefully bring you down to 10 Turns on the Sanctuary.

Spending Resources
Open up the Trial Screen by tapping on the purple icon on the left side of your screen.

Spend and until you've reduced the number of Turns to 0. (Don't worry, you can't over spend.)

If you can't you'll have 1 more turn of building and resource gathering to complete it. The Trial must be completed by Turn 34 for the Gold Victory.

Completing the Trial
Once you build the Sanctuary you'll be presented with very nice a picture of the sanctuary and a closing event screen giving you back 30 and 40 . (so if you did spend a combined 100 resources, you're only down 30 now)
5 comentários
Rufus 29 abr. 2018 às 7:29 
Once I get to turn 10/11 this guide doesn't seem to fit.
Also there is no re consider button when asked about sending resources to workers to speed them up and there was no second chance later so I'm assuming you must take the first oppertunity.
Phteven  [autor] 8 nov. 2016 às 22:42 
The 1.0.1 update might have changed a few things, but the placement of the resources is very, very random.
FroBodine 6 nov. 2016 às 17:37 
Same with me. I only have an extra +1 food location. No +3 locations. Did something change in the game since you wrote this guide that makes the guide not work?
brannflakes 22 out. 2016 às 8:00 
I keep running through this and at Turn 13, you say "Place your worker back on the revealed location for +3 " but mine is only showing +1. I've restarted the mission 5 times but it's still always +1. I'm then behind on all the rest and it snowballs :( Ideas on why I'm only getting +1 instead of +3?

Blastaz 16 out. 2016 às 17:21 
Really useful guide, are you going to continue it? I would find an overview of the later challenges really useful as knowing what you need to prepare for is quite important.

I would also suggest that getting dogs and exploring more in the opening few turns can be useful if you fluke the right explore events and you are recomending a mulligan start.