The Tape

The Tape

51 ratings
The Tape: 100% Achievement guide
By Hitchet
How to beat the game.
Story mode
Pretty linear and simple little dark story in V/H/S style.
Approximate time for completion 45min-1hour.
In order to get "Answers" achievement you have to choose Answers direction at the end that will lead you to the cabin in the woods.
Bonus levels
Dungeos of terror

The easiest of three mods. You don't even have to walk, you look through the hidden cameras using left & right keys (A & D). The goal is to collect 20 pages in 4 different rooms while lightening torches after collecting fuel (new torch). Pages are randomly generated over the rooms. It took me only 3 attempts to collect them all. 15 minutes and you are done.

Simple rules to follow:
1. If you are switching cameras too quickly - you are dead.
2. If you are switching cameras too slow - you are dead.
3. If you don't light torches - you are dead.
4. Don't forget to click on every torch even if it's lit or fireless. By doing this you are interacting with environment and saving time.


Basically, Slender mode. You have to find 8 pages in 7 different spots. On one side, it's not that bad because we don't have randomly generated environment, everything will remain the same, but on the other side, the map is HUGE and if you don't know exact directions you will be lost forever - dead.

It is 10 times harder to orientate in the forest in comparison to Slender games because of the very dense tree branches. You can easily get stuck and trying to find way to avoid trees you will get lost because there are no landmarks at all. So just keep your eye on where you were going and don't change directions.

I was doing my 5th run and I accidentally found the way to the edge of the map and I FELL OFF THE MAP. But when I was falling down I looked up and I saw THE WHOLE MAP UPSIDE DOWN so I quickly made a screenshot then I flipped it in Photoshop and drew spots with the pages on top.

Also, I made the best possible rout to go through every spot on the map from the starting point to the cabin in the woods which is perfect for finishing this hell in the style of finishing the main story. I'm not including screenshots of every page because there is already guide with that. They aren't difficult to find though.

Dark waters

Welcome to the hardest mode. Your goal is to survive for 5 minutes (300 seconds) not letting demon eat you. There is almost no strategy and 80% of the completion depends on luck.

Biggest hint: Options -> Camera Effects -> Low
B&W screen will allow you easier to grab all spheres not wasting time aiming at them with shaking Heavy effects.

0:00-2:00 minutes will be pretty easy and the main tactic is just to grab & drop light spheres as far as you can (but still visible for close distances).

2:00-4:00 minutes becoming pretty stressful because demon gaining speed and can easily break through so be very carefull and try not to lose lights. I was gaining 6-8 light spheres at this point which are very important at the last minute.

4:00-5:00 minute. Good luck. The most stressful part because you can die every second without even seeing demon, your camera movement is very slow and you can't predict where demon will spawn and the best tactic is to use all the spheres that you gathered during first 4 minutes. Try to drop them all pretty close around you because now long distance isn't your friend anymore.

I survived for 4:52 minutes in my 3d run and then it was becoming worse and worse everytime so don't be frustrated if it's seems impossible. it took me about 1 hour to figure out the best way to play this mode and I managed to survive 5:29 minutes at the end.

I hope this guide was helpfull.
Another 100% in your collection.
starbuck Oct 6, 2023 @ 9:22am 
yeah no i cba with that lvl, ive spent way too many attempts on that one alone now and it seems like it has to precise seconds between each switch and click which just isnt fun, but loved that bonus lvl besides that. I got to 19 pages the first tmie, all other tries after that and im dead b4 i reach page 2, so im thinking it bugs out or something now.
starbuck Oct 6, 2023 @ 9:00am 
Dungeons of Terror im having a ahrd time with, the first time i got to 19 pages b4 i died, then i read ur guide about not going too fast, not too slow, and click torches even wehn lit, and that just seemed to completely break it so i cant even get to page nb 2 now b4 im dead, no matter what speed i go at :s Not sure how to do this one correctly anymore tbh , no matter what i do now im caught b4 i get more than a page or 2, maybe its a bug?
友好的な生き物 Feb 27, 2018 @ 9:00am 
yeaaaaah I did it!!! my record is 314 sec!! *yay*!!
uhryab Nov 8, 2017 @ 10:26pm 
Bendy52 Dec 29, 2016 @ 12:52pm 
yeah i got it after all :evsmface2:

thx bro.
Hitchet  [author] Dec 29, 2016 @ 9:58am 
First of all, it's only one demon and no, it depends on the "health" of your sphere, so basically, if your light sphere was already used before, it might go up and demon will continue going forward. Anyway, congrats on your 100%. :beatmeat:
Bendy52 Dec 28, 2016 @ 1:41pm 
the Dark water is glitching, some deamons are not dying by one light ? i mean WTF ? do they need 2 lights ? some of them stay untill the light is dead then keep walking like a boss.
Bendy52 Dec 26, 2016 @ 9:23pm 
Thx bro.
OvO Nov 11, 2016 @ 3:37pm 
Forest mode - This map helped a lot ! Thx <3
Volk_nn Oct 16, 2016 @ 9:33am 
Good guide, thanks! :coffs: