

60 ratings
Abbreviations and Aliases you might come across
By Brzrkr
This is a list of words Battlerite players might mention in-game. Read this up if you don't want to find yourself puzzled by some names and abbreviations!
Aliases for heroes
Battlerite was born from the ashes of Bloodline Champions (BLC): since many of the characters have been "ported" from it, veterans of BLC will often mention their old names instead of the new ones. Some are intuitive, others not so much. Read the following list to avoid being puzzled by such nicknames!

  • Igniter / Iggy / Igni = Ashka
  • Vanguard / Vang = Bakko
  • Bloodpriest/ BP= Pestilus
  • Ranid / Frog = Croak
  • Ravener / Rav = Freya
  • Gunner = Jade
  • Stalker = Jamila
  • Seeker = Jumong
  • Alchemist / Alch = Lucie
  • Engineer / Engi = Iva
  • Psychopomp / Pomp = Poloma
  • Reaver = Raigon
  • Glutton = Rook
  • Harbinger / Harb = Ruh Kaan
  • Spearmaster / SM = Shifu
  • Astronomer / Astro = Sirius
  • Nomad = Taya
  • Inhibitor / Inhib = Varesh

I will update this list in case more characters inspired to BLC's original champions should be released.
Many of these abbreviations are used in other online games as well, but there's a chance you've never come across some of them, especially if your experience in online games has been limited to different genres, or limited in general.
I'll only list the most common ones, but feel free to write a comment if you think there's anything missing.

  • bg = Bad game. It's generally not very friendly to say, whether you're losing or winning.
  • cc = Crowd control, meaning abilities and effect that hinder your opponents, most often things like petrify or stun. "I was CCd" means that whoever said this was unable to act.
  • Clutch = Clutch is a "close call", something done right at the last moment or which could have gone either way until the last moment.
  • dps = Damage dealers. Depending on context, this can mean any non-support character or specifically those who don't fall under the "tank" definition (see below).
  • Escape = Used as a noun, see below for "out".
  • Focus = To focus someone is to prefer attacking them over other enemies, typically to kill them first.
  • gg = Good game. Sometimes used ironically, but in my experience here and in BLC it's mostly honest good manners.
  • gl = Good luck.
  • gr = Good round.
  • healer = Support characters. If support characters with no healing capabilities are added in the future, this term will only refer to the ones who can heal.
  • hf = Have fun. Generally said at the start of the match for good manners.
  • Iframe = Invincibility frames. It refers to when a character is invincible as a result of an animation. This happens, for example, while Bakko is in the air becase of his spacebar ability, and allows him to dodge the damage from a DoT or an exploding effect (such as Croak's ultimate).
  • Incap = or just inc. Incapacitate: the kind of stun that breaks with damage.
  • Kiting = Keeping an enemy busy by being chased by it, often to give time to an ally to kill another target more easily.
  • los = Line of sight. If you're out of los, it means your allies cannot see you. If used on itself it might be a way to tell you to stay within line of sight, or that they didn't have sight of you when needed.
  • mmr = MatchMaking Rating. The number classifying your skill, which increases or decreases when winning or losing matches respectively.
  • mb = My bad.
  • nj = Nice job.
  • nt = Nice try. Generally unironic if directed at teammates. In all-chat, it depends on the context...
  • Nuke = An ability that deals a lot of damage all at once. Jade's cannon or Jumong's ultimate are good examples of nukes.
  • Orb = The orb that spawns in the centre of the arena.
  • Out = Also "escape". It's an ability that is used to peel enemies off you or escape from them; many CC abilities also function as outs.
  • Peel = To peel is to help your ally and defend him against enemies, usually by either crowd controlling them or using a supportive ability to help the ally escape.
  • pet = Petrify.
  • Poking = Or poke. Poking means dealing little damage while staying safe. This is usually done with ranged attacks while looking for an opening.
  • Rank = Alias for Grade.
  • Skillshot = Any ability that has to be aimed in order to hit. Most of Battlerite's abilities are skillshots.
  • Talent = Battlerite. The passive benefit you choose at the start of each round.
  • Tank = Bulky non-support champions such as Bakko, Rook or Varesh, as opposed to other non-supports with less survivability and peeling (who generally have a more offensive or selfish skillset, like Freya, Jade and Shifu).
  • Tilt(ing) = If a player is tilted, (s)he is frustrated by being consistently predicted or outplayed, and plays badly as a result.
  • Trance = Counters and any other "reaction" ability, which does something if you hit the enemy during its use.
  • Tunnel (vision) = To tunnel or to tunnel vision somebody is the same as to focus them (see above).
  • ty = Thank you.
  • ult / ulti = Ultimate ability.
  • u2 = You too.
  • wp = Well played.
  • y2 = You too.
NoSwords Apr 4, 2018 @ 6:11pm 
I don't know any abbreviation people use to be toxic but anyway I thought oldur might be him because he has some skills that look alike, pearl also but much further from the original
Bjerg Apr 4, 2018 @ 4:50pm 
I hope they add headhunter soon. Could be really interesting
Quack Apr 4, 2018 @ 10:04am 
goat = oldur
Brzrkr  [author] Apr 4, 2018 @ 1:32am 
Yes and no, since he has all in all very few similarities. Pearl also has some similarities to Herald but at the end of the day, neither of them is similar enough to him that anyone has ever used his name to refer to them.

And no, I'm not going to add abbreviations people use to be toxic. :P
NoSwords Apr 3, 2018 @ 6:25pm 
I think oldur is supposed to be herald
webhead Apr 2, 2018 @ 3:48pm 
kys = kill yourself
Codex Apr 1, 2018 @ 10:55am 
tfw nicknames longer then real ones
thazine Mar 28, 2018 @ 10:47am 
offend me pls
[Legion] Alias Mar 28, 2018 @ 10:23am 
I am an alias that you will encounter
Perseus Mar 28, 2018 @ 7:50am 
HAHA, but I think some of the abbreviations of heroes's names are more complex than their original names.(which can make it seems unecessary):steamhappy: