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FAQ and help (b.FAQ)
Tekijältä Blueberry Beard
The most common questions / bugs / catches from new users answered here. (Last updated in 2017 for Hackmud's BETA)
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If this guide helped you, please consider donating GC to user @b who wrote b.faq

The FAQ you are about to read is provided to you by the community. If you have suggestions for changes, please make a comment here. Major contributors will be given shared access to this FAQ.

Video guide provided by @orion

Many thanks to the major community contributors @dtr, @soron, @orion
Does thie game have pictures? Is it all text?
This game is a text-based MUD. Its main rendering engine is your imagination. MUD stands for Multi User Dungeon.

Do I have to host the server? Is everyone playing together? Is it multiplayer only?
The game starts out as a single player game tutorial, where you learn the basics. After this you will enter the multiplayer game. You must be online for both the tutorial and the multiplayer game as your stats are recorded to the server as you progress.

Why is it so expensive in my currency?
You will have noticed the game costs 13.37 in whatever currency you buy it in. If this is a problem for you, buy the game from the humble store for the price in dollars. This will save you money if your currency is more expensive. (However, it doesn't hurt your karma to pay full price to the dev.)

Do I need to understand coding to play?
No! You can play as a social member of the various groups and help others attain goals by simply being helpful. As the user created content increases, there are various activities to partake in.

What languages does the scripting use?
The player scripts are written in javascript with various built in functions. You upload your scripts from your computer to the game to run them.
How do I change the window size?
Hold ALT as the program is starting. This will open up a dialogue that allows you to chose your window size. This will resize the text accordingly.

Where can I ask questions and get help?

What are all these red messages and errors? Are they part of the game?
These are server error messages. There is one dev for the whole game and he is working on fixing the servers for the large amount of new players. A fix is coming.

My command isn't working and I'm stuck
You could check on the forums if someone else has had this issue. It is heavily recommended that you do the following first:
Check for confusion between 1 and l (one / L). This is a common problem with the font.
Read back over the things the NPCs have said and the results you have received from various commands.

For some reason I've returned to an earlier part of the tutorial. Do I have to do it all again?
No. If you have the command, you can skip forward in the tutorial. For example, joining certain chat channels or connecting to certain programs.

I'm going to quit. I hate this. I can't work it out!
Everyone has been through this stage. Sometimes it's as easy as going back and reading something you've missed before. Sometimes you must solve a puzzle in several steps of the tutorial. It's worth completing it, we promise! If you still feel stuck, don't hesitate to ask for help on the forums provided above.

How long does this tutorial take?
It can take anywhere between two and six hours, depending on your skill level and patience. It's recommended to take a break from the game every hour or so - make sure you remember where you were before you leave.

How do I save?
The game saves automatically, but it's recommended you use the shutdown command when you want to quit.
WARNING: DO NOT RUN SCRIPTS AT RANDOM. Users can make their own scripts, which may cause in-game damage to your user or cause you to lose money. User scripts are prefixed with a username which might look convincing.
You can run scripts.trust to find trusted scripts, or you can check if a script is safe by using scripts.get_level. Highsec scripts will never cause you an issue.

How do I stop the screen scrolling so I can copy and paste?
If you scroll up a little, the screen will stop scrolling. You can do this by pressing 'page up' or scrolling up with the scroll bar.

What do I do now?
Check scripts.trust for a list of scripts you can use that will show you your possibilities.
Check scripts.fullsec for 'quests'. Just like in the tutorial, there are npc factions with poor security just begging to be infiltrated if you can find their security flaws.

How do I access dead accounts?
When you find a list of dead accounts buried in an archive, you can connect to them over the hardline. A series of pattern matching and guessing will usually get you through their weak security.

How do I get money?
Mostly, you will get money by cracking dead accounts - but it's also possible to earn gc from other players. Ask if anyone has any tasks that need to be done. Scripting, writing FAQs and writing stories can be a good way to make some GC to upgrade!

What's a 'loc'?
You can see your loc under sys.loc. It's your unique location, similar to an ip which allows other users to run malicious scripts on your machine. If you tell it to someone, or run a malicious script which steals it, your system will become vulnerable. Make sure you keep this secret and safe!

Can I change my loc?
In the future your loc may rotate, but currently it is permanent. If you lose your loc your system will be compromised for good. For now, think of it as a permadeath.

How do I check if a script is safe before I use it?
You can check a script is safe by using scripts.get_level. Highsec scripts will never cause you an issue.

If you don't sys.init, are you safe from being hacked?
Any level of user can be hacked if they run a dangerous script - on purpose or mistake.

How can I advance or level up?
To get to the next tiers, you need to have enough funds to do sys.init. Upgrading your system introduces risks, so proceed with caution in doing so. Reaching each tier introduces vulnerabilities but also increases the slots for upgrades and how many characters your scripts can have.

How does the class system work?
Depending on which updates you have installed, your class will change. By visiting market.browse you can find a selection of items for sale which will upgrade your system in various ways.

How can I filter the market for things I want without knowing what I want?
Filter by tier. Use market.browse{tier:1}

Where can I find examples of user scripts?
Below are examples of code provided by @soron, a user in HackMud.

Where can I learn to script?
You can check @dtr's script manual page. Type: dtr.man{page:"$.scripting_basics"} into the console.
You may also want to read a little on the background of the game with this interview with the developer.
26 kommenttia
Blueberry Beard  [tekijä] 27.8.2022 klo 8.47 
This tutorial is old, and I have no idea if it has any relevance to the modern game. I'm leaving it here for historical purposes.
olejika 26.8.2022 klo 8.29 
Video is private
ITSFYREGUY 27.5.2020 klo 17.40 
also what about locks on sale, im curious what you use those for, do you like add them to your security or something, its confusing me
davebatista4321 23.5.2020 klo 12.56 
Hello all,
Every time I try to run the game my screen freezes and my mac stops responding.
My mac stats are as follows:

macbook air 2017
mac mojave, 10.14.6
processor 1.8 GHz intel core i5
memory 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3
graphics intel HD Graphics 6000 1536 MB

P.S : I tried running the game with minimal background processes, still the same result
Any help wud be much appreciated.

Blueberry Beard  [tekijä] 30.1.2019 klo 11.58 

Possibly. I remember being able to highlight text, and I feel that should make it qualify for text-to-speech. However, there are graphical elements made from ASCII art that might be a slight barrier. I'm afraid I haven't played since the beta and that was very long ago - the answer is 'maybe' and you might find better information from the developer on Twitter.

If your friend is using text-to-speech software, I recommend the many 'MUD' games - Multi User Dungeons - out there for free. They're entirely text based multiplayer games - which hackmud is based on. Most are free to play.

For example, Achaea or any of the games by Iron Realms which are quite accessable. Disclaimer: I don't work for any of the companies mentioned in this comment.

I hope this was helpful for you and your friend! Happy gaming!
Monke 29.1.2019 klo 18.29 
Does this game support tts (text-to-speech) software? I'd like to get this for a friend who is blind, but don't want to do so if it's useless for him.
Blueberry Beard  [tekijä] 27.1.2017 klo 13.34 
@Unifel thanks for your concern! I'll likely rejoin soon. I've had the craving...
Unifel 29.12.2016 klo 19.07 
@Hackwode, if you no longer play you should edit to remove the mention of donating money to @b, unless someone else plays that user, in which case you should make that clear as well. Was going to donate some GC once I had some, but don't want it to be wasted...
Ivar 26.12.2016 klo 0.42 
i love this game
Blueberry Beard  [tekijä] 10.12.2016 klo 15.57 
Sorry @Crepe, I no longer play the game so I haven't been able to keep up with changes.