Garry's Mod
2,088 人が評価
Combine MindHacks
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: NPC
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
2.595 MB
2016年9月11日 14時06分
2019年12月21日 12時27分
47 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Combine MindHacks

NEW RULE: Before posting any bugs, turn off all of Your currently enabled addons expect this one, restart Your game, start any map, test it AND THEN post anything below. :^)

What are those? Short story:
Combine has realised that capturing humans and turning them into stalkers/soldiers isn't very effective. It costs too many resources. Combine's engineers has developed a device, able to take control of thier victims and turn them into Combine allies. After many tests, it came out that new Weapon is even able to turn any nonhuman life form into mindless slave. Device is being applied by dropping it on a victim. After that, patient's head being smashed and replaced with synthetic brain. After application, device cannot be removed. Any attempt to remove the device will kill the patient. If host die, they will disconnect from his body and search for an new one if the first one was not killed by headshot. So aim for the head :P

DEV NOTE: You can also apply the device on the victim by setting NWBool "MindHack:SetNWEntity("CMHOwner", NPC)". Device will automatically attach on him.

By ★ SmolGui ★
To save the author some time:

You get three variants of the mindhack. One is basic. One is with turrets. One is with advisor abilities. Simply drop them onto a resistance NPC and they will convert to the combine side. Alternatively, you could use the NPC version which will seek out a resistance enemy and convert them. You can wear a mindhack by spawning the basic version and pressing E on it.

Six Entities. You can find them at || Q --> Entities --> Combine Technology ||:

> Combine MindHack Mark I
- Common variant of the MindHack, no special abilities.
- It can be equipped by any Player, but make sure that Your player model has "chest" attachment. Otherwise You'll be killed.

> Combine MindHack Mark II
- Variant with two mounted turrets, deadly turrets. Turrets have installed flashlights.

> Combine MindHack Mark III
- Using Advisor's telepathic technology to control his enemies and deal damage to them. If his opponent has less than 50% of his max health, he will turned into MindHack brainless minion. This MindHack work great as the squad member.

> CMH Carrier Mark I
- Flying NPC, that will apply CMH device on contact.

> CMH Carrier Mark II
- Flying NPC, that will apply CMH device on contact.

> CMH Carrier Mark III
- Flying NPC, that will apply CMH device on contact.

> "cmh_use_by_touch" -- MindHack can be applied on player by touch instead of pressing use key.

> "cl_cmh_draw_mindhack" -- If You are using other thirperson mods than Simple ThirdPerson, You can use this command to draw MindHack model.

> "cl_cmh_experimental_sound_effects" -- If new experimental sound effects are too spooky for You, set this command to 0.

> "cmh_full_transformation" -- If true, MindHacks will fully transform thier victims into the... Synths? (You have to enable it manualy)

> "cmh_markiii_damage" -- Set damage of Mark III.

> "cmh_potato" -- Set to 0 if you want use ragdolls.

> "cmh_spawn_cmh" -- MindHack have chance to disconnect after host death.

> "cmh_spawn_chance" -- You can set "chance" for it to happen.

> "cmh_body_life_time" -- Ragdoll life time.



1. Added ragdoll deaths.
2. MindHacks have chance to disconnect from host body after his death and search for another victim.
3. Added some effects.

Me - Coding,
♤Grimm♤ - Second Art,
Valve - Steam

Have Fun! :B1:

PRESS ME \/ -- Item Donation.
If you feel that my shi**y job is worth something.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (37)
2023年7月30日 14時46分
What happens when you equip the Mindhack?
Super Mario Bros. 6
2023年9月15日 1時15分
I found some bugs
The Supreme Combine
2023年8月31日 7時29分
Weird texture bug.
[RED]Unoriginal Umbrella
915 件のコメント
Undrinkabl3 Wat3r 6月15日 16時55分 
But still a great concept to have a device that makes rebels and civis turn to combine Great Mod!
Undrinkabl3 Wat3r 6月15日 16時54分 
Goofy ahh face
Santi 6月11日 5時52分 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE WORKSHOP!
cikhardt 5月4日 14時14分 
Im sure those Mark 2 and 3 usables are coming annyy day now.... annny day..... huh....
Cleano. 4月26日 19時21分 
its still goated though lol
Commander Soldier 4月10日 3時49分 
i hope someone revamps this one day
CλLIBURN 4月6日 21時02分 
all hail plankton
Eternal221 3月20日 19時39分 
Guys, its been 5 years since this addon updated.
Safe to say reporting will do nothing. RIP
Maxwell 3月3日 14時07分 
[Combine MindHacks] Cannot destroy physics in a physics callback!
1. TransformVictim - lua/entities/sent_combine_mindhack_mark_i.lua:349
2. unknown - lua/entities/sent_combine_mindhack_mark_i.lua:285
lil hobo 2月19日 15時28分 
to do none? how about using mark 1 and 2.