Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce

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Templar Battleforce Video Guide- All Missions , Including Stratos Orbital
By Warlord Mal
Vae Victus Templar!
This guide has video walkthroughs of every single mission in Templar Battleforce on Hard Difficulty ( which means my Templar die permanently), including the post-game missions in the Stratos Orbital.
  • Each video is a mission by itself.
  • The beginning of each video quickly shows me putting my requisition points/level ups to use and their impact on the game
  • After RQ/Levels, I show the entire mission, including failures and deaths.
Mission 1 - Deck 12 Cappa Sector

This first mission covers the invasion of the Templars Strike Cruiser , The Righteous Fallen. The Templars have been on the run for some time now. Just when they think they have escaped, the Xeno scouts find them and strike.
Mission 2 - Deck 14 Alta Sector

In mission 2, we get into how tactical points work, the Engineer class and their role in capturing enemy tactical points, and how to recruit more templars in general.
Mission 3 - Deck 14 Power Relay Grid

Diving deeper behind Xeno lines, we begin override of doors locking our way into the heart of the Xeno cruiser. Vengeance is close!
Mission 4 - Alien Vessel Counter Attack

I make the worst mistake one can make in a turn based tactical game- I hit end turn without moving any of my guys...♥♥♥♥ me.
Mission 5 - Bomb Escort

There is only one thing left to do on this alien vessel - send it back into the howling void from whence it came.
Mission 6 - Ferarai Lance: Boarding - Holding for 12 turns

We hold the line on the Ferarai Lance research vessel, trying to discover what information it might have and if there are survivors.
Mission 7 - Ferarai Lance Airlock Chambers

The Xenos crawl in this mission. Over walls, through floors, past barricades, flowing like deadly waters around the templar.

We only need to get to the end of this corridor. Many lineages go dark this day.
Mission 8 - Ferarai: Power Relay Grid

A challenging task lies ahead: route power through unreliable cable that can explode, then move to the next node and see if you can get the power to the engines. All while under assault from all sides by the xeno. It is a mission of control and patience.
Mission 9 - Ferarai : Atmo Reentry

With Marielle Throll and the other Ferarai Lance scientists in tow, we make haste with an evacuation mission to the Righteous Fallen...the terrox fall in from all angles to overrun our previous positions, nipping at our leviathan mechs the whole way.
Mission 10 - March from Galantia

The Rychart Syndicate's first colony is under siege from falling Terrox spores. It is up to us to cut a path through them to a strategic point that will allow us victory!
Mission 11 - Siege at Tundeer

The City of Tundeer has fallen to the Terrox despite us trying to prevent a full scale invasion on Rychart Prime. We must secure the 4 city gates so that the Rychart syndicate can move their forces into place.
Mission 12 - Great Pipeline : Intact

Cutting through a winding chemical complex, we try to incinerate and block off the Terrox before they can completely overrun one of the most important Industrial centers on Rychart Prime.
Mission 13 - Extermination by Fire

Ignis Regnum! We burn the spores of the Terrox to ashes, the true might of the Hydra is revealed!
Mission 14 - Rychart Prime : Patrol Route

The truest threat to mankind has always been itself. A dark conspiracy is beginning to come together: forbidden FTL communications, a dark cult armed to the teeth, yaups of a new alien master from the void ruling humanity.

All of them must burn for their sins.
Mission 15 - Kaldun: Factory Entrance

A monstrous hive of skitterings has been secretly built upon Kaldun. We promise Commander Hok a "lightning fast raid". Let's deliver on our promises.
Mission 16 - Kaldun: Factory Core South

It is a long battle for this Factory Core, trying to take and hold 3 Tactical points stretched along a xeno infested factory with tight hallways.. May my fellow Templar learn from my mistakes as a Captain.
Mission 17 - Rychart Prime: Desert Command Center

Making up for my shortcomings on Kaldun, we utterly destroy the Xeno cultists and their Tac Net.
Mission 18 - Drayan Core

The Palace that holds the Cult Leaders must be infiltrated before they can escape. Along the way, we stop the AA guns from harassing Commander Hok's troops.
Mission 19 - Drayan Palace

No more running from Judgement! We slay everyone and everything in our path, burning entire hordes of traitors alive. The Xeno menace looms deep in the heart of this once proud palace.
Mission 20 - Extermination Protocol

Half-energy, half-organic Litch awaits us, summoned by the Cult of Shelgeroth. Not even death stops this Terrox. A strung out fight with an infinite respawning boss across three xeno infested boss respawners, great fun and challenge.
Mission 21 - Rubic 5 Drop

Discovering that some Rogue Startrader Captains helped supply the xeno artifacts to the Cult of Shelgeroth, we drop down on top of their old installation. We find that the keepers of the cursed curios have been slain to a man. Recover and purge is our mission.
Mission 22 - Drop Shaft

A fight for Tactical Points ensues as we try to open up the StarTrader Complex deeper.
Mission 23 - Tunnel Complex

Massive battle with the Xeno in the Artifact Crypt. I struggle to contain the flow of Terrox while I expand to the Tactical Points needed for victory.
Mission 24 - Artifact Vaults

Moving at the Speed of Blessed Light, we outclass the Xeno in every aspect. The cursed artifacts belong to the Templar now.
Mission 25 - Rubic Detonation Site

A labyrinthine, claustrophobic rush through Xeno clogged Tunnels. We get hammered from at least four different angles in this battle site. The bomb must be planted so we can leave this place a forgotten crater instead of a festering wound for Xeno to grow in.
Mission 26 - Dread Falcon

Following in the steps of Paladin Nyra, we begin the story of the main threat to the Templar and all of humanity. Aboard the Dread Falcon, we recover information of why she so hastily abandoned her ship and clues to where she has gone.
Mission 27 - Leo Drop-Zone

Continuing to chase Nyra, we find the remains of her drop site and are ambushed by an onslaught of Terrox.
Mission 28 - Southbound Trail

Cut and burn is the tactical challenge here. Securing a path towards Nyra, we set the whole planet ablaze behind us.
Mission 29 - Traitor's Bunker

The Cult of Shelgeroth's FTL Bunker is found out by Nyra. It is a battle that demands splitting your forces and holding off tons of incoming enemy. Good thing we brought plenty of promethium.
Mission 30 - Prime: Drop Zone
A wicked tactical point grab acrross a series of trenches. Xenos pour in from all sides. This mission stretched my resources to their limit.
Mission 31 - Starport Breach

Push, hold back, buy time with defenses. Heat sink! Everything turns into an emergency and race against the flood of xeno.
Mission 32 - Orbital Defense Battery

Moklumnue Prime's orbital defense guns are down. It is up for us to activate them to defend the planet. This turns into a cat and mouse game, with the xeno chasing us down from tac point to tac point. As the guns roar into the sky, something answers with a hellish beam of energy, from this planet. The Narvidians have arrived.
Mission 33 - Prime: Starport Vault

Entering the depths of the Starport, the Templar's nemesis reveals itself - The Narvidians have come. They even brought a huge tank of a worm with them.
Mission 34 - Deck 7

We defend the Righteous Fallen on Deck 7. Our mission is to buy the other Templar Squads enough time so that we can defend the bridge of the ship together.
Mission 35 - Righteous Fallen : Bridge

The battle is for the Righteous Fallen ship itself. All major Templar characters are here to fight off the fast moving Narvidians.
Mission 36 - Hive Ship: Outer Hull

A twisted exploration of a Narvidian Ship, amidst Narvidian pursuers. The threat of overheating is constant here.
Mission 37 - Narvidian Core

I am pretty sure this is the largest map in the game. We must capture 5 tac points in this map in order to access the Narvidian Hive Mind. It is a big battle to get there.
Mission 38 - Hive Mind

This is it. The massive confrontation with the Zendu Nemesis : The Narvidian Hive Mind. Everyone arrives to deal in some revenge. Come join the big party.
Stratos Orbital Mission 1 - Stratos: Central Airlock

The first mission in the Templar Battleforce post-game mission pack. The Stratos Orbital is a research station where Marialle Throll has gone. The Templar are dispatched to land there to investigate why things have gone so terribly wrong.
Stratos Orbital Mission 2 - Defense Relay

One of the toughest levels in the post-game missions, security turrets make fast progression difficult when faced with swarms of xeno from all directions.
Stratos Orbital Mission 3 - Elevator Complex

An unpredictable run through multiple decks, constrained by an elevator that can only take one at a time. The xeno smile at our patient tormentor, the elevator.
Stratos Orbital Mission 4 - Command Center

The command center holds all the secrets as to what was happening on Stratos Orbital. Let's breach the evil that has invaded the quadrant.
Stratos Orbital Mission 5 - Reactor Core

The final level, the final dark ritual of the Xeno on Stratos. This is a grueling slaughter that tests our Templar and Leviathans to their limits.
Trese Brothers  [developer] Aug 3, 2017 @ 5:48pm 
@happyscrub - when you do a single play thru, based on your story choices, you cannot do all the missions in a single go. Based on the choices made, Warlord Mal ended up taking the March from Galantia mission instead.
happyscrub Aug 3, 2017 @ 12:30pm 
All missions? the 1st mission I looked for here was not on here: Drop Zone on Galantia
Warlord Mal  [author] Aug 24, 2016 @ 2:48pm 
Thanks to both of you. NTSheep made it easy to find the level names :D
Trese Brothers  [developer] Aug 24, 2016 @ 9:39am 
Very impressed :D
ntsheep Aug 24, 2016 @ 9:06am 
Great Job!