Box Maze

Box Maze

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Be a Better Box
By Corrupted
This guide will teach you the simple secrets to being a better box.

These are my 5 simple do's and dont's to being a better box.
Remember to stay safe and out of the rain.

Lots of Square Love
What not to do to be a better box
  • Spamming button, this will not get you very far and will not in any way help you to be a better box.
  • Run into an enemy box like an idiot, this is sure to get you killed and frustrate you.
  • Randomly decide to jump into just any door, some places may have more than one door.
    Stop and think before deciding which door you will venture into.
  • When being shot at, do not stand still.
  • In the event that you are with another box be it in co-op or 1v1, never trust them, no seriously do not trust a box.
What to do to be a better box.
  • Learn patience, patience is the leading strength to finding our inner box.
  • In the event that you are with another box try trick your partner into thinking they can trust you, once they have gained your fake trust the power is all yours.
  • Use your save buttons wisely, there is a reason for it.
  • When in a safe place take a moment to scope out your surroundings and plan your way forward.
  • Share the joy and excitement, show your friends and family the meaning of being a real box by forcing them to play with or against you (Always ensure you will be victorious before suggesting this action, you do not want to make a box fool out of yourself)
Corrupted  [author] Nov 3, 2016 @ 7:14am 

We have had quite a bit of feedback on that subject and are working on a way to give more info on the secrets rooms without taking away the excitement of actually finding them :)
An idea we currently have is to begin releasing YouTube video's on this and more.
We do also have a discussion area for anyone who would like to share the secrets they have already found

Much Love
Koalala Nov 3, 2016 @ 6:10am 
What about creating a guide about the secret areas?