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Full list of Staves, Weapons, Robes and Spells - Unlock Locations
By nolanritchie
A Full list of Staves, Weapons, Robes and Spells with descriptions on how they are all unlockable and where you can find them
SuperSoca® Jun 22, 2019 @ 11:29am 
This is for Magika 2, not Magika....
BurzumStride Apr 18, 2018 @ 3:02am 
Hey there, awesome list. I tried pulling the ritual sickle and chirpy staff from SteamDB, however it does not appear to work when opened using the Steam Client Bootstrapper. Any tips?
nolanritchie  [author] Aug 3, 2017 @ 7:51pm 
Your right, it's 5 not 7. Though the rest of what I wrote in the location desc is correct. I'll change the 5 to a 7
feuertier Aug 3, 2017 @ 6:51pm 
Toy Bjarv is shown in someone else's video as Chapter 5. I couldn't find it in Chapter 7.
[Lemons] w!z@rD Sep 8, 2016 @ 1:14pm 
It's a great website but I'd like to ask you to not post this in the Magicka community hub as this is clearly for Magicka 2. I see you haven't actually posted this in the Magicka 2 hub. Did you perhaps confuse the two hubs?