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More Trait Space
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12. čvc. 2016 v 15.04
9. čvn. 2020 v 18.35
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More Trait Space

Modifies the uplift/genetic modification window and the trait selection screen of species creation to show more traits. Meant for use with mods that add lots of traits.

Genetic modification window has the contents rearranged, and fits up to 48 applied traits and 455 available traits. Trait selection screen has tweaked trait details box, and lengthened available and selected traits scrollboxes. The lengthened scrollboxes go over the other species info, but function properly.

Now also extends the civics selection box in the species creator and reform government.

Fits within 1280x720 resolution.

Files modified:
  • interface/customize_species_editors.gui
  • interface/government_mod_window.gui
  • interface/species_mod_window.gui

Probably Ironman/Achievement compatible, since only UI files are changed, but not tested.
Počet komentářů: 88
Adjani 16. lis. 2023 v 9.33 
currently makes the game crash for me.
renegade_sock 3. úno. 2023 v 2.34 
> The only problem is that, if you have a lot of planets (Planetary Diversity, for example), the genes you are adding gets buried behind them. It's awkward to remove the old traits because of it, but it's better than the alternatives.

Yeah this is very annoying, you have to click just below the planet icons to remove traits.
renegade_sock 3. úno. 2023 v 1.04 
@Subtle Legend, will report back if it doesn't work but I'm assuming it will
EmeraLord 22. led. 2023 v 2.11 
The only problem is that, if you have a lot of planets (Planetary Diversity, for example), the genes you are adding gets buried behind them. It's awkward to remove the old traits because of it, but it's better than the alternatives.
EmeraLord 22. led. 2023 v 2.08 
The commenter, Subtle, below this is absolutely right. This method works, even with a heavily modded game - all you need to do, is go into your workshop folder (Program Files (x86), Steam, steamapps, workshop, content) and I'd recommend sorting by date modified to find the mod. You should one folder, interface. That's the file that contains the two files you need to delete, as he mentioned. The other files should contain a text document which should be a carbon copy of what is written on the mod workshop page above. Hope this helps!
Subtle 3. led. 2023 v 13.04 
For those looking for an updated version of this - it actually can still work, if you're just looking for the species template editor and not the empire creation stuff. The species editor GUI file (interface/species_mod_window.gui) seems to work fine.

I did get a crash when trying to run the whole mod as-is, but the workaround was to go into the mod file and delete the other two interface files (interface/customize_species_editors.gui & interface/government_mod_window.gui). I was installing it on an in-progress game, so I didn't care about the empire creation screen anyway.
Nabs 8. úno. 2022 v 21.21 
update please crashes game. Unloaded it and my game worked fine again...
Råb!d 17. pro. 2021 v 14.32 
Sadly, Stellaris crashes for me.
Jesse LeStache 13. pro. 2021 v 11.13 
Any updates on this, or at least alternatives?