SONAR Steam Edition: Shota Nakama shares tips for video game designers
"Shota Nakama is the CEO of SoundtRec, and producer of Video Game Orchestra. He has worked on many big video game titles including Final Fantasy and Tekken. In this video, he shares some tips for aspiring video game designers.

5 Tips for Video Game Sound Designers:

1) Analyze Good Music. See symphonic concerts and listen to great soundtracks to surround yourself with fantastic inspiration and imagination. Analyzing these pieces is crucial for developing your own musical abilities.

2) Versatility. Know your gear, stay up to date on the latest technology, and be infinitely familiar with your sample library. The ability to compose, arrange, AND perform music is invaluable. Invest the necessary time to acquire the skills the music industry demands.

3) Network. Other people should know how great a composer you are as well. Make authentic friendly connections and opportunities will present themselves.

4) Speed. Be able to reply to opportunities and inquiries quickly or someone else may take your place. Be able to work quickly as well. Learn your music, technique, software, and craft as a whole. Be able to perform under pressure and time-crunches.

5) Project Awareness. Know and intimately understand the project at hand. Learn your characters, the story of the game, and the production choices on every level.

SONAR Steam Edition, available exclusively on Steam."