The Temporal Invasion

The Temporal Invasion

37 ratings
The Temporal Invasion Solutions Guide [RETIRED]
By CreepyCanuck and 1 collaborators
This guide is complete up to the finale of Part One, including all five cases.

This guide has been retired and will no longer be updated.
July 14 update: Videos for remaining cases added. Guide is now complete until part two is released.

The Temporal Invasion is not strictly a difficult game. You may be able to figure out lots of things just from being alive. Perhaps you'll see a picture of someone you recognize, and the clue is that person's name; within seconds, bam, you've figured out the puzzle.

Google will be your friend for many parts of this.

When it comes to answers, capitalization and grammar do not seem to matter, as long as the answers are spelled correctly. For example (and this is not in-game, as far as I know), if the answer is a person and that person is Steve Wozniak, you can use his name in proper caps or in lowercase. But if you spell Steve as Steeve, it'll be bounced back as wrong.

THERE ARE SOLUTIONS PROVIDED. I've used the [spoiler][/spoiler] tag to black out what the actual answers are, and have provided a few clues. While you can obviously just check the answers, why not do a quick search and attempt to figure it out yourself? The best part of any game is coming to the conclusion on your own.

The updating of this guide will be sporadic, due to time constraints and many other games that I'll be playing. To make sure you're always up to date, you can follow my group page, or follow my guides directly.

Happy solving!
Part 1 - Case 1 - Find the Secret Book
I have been living with a memory problem where my past memories were not consistent with reality.
...The life was pretty normal.
But then I got a document! Who called himself - Dr. Quantum!

#1: The Source
  • Look at the six icons on the picture. What do they all represent?
  • People who often work with beakers and chemicals are scientists. What do they study?
Solution: Science

#2: The Source II
  • Fiddle with the RGB and brightness on the picture until you see a hidden message.
Solution: You are awesome

#3: Unrated Quest
  • The answer is given to you.
  • The author also wrote Brave New World.
Solution: Aldous Huxley

#4: The X-Conspiracy
  • He was a politician.
  • One of the most famous conspiracy theories.
  • His wife's name was Jacqueline Onassis, or, Jackie O.
Solution: John F Kennedy

#5: The Classified Truth
  • Fiddle with the RGB and brightness to find a man hiding somewhere.
  • Look at what he's holding.
Solution: Umbrella Man

#6: Unknown Coordinates
  • Think of Samuel Morse.
  • Are you sure it wasn't about aliens?
  • It's gone by many names over the years, but one is synonymous.
Solution: Homey Airport

#7: The Trespasser
  • The sign has weird language at the bottom. What is it in?
  • It's not a spoken language.
  • It's part of one of the most populated countries on the planet.
Solution: Wheeler Island

#8: Private Alliance
  • Use scaling on the image.
  • Read the middle clue.
  • Man, he's out of this world.
Solution: Neil Armstrong

#9: Behind the Door
  • The clue is a red herring.
  • Sometimes, things can be very literal.
  • Microsoft Word?
Solution part 1: Compose a new email to: Subject: password. Body: password.
Solution part 2: You'll receive a number (it's random) as a reply to the above message. Send that number to Dr. Quantum as usual.

#10: The Truth
  • If you were to read something opposite, which direction would you be reading?
  • No, it's not a cryptogram.
  • What is a common numbering system that begins with 978? Every book has one. Find which book.
Solution: Trattato Della Pittura

Video Guide for Part One: Case One
(thanks to Arbitrarium - find her on Steam and Twitch[])
Part 1 - Case 2 - The Lost Survivor
I was doing something that I always wanted to.
Even Dr. Quantum was impressed with me.
But, that was not easy.
Dr. Quantum came to me with a bad news!

#1: Half Way
  • The photo is a red herring. Or is it?
  • You'll need to use something you haven't used yet.
  • Do you need a mirror?
  • King of the dinosaurs!
Solution part 1: Download the Q-Chat program by searching for it in the Tools part of the computer.
Solution part 2: After talking to Rex, send the phrase I AM LEAVING THIS MISSION as your answer.

#2: The Digital Wall
  • Signature does not necessarily mean someone's handwriting.
  • Did you search for the number?
  • The top result will contain your answer. It is not a city nor country, but a location within a country.
  • What's the opposite of an oasis?
Solution: Lut Desert

#3: No Doors
  • You don't always need the picture viewer to view a picture.
  • Did you go to the website? Try searching for it instead.
  • Perhaps you'll notice a familiar name in the list.
Solution part 1: Compose a new email to: Subject: access. Body: 1723-A-28402
Solution part 2: After exhausting the conversation with DiMAG, send your answer with this in the body: I will not die in 1994.

#4: Electric Love
  • Many people died in 1994. Not all of them were famous killers.
  • He kept body parts in his freezer.
Solution: Jeffrey Dahmer

#5: The Cage
  • The French...she means nothing!
  • What else could a long number represent? A cipher?
  • Fingerprints aren't always unique identifiers.
  • Anybody remember texting on flip phones where you had to use the numbers?
Solution: National Library of Russia

#6: Lucid Dreams
  • Use one of your non-computer tools.
  • What kind of number usually contains two dashes and ten digits?
Solution: Sandy Island

#7: Dead End
  • DiMAG gives you pretty much exactly what you need in his message.
  • You can search many things on Google. Did you know you could also search things in a reverse order?
Solution: Image search with the picture to discover a location: Mohenjo Daro

#8: Living Stone
  • Use one of your non-computer tools.
  • You've seen these types of characters before. Not Excel, but...?
  • Do a quick search, find a familiar name, and you'll discover just what you need to access.
  • With your newfound information, a place of learning awaits you.
Solution part 1: Send an email to Subject: access Body: VW-3537-DSKSA
Solution part 2: Reversing the second image will give you a school. Send your answer as: BSF Senior Secondary School

#9: Better Half
  • Romance!
  • I can't speak multiple languages, but something can.
  • Who's a good boy? You're a good boy! Just remember to translate it back.
Solution: "Good dog" in another language: vot sobaka

#10: The Revelation
  • Use one of your non-computer tools. The clue is small but also large.
  • Your contacts list is growing!
  • It's bloody cold down there, but let's put another shrimp on the barbie mate.
Solution part 1: Send an email to You can put whatever you want in the subject and body.
Solution part 2: Send another email to with the body: Casey Station
Solution part 3: Send your answer as usual, which is: he lives inside

Video Guide for Part One: Case Two
(thanks to Arbitrarium - find her on Steam and Twitch[])
Part 1 - Case 3 - Emily's Murder Mystery
But, then someone came to meet me.
He was T-Rex 15279! The ally of Dr. Quantum.
And he told me something that I was not prepared to hear.

#1: The Fire
  • This is an easy search. It'll probably be the first result.
  • What are the themes of the game? Perhaps there's a school with that focus?
  • Ello, gov'nur!
Solution: Edinburgh

#2: Permutations
  • Use a non-computer tool.
  • It's not a heat signature, so don't look for dark and light.
  • Maybe write it down and figure out what it is?
Solution: Hijack

#3: Time Isolation
  • The monster is a red herring.
  • It's a very easy cipher. Kind of like a word search.
  • A specialized research center in a specific country.
Solution: CeNTech

#4: Game of Numbers
  • Use a non-computer tool.
  • Count the number of fingerprints.
  • What does that number and that name have in common?
Solution: 15112014
(solution submitted by Dårlig Ulv))

#5: A Lie
  • Look at the color of the coupon, and where it is not applicable.
  • The tape tells you about food. A specific type of food.
  • Which real life brand does that coupon represent?
Solution: Activia

#6: The Photograph
  • Find zoo openings in April of 1964.
  • Open Google Maps, find that zoo, and follow to the east.
  • This is actually one of the easiest puzzles.
Solution: Indiana State Library

#7: The Command
  • Why always go forward? Sometimes backwards is just fine as well.
  • There is definitely a red herring here.
  • Not two directions, but one.
Solution part 1: Send an email to with the body: ah16379
Solution part 2: Send an email to with the body: 638203034
Solution part 3: Send your answer as: Liam Olson.

#8: The Grass
  • Fiddle with the RGB to reveal something that you'll need a real life device to decode.
  • Use the in-game computer.
  • This one is also quite easy; Google the English clues.
Solution: Hans Eppinger

#9: The Assassination
  • Fiddle with the RGB to see something.
  • You may need to squint. A lot.
  • The theme of the game is changing slightly. Achtung!
Solution part 1: Go back to the offers page and put in 395739289.
Solution part 2: Send your answer as Karl Wolff.

#10: Secret Message
  • Dot dot dash dot.
  • Save our ship!
Solution: Send as your answer: my notes first playground

Video Guide for Part One: Case Three
(thanks to Arbitrarium - find her on Steam and Twitch[])
Part 1 - Case 4 - Quantum Dog
Isn't it a very weird place to hide sensitive things?
I used to hide my test papers there.

#1: The Personal Diary
  • Time to save the environment!
  • Google Maps to the rescue!
Solution: Snob Island

#2: The Seven Dogs - I
  • Say Cheese!
  • Thank You Larry Page.
Solution: Jaco Island

#3: The Seven Dogs - II
  • Algebra sucks, always has sucked, and always will suck.
  • But hey, the internet.
Solution: Surtsey

#4: The Seven Dogs - III
  • Another word for being sad or depressed.
  • Oh lookie there.
Solution: Bouvet Island

#5: The Seven Dogs - IV
  • Scales? How do they work?
  • Wikipedia is your new best friend.
Solution: Navassa Island

#6: The Seven Dogs - V
  • It is not Morse Islands don't even try it.
  • Is he famous?
Solution: Tetepare

#7: A Broken Plan
  • Bite my shiny metal ass.
  • One zero zero one one zero zero, the robot prayer.
  • The answer is staring right at you.
Solution: Meet me at B1632S

#8: The DNA Strand
  • You'll need a converter.
  • It's a pretty basic one.
  • Ignore the way you were taught to read English.
Solution: This is TimeX Alpha Team Please save us!

#9: A Messenger
  • Bunch of squares!
  • Familiar with Wi-Fi encryption?
  • Where have I seen numbers like this before?
Solution: Casey Station

#10: The Ghost Files
  • Chinese? It's a trap!
  • My eyes hurt!
  • NATO phonetic alphabet
Solution: CHKEY_GHOSTS_7239256349

Video Guide for Part One: Case Four
(thanks to Arbitrarium - find her on Steam and Twitch[])
Part 1 - Case 5 - Slenderman & The Child
I was really scared.
Though I don't believe in ghosts but I don't feel comfortable talking about it.
But, I was overwhelmed by my curiosity.

#1: The Ghost Files - II
  • Is that a full date?
  • Twenty people?
  • Killer in Omaha?
Solution: Henry Howard Holmes

#2: The Serial Killer
  • A lot of dots?
Solution: Tallaboa

#3: Void Dimension
  • There are a lot of red herrings here!
  • Choose a side.
Solution: Hashima Island

#4: Inverted
  • November 9th, Friday? That doesn't occur a lot.
  • That's not a computer slang.
Solution: Jack the Ripper

#5: Inverted II
  • Are those numbers even?
  • Let's sing the Alphabet Song!
Solution: Find my toy from my first house

#6: Behind That Wall
  • I'm not going to lie, I had no idea what this one was, and resorted to asking a friend who is into cryptography, and within minutes he had it figured out. As I have no idea how he came to it, I have no clues to provide, so if you want the answer, it's below.
Solution: Protonic Void Dimension Universe

#7: Something Awful
  • Separation is sometimes the key to happiness.
  • A minus sign does not always equal subtraction.
  • What's nearby?
Solution: Bobby Mackey's

#8: The Dark Well
  • Take your wing and fly.
  • Fly to the web!
  • Word is your friend.
Solution: 100 meters below door at north east

#9: Strange Pictographs
  • Beam them up!
  • What is that old man doing at the sea?
  • The answer is not the first.
  • He killed himself in the 1960's.
Solution: Goodnight my kitten

#10: Mind Blown
  • This place is a pigsty.
  • Or is it a pigpen? I can never remember.
  • That... can't really be it, right?
Solution: Go to the address: I cannot for the life of me find a location related to this, and the resulting screen says part two is under testing, so I don't know if it's actually solvable or not at the moment.

Video Guide for Part One: Case Five
(thanks to Arbitrarium - find her on Steam and Twitch[])
Contact, Connect, Credits
Thanks for reading! Feel free to connect at the following places, or get in touch if there's any issues with this (or any other) guide.

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Caerigna Mar 8, 2022 @ 10:02am 
How do you get from "les ultimes paraules de Lenin" to the solution? all of my :magnifying: searching/translating leads nowhere near the solution stated.
[ Ø ] PS/2 > USB Apr 17, 2018 @ 8:27am 
Maybe then update the title of the guide to reflect that it only covers part 1?
CreepyCanuck  [author] Apr 1, 2018 @ 9:51am 
It's not high on my list of priorities as other games are currently taking my time, and those have preference. I might get to it in the future but likely not any time soon.
Dronak Apr 1, 2018 @ 9:36am 
Out of curiosity, do you plan to update this for Part 2 now that it's available?
Poke Detective Feb 5, 2017 @ 3:05am 
For 3.3, the monster is not a red herring.
There are multiple facilities in Germany focused on nanotech but the one we're looking for is in Munster, Germany
乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 Dec 28, 2016 @ 10:13am 
How was I supposed to know that I have to use T9 in case 2 #5 ?
Lucky Thirteen Sep 28, 2016 @ 5:26pm 
This guides is helping me a lot, thank you so much for all the hints and answers :steamhappy:

Although I still have no idea how did you come up with Library of Russia based on that number. Was I supposed to actually download an app or something? :cwat:
Jerry Cheng Jul 10, 2016 @ 8:24am 
5.6 my initial guess is that the 8 directions the scribbles may point to, and the numbers (1, 2, or 3) of arch they have, can form a system to accommodate the 26 Latin characters. Common practice is using the same code for U and V; for I and J. But your friend must have been really bold and lucky with this, because guessing where the alphabet starts to count is what held me back.
According to your friend's answer the orientation is(1-8) →↘︎↓↙︎←↖︎↑↗︎. So
→ ↘︎ ↓ ↙︎ ← ↖︎ ↑ ↗︎
A B C D E F G H (one arc)
I/J K L M N O P Q (two arcs)
R S T U/V W X Y Z (three arcs)
Jerry Cheng Jul 10, 2016 @ 12:05am 
I don't think the answer for 1.5 is hidden your way. Even in the original version of the hidden image found online that clue isn't obvious. I found that image accompanying the clue people in an article.
1.9 not red herring in the slightest alright? that patent number tells what encoding those graphs are and then you get the email address to ask for the answer.
georgemil2 Jul 9, 2016 @ 11:47pm 
The cipher in 5.6 is the Dorabella cipher. I actually found it by googling "squiggly cipher". It is an unsolved problem in cryptography, and as such there are multiple versions of the cipher key to be found online. The right one for this case can be found here