Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

50 ratings
MoWAS2 Stories: Der Obersleutnant
By 76561198120595189 and 1 collaborators
This story is based of the German Skirmish Campaign in MoWAS2. I'm not the best at this, but I've seen 'fanfic' guides before, so why not do it here.
Chapter 1: Gazala, 1942
Gazala, North Africa, 1942
An Infantry squad of eight men would arrive to a German foritifed outpost. While mainly consisting of rifles and SMGs, there was also an AT-Rifle Crew, a MG Gunner, and a Medic accompanying the squad, led by it's squad leader.

But before the men could get comfortable to their new location, one of the men at the outpost greeted the squad leader with great haste.

"Squad Leader! Thank goodness you arrived! British infantry are about to charge our position! You must help us hold the line!"

The Squad then took no time getting to cover inside the trench. As they expected, groups of british infantry would be charging across the field towards the German position. As soon as the infantry grew close, the mounted MGs opened up, followed by the German Infantry. The brits were cut down before they can get a single man to the trench, and their jeeps and transport trucks did nothing to help. By the end of the assault, a Bren carrier tried to break through, but the AT-Rifleman dealt with it efficiently.

Shortly after repelling the enemy attack, another Infantry Squad arrived. It was a bit more generic but with their own Medic. They were Accompanied by a Sdkfz 222, an Armored Car capable of wrecking havoc with a rapid-fire 20mm cannon.

The man in charge of the second squad was named Gunther Hellman. He was an Leutnant, so he was able to take charge of the situation. "So We've driven the enemy off the field Ja? Then let's follow them. Forwards!" He'd say. The first squad was already split between two teams of four, and using their reinforcements, headed to the closest cover to open fire on the first line of enemy defenses. Needless to say, it was a breeze with the 222's powerful 20mm cannon.

After this first flag was captured though, the Infantry saw something rather interesting. An Panzer IV Ausf G would be charging across the field, Singlehandingly destroying 2-3 AT Guns, disabling an AA defense of sorts, and killing some infanty before being disabled, in which their crew were gunned down instantly.

"Now what was that Panzer Thinking?" Hellman said. He was completely dumbfounded to see a Panzer stupidly trying to advance headfirst without any infantry support at all, where there were several ways and angles to take out the tank in the proccess.

Eventually, they repaired the Ausf G and pushed fowards through the next two lines of defense, with help from a captured Crusader AA, a captured Damilcar, and a reinforcing squad of infantry with a Panzer III. Then, came the defense.

The Fighting was bloody. What went from a couple squads of British infantry lead to an onslaught of British infantrymen and Tanks. Seeing his comrades fall around him, Hellman Ran back to base, desperate to defend it. But fortunately, Reinforcements arrived just in time.

For his bravery on the battlefield, Hellman was Promoted to Obersleutnant, thus beginning his grand career.

End of Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Caen, 1944
It was 1944. A combined force of Allied troops have taken the beaches of Normandy, and are trying to break out of the initial area. Shortly afters the Allies liberated Caen, Obersleutnant Hellman was put in charge of an Armored Counterattack...

Hellman looked over the Map, His right hand man briefing him on the situation. The American have Three Lines of Defense. The first line consists of the first strategic position established across the stream, while the strategic position on the other side is set on railway tracks. Between them is where the Americans hold the bridge. They got the bridge blocked with hedgehogs, so we cannot have our panzers advance without those hedgehogs removed.

Hellman had to think quickly. With the presence of his troops, the Allies would have already sent for reinforcements. He sent the Assault Squad at hand to advance towards the position cross-stream, and called for a mortar to be deployed in support.

Flanking from the West, the Assault Squad left two behind to mount MGs and quickly secured the bridge with the Mortar to help. Any Reinforcing infantry divisions were cut down. With the Bridge secure, Motorized Deployment can begin.

A Panzergrenadier Divsion and armor were deployed, quickly securing the first line of Defense. The Sherman and the Greyhound proved a slight challenge but they were quickly disposed of.

"Good work Hellman. For your success you have additional resources available, and a Veteran Tiger is ready at your disposal." Hellman's Adviser informed the Obersleutnant.

As the Forces prepared to advance on the 2nd line, the Veteran Tiger was deployed.

Panzergrenadiers in Caen, 1944

The Veteran Tiger was nearly unstoppable. The American AT guns stood little chance against it, and as the infantry fought their way into the industrial area, the Americans were being forced to rely on their Chaffees, which were no match for German Steel. As the center point was captured on the 2nd line, a little toy came into the german's disposal.

"Hmph, so this is our new explosive toy huh?" Hellman said as he'd examine the Golaith. "Looks a bit small for it's name." Neverless, the Golaith was used. Though unfortunately, the Americans didn't buy into the trap.

After capturing the 2nd line, more resources were in Hellman's disposal. But as a tradeoff, the Germans had to brace American Artillery barrages, as they were in range. In addition, the AT guns around the final base made an armored assault no east task. But the Veteran Tiger pulled through on the flank, and after nearly a half hour of fighting, the allied HQ was captured and victory belonged to Germany. Before Hellman can continue his counteroffensive,a Horch Type 930 V8 pulled up to the new assemebled field HQ then Adalgar Muller stepped out of the Horch and pulled out a fine cigarette and began to smoke. The SS-Gruppenführer slowly strolled to Hellman and in a quick but serious ordered Hellman that he was now assigned to the easter front.
Chapter 3: Soviets in Pomerania
On the Eastern Front, the Germans were on a fighting retreat against the Red Army. when Hellman arrived in Pomerania, the Soviets had already liberated most of the Polish lands and were getting closer to Berlin.

His right hand man breifed him on the situation.
Heer Obersleutnant, A Soviet Armored Division is Advancing on Berlin, Our mission is to Hold the line and rout their forces before they get any closer to our homeland. The Eyes of Germany watch upon you, so make her proud!

Hellman Took Command of his forces, Setting up his forces accordingly. Some tanks placed in forward positons and more powerful equipment queued up when he had the resources.


A German Convoy would be passing through the soon-to-be battlefield, consisting of a Opel Blitz, a powerful Tank Destroyer, and a Panzer III at the front. All seemed calm when...


The Infantry quickly abandoned their vehicles, the Opel blitz and the Panzer III being destroyed, while the Tank Destroyer was put out of commission. Attacking the convoy would be a group of soviet infantry.

Being informed on the situation, Hellman sent his Infantry and a Hetzer to secure the area.

Shortly after, the Attack began. The Assault waves started off with light tanks, but as they progressed, T-34s began to roll on the field as well.

"Dear god, that must be an entire Russian Armor Division attacking us..." Hellman commented.

T-34 after T-34 rolled down the battlefield, soon creating a graveyard of destroyed and disabled enemy Tanks. The Forward positions however, started to get overrun, and retreated back to the main line. Eventually, the Heavy Tank destroyer in the convoy was saved, and was used to supplement the defense along with a King Tiger.

After 6-7 waves of Russian Armor, ISUs and KV-2s began rolling on the field, but Hellman's superior Armor helped win the day. Meanwhile, on the Western Front...Rudolph Heindorf's Panzergrenadier Division would try to curb the Allied Advance...

Chapter 4: Meanwhile in the West
After Hellman was sent to the East, Rudolph's SS Panzergrendier Division was placed in charge of the next counterattack: St. Hilare. The Americans had recently liberated the city and were currently taking a break before resuming the offensive. Now was a better tme then ever for Rudolph's Panzergrenadiers to Drive the Americans back!

Rudolph looked over the map. The enemy had an impressive looking first line,but never the less, it can still be subdubed. With the use of a mortar, the first position was weakened, allowing the Infantry at base to rush in and secure it. As soon as he can, Rudolph Deployed his Panzergrendiers.

Rudolph's Panzergrenadiers used to see action on the Eastern Front, until like Hellman, Rudolph was assigned on the opposite front. The Western Front. With a 222 to support, the Panzergrenadiers quickly established the first line of defense, and cleared the way for one of Rudolph's favorite toys: The Veteran Tiger.
the americans heard it before they saw it the suddely a garden wall collapsed showing the hardend metal Tiger. Rolling over what was in its way then like clock work a sherman rolled down the street and saw it tryed to reverse but then the shreeking sound of the Tiger 88 firing. The Shermans armor was peeled back to a gapping hole and only thing you could see was the hell like interior. The Tiger searched for another victim. The infantry ran from the 72 ton beast but then the MG42 opened up on the americans. Soon the americans could no longer hold the outskirts the retreated to the innercity. The Tiger with the support of the SS Panzergrendier moved into the city. They flattend the petty resistance. The americans could not stop the it until the Tiger lost it track to the american artillary that was now in range. The Tiger must hold out until the track is repaired.

To Get around the Artillery, Rudolph sent out the 222 on a Daring Mission. While the Panzergrenadiers and a Golaith or two weakened the flanks, the 222 would deman the arty and at gun crews untill they can be destroyed. His plan worked and soon, the day was won.

Chapter 5: A Snowy Day in Belgium
It was December 20th, 1944. As Winter froze over Belgium, Rudolph's Panzergrenadiers planned to retake the city of Namur by Christmas. To help acheive this, Elements of a Nearby Paratrooper Division volunteered to a commando mission behind enemy lines. Their goal: weaken the defenses of Namur to make capturing the city a breeze. Rudolph accepted the help and sent them on the way.

The 5 man Squad snuck up into the bushes. Among these 5 men were two snipers, a medic, a FG-42 paratrooper, and a rifle paratrooper. The Medic briefed the men he swore to protect.

"Our goals are as follows: We must eliminate the majority of Machinegun nests; Neutralize the enemy snipers; destroy the tanks at the repair yard; and later, Assassinate the commanding officer in Namur when he arrives by convoy. We are behind enemy lines, so please, take caution and don't attract too much attention. Snipers, We are depending on you to take out enemy snipers and Machinegunners. I'll stay behind as backup incase things get loud. Do this with no reinforcements, and the Luftwaffe would be generous enough to give us an air raid. Understood? Then move out!"

The Snipers went to work. Machinegunners and Snipers dropped dead as soon as they entered the scope. While this alerted nearby patrols...("Enemy Sniper! Get Down!")...the three other paratroopers would usually come in to save the sniper's skin...("Enemy Commandos! It's a Commando Raid-URGH!") Despite the AA defenses wanting to slow the paratroopers down, the Commandos managed to eliminate every sniper in the area, along with a majority of the machinegunners. Radioing in their impressive work, HQ allowed the calling of reinforcements and carried out a special air raid on the repair yard. In addition, more paratroopers and a squad of Rudolph's Panzergrenadiers were deployed in reserve.

The Convoy wasn't easy to take out, as the Firefly guarding it was more powerful then they'd hope. But in the end, the commandos got out with their skins attatched.

Chapter 6: Market Gardening
With the main Frontline slowed down by German defenses, Rudolph's Panzergrenadiers decided to take some R and R in the Netherlands, taking a break from the counterattacks. However, the Allies had a little trick up their sleeve to get past the Seigfried Line. Taking the local garrisons by surprise, paratroopers rained from the sky, SAS and Airborne landing across the Netherlands and Belgium. Realizing what the allies were trying to do, German High Command quickly dispatched all nearby german Divisions to lead the counterattack against the paratroopers. Rudolph's Panzergrenadiers, Stationed nearby one of the Allied Landing Zones, was quick to respond...

Rudolph set up base and looked over the battlemap. "Alright...So from the reports I got, the British landed a Glider at the opposite end of the area on a clear field. After a local patrol spotted them, the Garrison was alerted and a firefight broke out. However, additional paratroopers landed nearby and soon that Garrison was wiped out. Since then, Defenses have been built and many more paratroopers including armor support have landed. As of this morning, they would have already set their eyes on this division, determined to liberate more dutch cities. Thus, we must act fast. We cannot be lazy while the Tommies are already preparing to attack us. Now, let's move out and capture the grain field to the left. Let's Go!"

Sending his assault squad and a mortar forwards, Rudolph was able to secure the first position. As a Reward, he unleashed the Panzergrenadiers, including their fancy 222 that made capturing the 1st line of defense a breeze. Within Minutes, "Rudolph's Pet Tiger" (The Tiger that helped in in St. Hilare) was deployed against British Cromwells and Fireflys.

The british infantry heard it far of they all knew at that the dreaded specter of death was aprouching there position then a deafing screach a thick dust filled the air then like a deathly smile ever MG on the Tiger shot through the cloud they emited a eary glow the rifle men fled there position as panzer grendiers storm them with no restrait beating and bayonting the british. As the british retreated they turned to look the dust has clearned and they see the tiger now clearing the valley. The british in the town quickly saw what unfolded in the brutal taking of the first positions they called for tank support. A speed Cromwell quickly awenserd there call for help no sight of the Tiger then a 88 shell shot through a tall grove of trees the tiger had been waiting for it. The Tiger then turned to attention to the town a squad of german riflemen tryed to move up cut down by fire from the buildings in the town. The Tiger shot a HE shell through the building windows exploding british infantry from the now demolished buildings with support of the panzer grendiers the town was taken with ease the british last hold down postition called for armor support agian this time a Firefly. They could not find the tiger nerves ran high they turned into a ally of a building on to be facing a barrel of a 88mm gun in its face that was the last thing the tank crew saw. Then the tiger got ambushes aswell by two 17 pounders with smooth percision both were distroyed then out of no were a third fired and tracked the Tiger it was a useless atmept the tiger commander chuckled to himself "all those tommies can do is track are TIger" soon 25 pounder artillary gun started raining from the sky tearing the unlucky panzer grendiers apart. The guns would have to go before they could advance. They imployed there 222 from earlier to take out the arty it did with brutal effectivness. Now the advance was clear for troops to move in.

(FTW Giraffe's Section ends here)

25 pounder shells fell from the sky...As commandos, Fireflys, and the SAS proved stiff resistance on the ground. In the last push of the battle, the squad leaders gathered their men and went out for a heroic charge. It was this grand charge that helped win the battle.

Chapter 7: Hellman's Last Stand
It was Spring 1945. The Red Army's Advance has reached the outskirts of Berlin. In a Valiant Defense, Hellman decides to take their Assault Head on, determined to give his life for the Fatherland...

Hellman skimmed over the details of their defense, as the soviet armor was coming closer. As soon as he commanded it, Infantry spread out to the 3 outer defense sectors. In addition, an 88mm was sent to the top with a halftrack, while two Panzer IVs were sent to defend the sides. In the 30-40 minutes he spent giving defense orders and directing artillery strikes, Hellman also prepared Brandenburgers, Radiomen and Paratroopers along with a Panther to assist the counterattack. All the while, he closely listened to the radio system set up between the lines, giving them what they needed...

Position E(ast): We lost our PzIV to a T-34! We need a new one!
Hellman: Hang on, I'll get another one rolling.

Position W(est): We have a huge mass of enemies closing on our side, we need an artillery strike!
Hellman: Will do.

Position N(orth): We're running out of ammo, same goes for positions E and W!
Hellman: I'll send an Ammo Truck.

After this long and hard defense, German Armor Support arrived and Hellman began the counteroffensive. Using his radiomen and two howitzers to attack to weaken the positions, his infantry made their way forward. But as he'd advance and take the three main positions, a frantic demand from german high command made him see what was really going on...

"Hellman, I know you've done well on your side of the heights but we need you to pull back to berlin now!" "What's going on-" "We're being overrun! the Soviets were a bit luckier on other parts of the ridge and the ones you routed are probably going to regroup. There's just too many of them! Head back before you're overrun too!" Hellman quickly understood what was going on.

"You heard high command, Let's fall back to berlin before the reds come back-" The panther suddenly bursts into flames from an IS shot to the engine. Over the horizion, T-34s, KVs, and IS Tanks began a renewed counterattack.

"That did not take long...FALL BACK! FALL BACK!" Hellman shouted as his men began a fighting retreat. Hellman would join the retreat hastily, running as fast as he can before...


An HE shot from one of the T-34s landed near hellman, throwing him across and leaving heavy shrapnel in his legs and back. A nearby paratrooper saw hellman and tried to help him.


To be continued in Chapter 9: Fate of the Generals
Chapter 8: Back in 1943...
Kharkov, 1943. Before his deployment, Rudolph was a seasoned Eastern Front Commander. He lead his Panzergrenadiers from Barbarossa to Kursk. In this battle, he was the spearhead.

Rudolph and his Panzergrenadiers checked their weapons before heading out. They were the panzer spearhead, and the last thing they wanted was to attract the soviet's attention early. Thus, he came up with a plan: he'll eliminate all the troops in the area without capturing a single post. It was a difficult challenge, but he was sure he was up to the task. Through every gunfight, the amount of soviet troopers dropped. And after killing the officer and taking down two convoys, he brought out a special toy: The Luchs.

The Luchs tore through the soviets like a heavy duty saw to plywood. Within minutes, the area was clear of reds. Then, Rudolph sent his panzergrenadiers to capture all the posts at once. Giving the all clear signal, the nearby Panzers blew away the soviet reinforcements as they'd approach.

It was yet another victory on the eastern front for Rudolph and his men.

Note: Sorry for the lack of pictures, I wasn't able to get any :P
Epilogue: Fate of the Generals
Colonge, 1945
Rudolph's men were on the defensive. After the Battle of the Bulge and the Allied crossing of the Rhine, The Wehrmacht was desperately trying to halt the advance. But with the lack of air superiority and fuel, the Germans were fighting a losing battle. Many Surrendered, others were destroyed in final stands. Rudolph knew he must try his best to preserve the Fatherland, so he made his stand in Colonge, one of the many german cities devestated by Allied bombing campaigns. Setting up his troops to garrison strategic chokepoints, including intenching his 'Pet Tiger' in the main city, Rudolph awaited a combined American and British Force.

Cromwells and Shermans were a common sight to Rudolph in this theater, though on that day he also met Pershings and Churchills. They may have been tough, but usually a cheeky AT grenade to the engine or a good panzerfaust hit usually did the trick. Still, he soon found himself outnumbered. As he was forced to fall back to the inner city, his Tiger went to work. At first he had considerable success: most of the allied armor was weakened through chokepoints and the entrenched Tiger. But then...he saw the Hurricanes and Mustangs.. The TIger anti air MG42 tryied to defend it self. The newly made Tiger ace had heard of the Mustangs anti tank capablity. The straffed the area and they cirled and came back again for a missle run. The commander order a abadoning of the tank the made it out just in time to see the Tiger turret being blown into the sky the ammo going off
As the Allies gained the upper hand, Rudolph began evacuation of the city, attempting to save as many men as he can so he can regroup with another SS or Wehrmacht division. But the Allies were starting to send in flamethrowers to smoke out the garrisoned troops, and their transports were destroyed by Allied Air Strikes. And Despite the efforts of his AA systems, they were quickly bombed out. Rudolph took up his MP40 and went out to assist his men on the frontlines, but by the time he did, most of them had been gunned down. Realizing the situation, He backed away and opened fire on the enemy troops, hitting about 4-5 of them before being brought down by a bullet to the upper left leg. Pleading for mercy, Rudolph was 'luckily' picked up by American troops, who patched him up and made the SS commander a prisoner of war.

On the way from Seelow to Berlin, 1945
As the Wehrmacht was pulling out of Seelow heights, an Ambulance Truck was speeding to Berlin. The Obersleutnant was injured severely from the HE blast, the roasted skin adding to the deepy embeded shrapnel. Two Medics were attempting to stabilize him; one medic pumping morphine and trying to get blood into his body while the other made an incision across his back. While the pain would have been unbareable, Hellman was currently under anesthesia, and administered oxygen through a mask.

"Most of the shrapnel to the lower side of this body has been removed, god knows what organs the shrapnel went into when they plunged into his back-" The Operating medic said before looking into Hellman's back. The Shrapnel was scattered throughout his lungs, and three small shards were embeded into his heart, causing the outside of it to funtcion right. "Dear god...I hope the surgeons can do a good job..."

Unfortunately, the surgeons were too late. Despite the blood transfusions, the injury to Hellman's heart made them futile. By the time he got to the operating room, his heart stopped, surrounded by the surgeons. The Doctors at the field hospital announced there was nothing else they can do...and he was pronounced dead at 4:37 PM.

Nuremburg, 1946
Rudolph was in his cell, reflecting on the battles leading up to Colonge. When he started in Barbarossa, he was simply a squad leader, and as he fought battle after batle and captured village after village, he rose through the ranks before reaching his former SS position in 1943. While his panzergrenadiers treated the Americans and the British fairly, back on the eastern front it was a different story. This different story was given several testimonies from Soviet representatives. The Razing of Villages, The forced displacement of populations, and many other war crimes were committed during the Eastern front, all done under orders, or impulse. Either way, Rudolph was carrying the weight of these crimes on his shoulders. With his punishment drawing closer and closer, Rudolph sat there in his cell, regretting every war crime he commited, every war crime his men commited, every war crime high command encouraged him to do. And then, the time came. On a quiet afternoon, Rudolph and several other PoWs were sent to the gallows, and they would soon hang...lifeless.

The End.
Lion May 17, 2023 @ 3:59pm 
not reading all of that, died in the nuremberg trials, L, Bozo, Shouldn't have been a nazi :3333
DUBDUBBUB Jan 1, 2023 @ 12:41am 
great! but would say maybe add the DLC missions and put it in chronological order
KillerOfFascism Apr 6, 2020 @ 6:22pm 
@Pharrisee STFU this is amazing!

MrScarlet amazing Job !! :D
Canadiancatfan Nov 1, 2019 @ 6:06pm 
"For his bravery on the battlefield, Hellman was Promoted to Obersleutnant, thus beginning his grand career."


You've missed three intervening ranks there...
Pharrisee May 13, 2017 @ 3:49pm 
how is this a guide

i think my brain cells are slowly commiting suicide
76561198120595189  [author] Oct 19, 2016 @ 7:08pm 
Finished the Guide!
Psychopath1985 Oct 2, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
Expressing autism
Gadrovian Oct 2, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
This is the most autistic thing I've ever seen on the guide section
76561198120595189  [author] Sep 25, 2016 @ 12:26pm 
Chapter 5 is Done. I am nearing the end of this guide.
76561198120595189  [author] Sep 20, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
UPDATE: Chapter 4 is finished, Chapter 5 is currently being written.