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Gun Done

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How To Get The 0.01 Achivement
By knauf
This is a simple guide on how to get the 0.01 second shot achivement. Its really easy when you know how to do it.
Getting the Achivement
Fast Nerd Hand

To get the achivement "Fast Nerd Hand" use this simple method:

-Step One: When facing the hooded guy choose the flag. This will show you when he shoots.

-Step Two: Get ready to shoot, once the stick comes near the flag shoot. This isn't easy and it might take a few tries but don't get angry.

-Step Three: Recieve you're achivement after sucessfully shooting him in 0.01 second.

Thank you for reading this guide. ;)
glass joe Oct 21, 2020 @ 2:14am 
how get praise king achivment i won 222 times but dont got achivment
Gizmo Dec 16, 2017 @ 2:03pm 
rin Mar 5, 2017 @ 5:07pm 
GOT 0 YES YES OMG YEryjuytrehjmhrerghjtrethjr3ghtreghtrewdsfvb DANK U
rin Mar 5, 2017 @ 5:05pm 
0.02 IMA DRINK BELAHH HHCHFhjuytrthjuytreghjrewfghrewdfberd
Proton Oct 31, 2016 @ 1:00am 
You can get it on 1-1. Just try 100times to shoot after 3s and wow I made a 0s shoot !
Godsend Sep 20, 2016 @ 7:45am 
I got it by pure luck I think, I anticipated his shot when he took 4 paces. It had to be his shot, so I just clicked as soon as he took aim. Quite pleased with myself. :P
R.I.P. Sep 14, 2016 @ 2:33pm 
I got the Duel Duel guy with 0.01
ttv/Jakob767_ Aug 28, 2016 @ 9:38am 
That was also how i got it :) but i got a 0.00 record.
1 Aug 25, 2016 @ 11:01pm 
yah Jul 11, 2016 @ 4:18am 
I found the mexican guy much easier to obtain this achievmenet. Listening to the rhythm of his steps and knowing that when he shoots, he uses the same timing as the steps, all you need to do is time it correctly. Use glasses to know how many steps are left (he'll shoot after 0).

I managed to get 0.01 once and 0 twice this way.