Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

32 ratings
T Hunt Guide, Tips, Strats
By Scarlet 🌹
A compilation of knowledge regarding my experiences with Terrorist Hunt mode in TCR6:V2. (I have 45 hours in Vegas 2 and counting.) Suggestions (and questions) for guide additions are welcome, just be polite. Rude comments will be deleted. This guide may be updated over time. Consider favoring for later reference or up-thumbing if you like it.
Hosting and Configuration
When hosting a game, you have several options to choose from. Let's break it down!

Player limit:
Always choose 4. No reason not to. You earn full EXP for ally kills. Even if your team mates are acting independently, they are still a residual source of EXP, kills, enemy spotting on the map, and help prevent you from getting flanked.

Casual - Disgustingly low exp payout. Reduced ACE growth.
Normal - 3 lives, extra ammo, 5 equipment uses, more player health, lower enemy health. 5 exp per kill. Regular ACE growth.
Realistic - 2 lives, less ammo, 2 equipment uses, less player health, more enemy health. 10 exp per kill. Regular ACE growth.

Friendly Fire:
ON - More realistic, but leads to wasted lives, frustration, and EXP penalties. (Players receive EXP penalties for friendly fire and suicide.)
OFF - More game-y, less frustrating, more fun. No griefing potential.

Time limit:
A 10 minute time limit can help reduce camping and downtime from overly cautious players.

If a player is doing something you don't like, please communicate. Don't just kick + ban people without communicating at all. Make an effort.
Player Basics
This guide will assume you've played the first mission of campaign all the way through, which contains the tutorial. Also look through the options menu too.

Marking Enemies:
If you see an enemy you cannot kill, please mark them. Marked enemies are easily killed since all players can see them through walls. Situations good for marking enemies: Recovering HP while using 3rd person cover system, reloading, using a short range weapon when seeing distant enemies, etc.

Safe havens:
Many maps come with fortified rooms or buildings containing good vantage points over the map, and reduced flanking vulnerability. These safe havens are a good place to clear out many enemies from, but remaining here too long will stagnate map progress.

Team Coordination:
You are responsible for you. But sticking together can make your team stronger.

Cover System:
While the cover system is useful, consider not using it if you have decent cover, especially a low wall or other cover to shoot over. The cover system makes you significantly less agile and more slow to shoot, but is useful or seeing around cover, blind firing, and flipping back and forth.

A headshot will (afaik) kill any enemy instantly with any weapon.

Cover Penetration:
Most wood cover, and maybe some thin metal or regular walls can be shot through. If your weapon has a good penetration stat and ammo to burn, you can take some shots and try to get a free kill. One way to know for sure if the surface can be shot through is if enemies are shooting through it at you.

Check your map often! It displays ally locations and any visible enemies seen by any players.

Player Cosmetic Customization:
It would be a good idea to wear distinctive camo and outfit to differentiate yourself from enemies. Frequently the ally indicator over heads is covered or not immediately obvious. Players peaking out of cover are also ambiguous as enemies or not. Distinctive outfits can prevent friendly fire or confusion. T Hunt is PvE, the AI can't see you better if you're wearing colorful outfits or not.

Weapons, Attachments, Gadgets
Assault rifles are good at longer range and are higher damage.
SMGs are good at medium to short range, and require heavy spraying to kill enemies.
Shotguns are good at short range.
LMGs are good for spraying flurries of high damage bullets continuously, have high clips, and reduced accuracy. If you don't need the big clips, you may be better off with a different weapon class.
Snipers are good for long range engagements, and cannot be accurately hip fired.
Pistols are mandatory side arms, are less powerful than the other weapons, but have infinite ammo.
The Shield is what it says on the tin. It provides some additional protection, extremely reduced mobility, and is used with a pistol.

Locked weapons can be acquired early by searching for them in campaign. You can still customize attachments of weapons acquired in campaign this way, additionally. This is mostly useful for the Shield and Pistols.

Frag Grenade - A simple frag grenade, thrown with medium size explosion. Frag explosions draw the interest of nearby enemies. Frags produce mild smoke which can be seen through with heat vision.
Incendiary Grenades - Similar to frags, with smaller explosion, and a silent detonation. Incendiaries block heat vision.
C4 - Larger blast radius and ACE bonus than frags. Good for defending certain areas.
Breaching Charges - Imo useless? Never used.
Flashbangs - Never used.
Smoke Grenades - Can be combined with heat vision to create a sort of "invincibility potion" to clear out areas quickly. Heat vision has limited range and FOV, so can be awk sometimes.

Suppressors - Slightly reduce damage and/or range. Can delay enemies discovering you. Not useful in big firefights. Very useful when isolated.
Sights/Scopes - Afaik, they are just cosmetic and about quality of life. If you don't need one, don't take one.
Extended Mag - A solid choice.
Laser Sights - These increase accuracy slightly, but reduce or eliminate time enemies spend searching for you when entering a room, which is not a good thing.

Stealth, Discovery, Doors
Enemies have to discover players. Silencers allow players to kill enemies and remain undetected or delay discovery for a bit. However, silencers reduce damage and/or range. Laser Sights increase accuracy a bit but also make enemies discover you much faster.

Stepping in certain areas will summon nearby enemies to that area. This doesn't make them discover you however, so they may enter the area and proceed to search randomly, even completely unaware of you. If you've ever wandered in front of a peacefully closed door, and then were mercilessly killed immediately, this is why.

Doors are an interesting mechanic. Wooden doors can be destroyed and shot through, metal doors cannot. In general, if you aren't looking through a door presently, you want it closed. This prevents enemies from discovering you or firing on you early.
I generally open wooden doors with my shotgun. :^) You might want to choose not do this.

That's all I can think of for now. If you have polite suggestions or questions, leave them in comments and I may add to this guide. Also lemme know if it's helpful. :3

Noctua Aug 16, 2023 @ 1:16pm 
Breaching Charges are very good at some places for Campain. There are a few spots where you can kill up to 5 NPC while making a dramatic entrance. Not so epic for Terrorist Hunt tho.

Flashbangs are must if you have to make an entrance. They have significantly bigger radius than Frag.
Harku Apr 20, 2022 @ 8:03am 
This guide was insightful. Thanks
Autistic Gamer Jan 5, 2022 @ 5:47pm 
Just want to clarify on this maybe old guide. Laser sight attachments cannot be seen by the A.I. Only by other players. Coming from experience with using said attachments in T-Hunt and Story Mode.
Matmano9 Dec 29, 2019 @ 4:47pm 
So does C4 and it had more capability. Im fairly sure I ran C4 and Frags
Prelude Mar 28, 2018 @ 4:54pm 
WO! I never knew that could happen.
Spybreak001 Jun 13, 2016 @ 11:17pm 
I always found the breaching charge to be the most valuable explosive, myself. Unlike using a grenade or your gun, the breaching charge will kill any enemies on the other side of the door without putting you in any risk for return fire.