Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade

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Heavy Bolter Aiming Guide
By Forgrim
Mechanics and uses for the different ways of aiming using the Heavy Bolter
Hello and welcome to another Forgrim’s Heavy Bolter Guide. This time I’m going to be talking to you about Aiming. First up, I’m going to cover the mechanics of aiming, and the two keybinds for doing so. Then I’m going to describe the two methods of aiming. A number of the details in this guide came from a discussion on the EC Forums, so credit goes to Zed-Avatar, Iron Dragon, IdranelLives and Leaker. This is a short guide, so let's get started.

Aiming Mechanics

As discussed in my other guide, aiming zooms very slightly and reduces your Field of View. It also reduces spread, and eliminates the ready animation that plays before firing if you’re not already aiming. There are distinct advantages to aiming instead of hip-firing, but also some drawbacks. You not only move slower, but your tracking speed is also reduced. Aiming may be more accurate, but it does not lend itself well to fast moving targets that are close to you.

Aiming vs Braced

Aiming is simply the reduced FOV and spread as described above. It can be done while standing or crouched. Braced is a special case of aiming, where you enter a stable firing position on a piece of cover. Your FOV will be reduced even more so, and while your tracking speed will return to normal, you will find that the arc you can track is significantly reduced, and centred on a line perpendicular to the cover.
Hold-to-aim: Default “Left Ctrl”

Pressing this will play a short animation of raising your weapon, and bring you into aimed mode. So long as you hold this, you will be aiming. Releasing it will return you to the “unready” position. Pressing this while behind cover will brace you on that cover, and you will unbrace as soon as you release the key. If you dodge or throw a grenade while holding this key, you will return to aiming once the animation is complete.

Toggle aim: Default “Middle Mouse Button”

Pressing this button will put you into aim mode, and you will remain that way until you press it again, toggling aim mode off and returning you to the “unready” position. Pressing this while behind cover will brace you on that cover, and you will need to press it again to unbrace. You will be locked in the brace position otherwise, although jumping will also break the bracing. If you dodge or throw a grenade while aim is toggled on, you will NOT return to aiming once the animation is complete. You will be back in the “unready” position
Static Aiming

Static Aiming is where you set up in one spot, usually covering a single direction. You’re either waiting for targets you know are coming, or covering an area to discourage targets from approaching. You probably want to use Toggle Aim for this, otherwise you’ll be holding the aim key down for an uncomfortable amount of time. Static Aiming is pretty much the only time you’ll be braced, as the reduced mobility is not great for a more fluid situation. Careful positioning based on the map, enemy movement, and teammate location is critical to effective Static Aiming.

Dynamic Aiming

Dynamic aiming is the situation you will find yourself in if you’re ambushed or on the move alongside your teammates. Once you know that you’re about to engage the enemy, press and hold the hold-to-aim button. You’ll still play out the ready animation, which is why it’s important to be prepare in advance. Keep holding it down as you sprint, dodge, and toss grenades, and your ability to quickly fire bursts will be largely unpenalised by the ready animation. The downside, as mentioned above, is that your mobility and tracking speed is reduced, which doesn’t bode well for a close firefight. You’ll want to mix it up with periods of hip fire when mobility and tracking is important.