Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

74 人が評価
(2024 ACTUAL) SC:C - How to ACTUALLY: Join a Co-Op session
作者: T.TV/Undastelar と 1 のコラボレーション
Oh, you wanna play with your bud? Okay then, get here and read DIS!
Do you really wanna play CO-OP?
Okay then, here are some basic rules you need to know:
  • Ubisoft is not totally supporting SC Conviction, since it's hosting other fab-fa* games like Division, so making Private Lobby to work will be a pain in.. you know where.
  • (Optional - hardcore difficulty) You or your friend will have to host VPN session and an in-game session - preferably the one with the better PC / better bandwidth / better network configuration.
    Be sure the network is stable and that the real Geo-location distance is not too far, or you will start to experience de-synchronicity issues and in the end you will disconnect from the live session.
    The distance between you and your team partner (real Geo-location distance) will make a big difference in quality of your further team-playing. That means if a guy lives in Australia and wants to play with a guy from Japan, then he is in trouble. Also include the distance from you and Ubisoft servers (the on which is located in your area) and the distance of it and your friend and make the presuming. (Old - actual prior 2024 update)
  • Use Hamachi in order to host a private room for SC:Conviction and invite your friends in the group. (The group is limited up to 5 people). When they are all set within the same group, you can start the VPN and host a local area network in-game session (LAN) - for this to work, check the next section of the guide. Tested and approved.
  • Host should possess a good game running machine, otherwise your game will run slow like his, and like a turtle.
  • Please, disable your download clients, check if someone else is not overloading the network traffic, or if a master hacker didn't hacked your Wi-Fi security protocols (if you have one). That will reduce the amount of nervosity from both parties.
  • Never trust other guides. Trust this, this is the real S Hit.
  • In order to know if you really connected in lobby with your friend, ask him before this his native, legacy UPlay username, and add him in-game, maybe it will prioritize the system to connect you each other. (Old - actual prior 2024 update)
P.S. Hamachi and Tunngle is used for pirated games, if you really like the game, then support the modern devs with a lack of old-school taste in developing of games. Looks like we will need a VPN for a licensed game, amaright? :)
P.P.S. For newbies in this community, this guide may not work for PS3, or XBOX360, because I don' t own one. Get a PC instead, alright?
You, 2024 & Splinter Cell Conviction Co-Op Session Hosting
Today as the servers are completely shut by Ubisoft - including cutting of access the licensing server with all the purchased DLCs and ability to host a session via LAN - the only way to host it is to redirect all the network traffic to the local host address and then from there via the use of VPN - to invite the ones you wish to play with.

Latest fix developed by Ododo hooks into the game process and helps redirect the packets the game is sending and receiving in order to make it work via the VPN.


Inserting and Quoting the instructions down below to follow:

  • "In order to prevent some issue like you don't see other sessions when searching for games, You will probably need to deactivate all virtual internet interfaces like the one from VirtualBox or Hyper-v.
  • The problem is that the outgoing multicast packets to search for LAN sessions might be routed to the wrong interfaces, messing up with the session discovery. Of course if you are using a "VPN" system like Hamachi* (updated as per security reasons)* to play with remote players, you should keep active the virtual interface it creates in windows, as the packets are intended to go through this interface.

  • You will need to edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and add at the bottom. Then open powershell and type ipconfig /flushdns
    What it does is that it will tell the game to look for when it is trying to connect to We will handle instead the request from the game as is our local machine. The game used to request some configuration from on port 3074, but this service is no longer active (altough it is still active but now on port 80 :D... But serving from localhost is more futureproof as we don't rely on external services.). This is what actually blocked the LAN menu.

  • The workaround currently relies on a Python script. You can either run it from Python following theses steps below, or run directly as administator the executable created with pyinstaller.

  • Install Python3 preferably from, check "Add Python to PATH", select "Customize installation" and check "pip".
    Install pip package pydivert pip install pydivert or python -m pip install pydivert
  • Download from this repository.
  • Then open Windows terminal or Powershell as administrator, and run the service with python and that's it.
  • You will need to keep the program window open while playing the game.

  • What does the Python script do and why do i need to run as administrator

    The administrator priviliedges are required because the script relies on hooking some inbound UDP packets used by the game and modifying them before they are handled by the game. There are 2 parts: a socket server listening on port 3074 and answering the game HTTP requests. The hook part which aims to fix the UDP discovery reply sent by the game host telling "i'm currently hosting a game, and those are the infos to connect". It will edit the packets so that your game client will be able to join."
-By Ododo

To also unlock the Splinter Cell Conviction content such as DLCs and other extras which are no longer available - install the following ASI script.

Tested and run connectivity tests via Hamachi VPN.

Hope this helps.
The core and essence of this guide (Actual prior to 2018):
Now let's begin how to ACTUALLY make the Co-Op work for you guys.

Here are the steps:
  • #1
    Both of you should launch the game.

  • #2.
    Get in COOP/Multiplayer game section.

  • #3.
    Press "Find a Match".

  • #4.
    Get in and switch the options from Co-Op to other gamemode, then map and difficulty.

  • #5.
    Now inform your COOP-friend with the new set of options you have modified.

  • #6.
    Both parties should have the match settings equivalent.

  • #7.
    In the same time press "CLICK HERE TO START MATCHMAKING".

  • #8.

  • #9.

  • #10.
    Now change the game-mode to your desire *only the host can do that*.
    In this case we changed to Co-Op mode.

  • #11.
    Just waiting for countdown..

  • #12.
    And here we are.

    Just lol

    I have tested everything with different friends all around the world, and this only and only the best option to do it, so I requested my friend to get in for a demonstration.
Ubisoft 2017 Server Incident Fixed
This is what happened with Conviction servers from the start of Easter Holiday.

Was fixed prior in 2017.

Have fun playing.


Whoever linked my guide on PC Gaming Wiki - Thank you, and well done. Appreciate that.
45 件のコメント
locke finder 5月18日 3時50分 
Failed to execute script 'scc_lan_helper' due to unhandled exception!
When I opening scc_lan_helper.exe with adminator, it appears this...
T.TV/Undastelar  [作成者] 5月13日 4時38分 
"Find a match" option won't work. The Online servers provided and hosted by Ubisoft are no longer available. The only option is to isolate the online connection check with Ubisoft and rely on VPN / Local Hosting services only.
Nerevar 5月12日 12時51分 
Clicking 'Find a match' just brings me to a 'Login..." screen before saying the servers are not available.

Going into LAN and making a match seems to work though. But only sometimes.
Freak Evil 4月7日 13時53分 
can somone make a video tutorial on the updated method it makes no sense to me i cant figure out how to launch the python script through the directory
T.TV/Undastelar  [作成者] 3月6日 14時48分 
Check if you don't have any other adapters connected and use only one connection, plus try disabling IPv6 and you should both run a good rig with not such a big distance in between you and your friend. It's all in details and this needs to be separately checked.
DL0CK 3月6日 10時22分 
Hey guys, I managed to connect with my friend using the scc-lan-restore, but we get the "out of sync" error. Anyone knows if there's a workaround for that?
T.TV/Undastelar  [作成者] 3月5日 4時39分 
Hello there, Chappler,

You can download the script from Ododo/scc-lan-restore Github:

Actually - this has been updated on 5th of January 2024 -

I may advise to copy the archive contents into the game directory in scc and afterwards to run an elevated PowerShell with admin rights and run scc_lan_helper.exe from the directory where you copied them.

You will have to keep the script / program window running in the background while playing the game in order for this to work.

Hope this helps :nietzsche:
Chappler 2月25日 21時20分 
I don't understand the step "Download from this repository." I installed pydivert and am not sure how to get the lan helper installed and running with Python. The exe does not work for me.
I'm Panda-Man 2月15日 12時14分 
Go with he's the man he helped me and many others play some conviction
T.TV/Undastelar  [作成者] 1月21日 1時28分 
That's been updated and tested. Up and running in 2024, guys. Enjoy :)