48 ratings
"Platinum" achievment guide or how to SS almost everything
By Montik
In this guide you will learn:
  • Reversal Headshot Spam
  • Rush Attack Spam/Reversal Attack Spam
Please note that english is not my native language, so correcting my mistakes will be appreciated!
The Basics
Your chapter rank will be decided by your average Mission rank and extra tasks that you do such as not dying or killing every enemy. Keep in mind that you DO NOT have to SS every single mission and you DO NOT have to do extra missions as well.

This game canculates your rank depending on how much points you earned in battle.
You will have to earn as much Bonus points as possible by doing:
  • Rush Attacks
  • Headshots
  • Focus
  • Vehicle Attacks
  • Parries
  • Reversals
  • Status Inflictions (Stuns etc)
This is why on Commander difficulty simply defeating every enemy without getting hit is not enough.
And this is why you will have to use Reversal Headshot Spam.

To do so you need to have:
  1. Weakest possible machine gun you can find
  2. "Reversal" ability bought from the Lab

You need to press "Aim" button as soon as you dodge enemy attack and then shoot in the head. While damage output will be terrible you will earn lots of points. This method takes time, but you should not worry about it because Bonus Points will cover the lack of Time Points.

This method, though, has a weak point - Insecticons. They have no heads to shoot. This is why exists Rush Attack Spam/Reversal Attack Spam.

This one, however, gives less points so you might as well try and combine it with Vehicle Attacks.

To do Rush Attack you need to gain max speed in vehicle mode and hold eathier Light Attack button or Heavy Attack Button while charging on your foe.

Reversal Attack - Dodge and then hold Light Attack to launch enemy in the air, or Heavy Attack to launch enemies towards you.

Missible fights
Some fights are missible, missing one will reasult the lowest rank in it and almost guarantee you no SS in chapter.

Chapter 1, Mission 16 - After Mission 14, head into the city rather than the sewers.
Chapter 3, Mission 4/5 - You have to go both paths for Red Energon instead of one.
Chapter 7, Mission 5 - Head left after Mission 4 rather than following the goal marker.
Chapter 7, Mission 7 - Head right after Mission 6 rather than following the goal marker
Extra tips
Some fights will be different from the others:
1. In Chapter 3 for example, there will be a Top-Down section where you will have to kill most enemies as soon as possible instead of trying to collect points.
2. If Mission contains only of flying enemies then this means that you have to shoot them ASAP as well. And don't worry about getting S rank because this will be enough.
3. Agaist giant bosses it is more simple to shoot them in the head from normal focus state, instead of reversal one, because this will help you maintain your distance.
4. Same goes with Shield-Megatron fights as you simply will have no time to go into reversal mode, so your best bet is to shoot him in Normal Focus Mode and hope for the best..

Thanks everyone for reading, I hope it helps! Please feel free to correct me and add your own tips!
Stresen Bear Aug 7, 2022 @ 1:35pm 
Basically the best way to earn SS is to be as stylish as possible and do cool things other than just spam clicking LMB/X and RMB/Y till the enemy fucking dies
CaptainZ & the A.L.P.H.A.s Dec 24, 2020 @ 1:06pm 
Headshot modifiers increases headshot damage on any ranged weapon. However, you have to hit the head to do this damage and get the bonus. Therefore, I prefer to use it on sniper weapons, where it will only take one or two shots to most vehicons (Decepticon grunts) to kill them. Wheeljack does surprisingly good as a sniper. If you use it on another weapon, I recommend Accuracy modifiers as well, as they control weapon spread and make you less likely to miss. Only thing I can add is that, if you have access to the DLC as I do, that you slot the Golden Hunter Dual Pistols. They drop credits when you hit an enemy, not much, but synthesis is expensive, and you will need a lot of credits for it...especially since taking an SS ranked weapon to lvl 50 is an investment worth millions of credits. I hope that helps out. Just keep trying, Babouche, and you'll get there eventually.
CaptainZ & the A.L.P.H.A.s Dec 24, 2020 @ 1:05pm 
Ok, Babouche, I still play this game a lot. I cannot help with everything, but I can help with much.

As Montik said, Prime difficulty drops SS ranked weapons for higher-level weapons. These max out at lvl 50 if you are good at synthesis, which is the best in the game, and their stats are therefore the best damage producers in the game. I recommend if you can find or buy one in the Lab which is SS ranked AND has 6 modifier slots (skill slots, whatever you wanna call them), you do what you can to get it, as those are stupid rare. Bee's Gloves and Blasters, Wheeljack's wrenches, MagnaShot, and others all come in this form. Other than that, I don't know much about comparative damage, and am still researching this myself. I recommend maxing out weapons and reviewing stats for yourself.
Montik  [author] May 25, 2020 @ 12:36am 
Babouche, it's been a while since I've played this, but if I remember correctly every weapon has random-unique stats so I don't think there is an absolute best weapon. SS weapons start to drop on Prime difficulty, so you have to grid that one for a while and see what you can get. You are also have to make use of Synthesis feature. The rest of the questions I can not answer. I'm sorry if nothing of what I said is useful, it's been 4 years since I got the Platinum achievment and I've never touched the game after.
Babouche May 24, 2020 @ 10:30pm 
Ok so I have a few questions, I'm trying to make all of my characters as overpowered as they can be.
1. What are the highest damage fists? Right now I'm using Bumblebee's gloves.
2. What are the highest damage twin blasters? Right now I'm using Bumblebee's blasters.
2. Since the wrenches are so powerful, should I try specializing Wheeljack in melee damage? (he's specialized in ranged right now)
3. What is the highest DPS ranged weapon? Right now I'm using Magna shot (on Wheeljack)
4. Is the headshot skill better on ranged weapons than damage or crit? (I'm using a machine gun)
I'd highly appreciate it if even only one of these questions is answered.
Montik  [author] Mar 11, 2020 @ 5:22am 
Glad to see this guide still helps someone, especially since the game has been pulled from the store.
Tourniquet Mar 11, 2020 @ 4:11am 
Thanks so much my dude, I've gotten SS Rank from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4, doing 5 right now. Thanks again!
SilverTorpedoRider Feb 18, 2017 @ 5:15pm 
Do points required for SS vary or is it always the same across all levels and difficulties? If so what's the point goal for SS?
Raw Intention Jan 4, 2017 @ 8:18pm 
Thanks man, this was so helpful. I appreciate you.