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Welcome to Wakfu [Abandoned]
By //mage
This guide is not completed yet! If you decide to rate, take this into account as you will be rating an unfinished product!
A complete guide to Wakfu
In this guide I will be talking about everything you need to know before and while playing the game. Covering classes, the storyline, all of the treasures of this world and also tips and tricks to make your fights easier and to make money. In other words, its an all-in-one guide.
General Information
The Concept
So before we even get into the game I would like to talk about its concept. Wakfu is a tactical turn-based MMORPG which means that its a strategy game and an MMO. In other words it will take up some time for your character to progress and finally dominate monsters or other players. Also the game allows players to control both Govermental and Enviromental affairs, meaning the world you are about to enter is one that constantly changes and is shaped by everyone.

Krosmos, the universe
First off, Wakfu, the game, takes place in the world of Krosmos (reminds me of "Κόσμος" (pronounced cosmos) literally meaning "world" in Greek) and is the sequel to Dofus, the first game in the series. Wakfu also takes place one thousand years after the events that occured in Dofus and is accompanied by the respective TV animated series named after it.
The game itself is built around the main storyline and the way it is meant to be experienced is that player would spent some time in a specific area of the game doing all sorts of things, and after acquiring a few levels the would now be able to continue the main storyline and progress and so on. At the same time however, the player is free to go and do whatever they want so the impact the storyline has on the game is substantial but not restraining. We will talk about the storyline later on though.
Another thing you should expect is refrences. The game has a tone of refrences, the dialogues, the sense humor is directly connected to the world you just entered, so when someone says you are acting like a bow meow you should have this in mind.
First dive
We launched the game, we are in, what do we do? Click on stuff of course!
Actually you are going to press the "Login" button, we both know that, and now you are presented with 3 major servers to choose from.
I personally chose Remington because it was located in England, but its up to you. Just note that the International server is most likely to have more traffic than the rest.
Now that we selected our server, lets play the game by making our first character. But first you need to decide whether or not you want to go through with the tutorial. Regardless of your decision you always play it later as you will always be asked to before making a new character.

NOTE: I will not be covering the tutorial at all in any part of the guide nor make any refrences to it. As of May 13, 2016, I find the current version of the tutorial annoying and not helpful in any way so I recommend that players spend more time exploring and figuring things out themselves (or studying this guide!) other than spend fifteen minutes trying to solve pointless puzzles that don't explain that much.

If you decided to play the tutorial, at the end you will be presented with a selection screen featuring all the available classes, and if you didn't you will see that screen directly. So that leads us to our next chapter, Characters.
As of May 13, 2016 (version 1.46.3 released on 27.04.16), the game features a total of seventeen classes, available for male and female with the exeption of Foggernaut who is only available as male.
Note: Your character's gender does not affect gameplay, game style, skills or offer any special interactions. The only differance is your character's voice and slight changes in emotes.
Also it is important to note that in contrary to many MMO's, Wakfu does not offer any unique racial skills that concern crafting, professions, out of combat skills, or a special storyline.

Now, for this chapter, I will be describing each character's play style, the way they contribute in teamfights, how they are usually developed and if that character can play solo. For a more detailed view on each character you can check out Ankama's official website[www.wakfu.com].
Introduction to Feca
Feca in a nutshell
Feca is a class of moderate difficulty that can focus on both minor offense and major defense. Having their trademark shield, they make for great defenders. They usually use Glyphs, contraptions that appear and disks first but when a spell is cast on them they trigger and cover a wide area applying a sertain effect.

However a Feca can play without using those, in that case he will be usually be standing right after the front line in a battle casting spells from mid-range.
On that sense Fecas help a lot in crowd controlling. However Fecas are amonst the few classes that can act as guardians. Their protective skills and immunity spells help protect teammates in battle, grant resistances and reduce fatalities for your team.

Feca is a character that will have a somewhat hard time playing solo if not prepared with both high resistances and high damage output. Fecas are not very forgiving as you need to be careful with what spells you will build, deciding if you will be an offensive or defensive part of your team.
Note that Fecas can lock enemies into place by increasing their Lock attribute. Their passive skills also grants them extra resistances based on their Lock level.

Water Feca
Water Feca is directly depending on his teammates. Water Spells are normally for support and are used by placing glyphs. In this build, however, only the Glyphs only add armor to your allies. In other words your arsenal is focused on keeping your teammates alive. However some water spells can be used to damage your enemies, but not that significantly.

Earth Feca
Making an Earth Feca will result in you being an absolute tank. Earth spells add armor passively when cast which is applied at the end of your turn. Earth spells also deal medium amounts of damage to your enemies.

Fire Feca
The fire Feca is your damaging feca. The fire tree is where all of your damage output will come from, dealing major AoE (area of effect) damage when cast on a glyph and even great when targeting a single enemy.
Introduction to Osamodas
So before we even get started you should know that Osamodas is a class you are going to eventually hate. Their play style takes a lot of time and are somewhat too powerful in PvP, thus they are not preferred when assembling groups and are exaggerated as PvP players build them only to win, not so cool in my opinion.

Osamodas is Wakfu's main summoning class, being able to catch creatures and force them to fight for you, kinda like Pokémon if you ask me. Not all creatures can be caught though. Osamodas can use his Gobgob to ether catch monsters and summon them or transform himself into a dragon, granting him and extra life and major bonuses.

All of Osamodas's spells focus on powering up his summons when fighting, but he can use them to deal huge amounts of damage while in either form. He is a ranged and has good AoE damages making him a decent spell caster. Some of his spell effects also change when switching between forms, which results in an interesting play style if you decide not to summon as often.
Osamodases are weak when targeted from characters who can burst them out in a few turns or have heavy sustain so that they can wipe out all of their summons and them eventually.

Osamodas can be seen in dragon form on the right.

Osamodases usually play solo as they tend to slow their team down. A group is not necessary to play and you should have no problem clearing dungeons and groups of monster until level 100 or so. After that the game's difficulty scales a lot faster and acquiring summons is hard so solo is not actually such a good option any more.
Introduction to Enutrof
Do you like money? I'm sorry, do you love money? Well then Enutrof is your kind of character. They are the reincarnation of Scrooge McDuck basically.

Enutrofs are not as common as most characters in the game because they have a very hard time when on low levels. Their skills are somewhat hard to cast as they need a lot of points which are not available then. They are great spell casters from medium to high range that deal constantly increasing damage to their enemies.
They appear to be old and they have

Enutrofs are also what you would call your go-to guy for drops. They passively increase their Prospecting level which allows them to get the rarest of drops easier than most players. Getting an enutrof would make farming for monster drops easier as you would get a greater amount of those more often.
Introduction to Sram
Sram was the character I chose to explore most of the game with. Srams are assassins who sacrifise their resistances for major damage output. Designed to be assassins, they are deadly in one on one battles and manage well on their own. Exploring the game solo should not be a problem for any sram as you can always pick groups of around three monsters and boss them around.

Sram game style is somewhat different than what one may think. A Sram can go all out offensive or stay at the back line and wait for his enemies. They utilise both medium range attacks, traps and of course fatal backstabs. Srams can apply poison to their enemies, hide in the shadows (become invisible in other words), make a clone of themselves. I should also note that Sram can steal Loot. Now this loot is different than the drops you get and it can used to grant yourself bonuses or debuff your enemies for the duration of one round.

All 'n all Sram is a character with a lot of mobility and damage, they can burst enemies and do well on their own. However srams have one huge disadvantage as they are one of the most played classes in the game and are not usually prefered when assembling groups. Chances are that there will always be a better sram than you or the fact that you can't help you in means of protection or your poor sustain (concerning health and resistances that you previously sacrifised for raw damage) will be the reason getting in a very good group will end up being challenging. But don't be disappointed, people will always need an assassin to execute that last room boss, or that one annoying guy...
Introduction to Xelor
You must be thinking: "But I don't want to read through all this guide, my time is precious!"
If you could only take control of time.. Things would be better no?

Well the Xelor class allows you to do just that. Labeled as time benders, Xelors are all about making you have a hard time (oh my god, the puns).

One of the hardest classes to play in Wakfu, as the effects of their spells change each round as time ticks from Tick to Tock. Xelors stay close to their clock and move around it with ease. Primarilly heavy damage dealers Xelors will help you kill you enemies in no time (someone stop me). Xelors are always a great asset for your team as they can keep themselves alive no matter what. Avoiding danger has practically never been easier when against close combat enemies who will chace you around your clock.

Xelors can offer substantial support to their team as well. Being able to manage your allie's and enemies Action Points he can grant or remove them allowing your teammates to do more in a single turn and his enemies, less.

Lastly Xelor is a class that you can play solo if only you have the right equipment.
Introduction to Ecaflip
You have a strategy game. You need to add a new character. What do you do?
Add one that relies purely on chance of course! Like critical hits weren't enough to begin with...

But! Ecaflip is here for all us gambling addicts, dice fanatics, pokker maniac and what not. Ecaflip is a class that features this "luck system", I like to call it, that rewards you for getting something good and punishes you if you don't.

The idea is that each spell you cast has a changes of being good or bad, note that you can change the possibility of getting the "good" hand as you level up. If you get a "good" hand, you gain bonuses, if not you are punished by reducing your current bonuses.

And now you must be all like, but Lae.. What sort of gambling character is this if I can't even go all in? Why you silly of course you can! This character has a signature move called "All or nothing" where its basically heads or tails. Heads, you deal twice the damage you already dealt to you enemy, again! And Tails well... the gambler loses and all the damage you dealt to you enemy is refunded by healing him.

Its all fair because you make the call as well. So with Ecaflip you can have frustrating and quite epic moments.

There is only one thing I can say, feeling lucky?
Introduction to Eniripsa
If I had to describe this character with one phrase that would be...
The character that everyone wants people to play, but nobody actually plays.

I'm talking about the healer class of course. The class one makes to save his team, to keep everyone safe. Eniripsa is that character.

Looking like fairies and holding wands they are here to take to the magical world of not dying for once. Healing their always and resurrecting them when dead (limited to once per ally) they are sure to help you stay alive until the end of the fight. Also each time the heal you they gain bonuses that let them participate in the fight. Also their signature skill allows them to use their healing magic to deal damage in times of need.

A well rounded character, which sadly requires very expensive and unique equipment that make developing him rather difficult and so as forgiving. As expected Eniripsas can not really play solo, they are meant for a team. So if you don't have anyone to play with at the time, don't pick this character or look for a party as soon as you enter the game.
Introduction to Iop
You must have heard that beating an idiot is practically impossible. I have come to the conclusion, that its true.
Iops are known for their... "sharp" intellect and are also invincible with their rework.

The idea is that they are close combat fighters meant to deal damage and at the same time stay alive by having a lot of Health points and high resists. Its your typical fighter that will turn out good no matter what you do.

It does well solo and is an alright pick when it comes to assembling groups as they can take all the damage needed and kill something meanwhile.
Introduction to Cra
Cra in a nutshell: its an archer. Cra in depth: its not an archer.

Cra has become so much more than an archer class. It has become and amazing damage dealer and I'm happy about this because my first ever character was a Cra.

Cra, a ranged class of course that is supposed to stand still and shoot arrows as you would expect. But that is not actually the case. Cras are rewarded for moving around in the battlefield, they can jump to beacons they place around the map, to deal damage primarily, and they can also do barrel rolls. Need I say more? Okay I will, they have both penetrating and exploding arrows. Now I'm sold.

Sadly Cras don't do well in the first 60 levels or so but after that you can be sure that they become a lot more powerful. As a Cra you don't want to exactly go solo, but that is an option if you use your sidekick to take all of the damage for you.
Introduction to Sadida
Well well well... so you like plants. I don't know what you find attractive in attacking people with plants. Summoning blood thirsty, massive, equipped with whips and what not veracious plants...

As you may have already guessed I'm not a fun of summoners, at all. And Sadidas are summoners! Ain't that lovely... Well unlike your typical summoner class, Osamodas, Sadidas are a bit.. eco-friendly? I know this might sound weird, but you basically plant dolls and grow them and have them fight for you..
This smells fishy if you ask me...

But! Lets get serious, Sadida is a nice class despite my deep hatred towards summoners, and you can always try it out for yourself. It is a class that expects you to build a mini-army and lead it in every fight. Your troops, the dolls, are planted on the ground and rise on your command to serve you.

The Doll-troops
There are a total of 7 dolls available and these are:

The Ultra Powerful
This dolls acts like your commander basically. It is used by a skill, with the same name, and it summons an all mighty doll that you command. It has the ability to summon another 5 dolls on its own and guide them. By saying guide I mean targeting enemies that you want to take down for example.

The Greedy
A doll summoned from the Ultra Powerful. This is your standard doll and most likely the one you will end up using the most. It has a good amount of damage per turn and low costs, I would say it has average mobility and crowd controlling skills. However you are going for numbers here so cumulative these dolls end up being extremely powerful.

The Sacrificial Doll
A doll summoned from the Ultra Powerful. I don't think there is much to say here, this is your kamikaze doll. Deals a lot of damage but only lasts a turn.
The Sacrificial (Sabotage!! kamikazeeee!!!) doll can be seen on the right.

The Madoll
A doll summoned from the Ultra Powerful. This is by far the most annoying doll that you can summon. It has a very annoying screechy sound that applies de-buffs on your enemies, helping you keep then at a distance.

The Inflatable
A doll summoned from the Ultra Powerful. This is a doll your teammates will love, and you will end up summoning no matter what. An extremely useful doll that stays away from combat and heals a good amount of Health Points each turn. Having this doll on the battlefield provides you a steady amount of healing per round at almost no cost (the only cost is that it keeps one slot occupied).
Another perk is that it looks cute. :3

The Block
A doll summoned from the Ultra Powerful. A very useful doll when fighting against enemies who have high burst damage or sustain that must be locked in place. This doll has the ability to drag enemies and lock then next to it, allowing for maximum crowd controlling when combined with a Madoll. The downside of using this doll is that is has no damage output, but I think it makes up for it.
Also this doll looks like it may be depressed or something.. It must be from all the beating...
The Block doll can be seen on the right.

The Voodoll
A doll summoned from an exclusive skill. This might be obvious but this doll has to do with voodoo. It binds with an enemy and transfers all damage dealt to it to its linked enemy. Simple and easy. Very useful when fighting long ranged enemies with high mobility.

Sadida Gameplay
Now Sadidas have a flexible but straight forward gameplay style. If you pick the Sadida class, you will often find yourself summoning dolls like a madman having all of them focus on your enemies while you stay back and make your Health Points don't drop. That is what makes Sadidas very powerful while playing solo or in PvP. However when you enter a group or a team, things are a little easier. You can focus on being more of a spell caster or a healer other than a damage dealer. Overall Sadidas don't have such a high damage output so they tend to act as medium to low damage dealer or usually utility players that support their teammates by healing, shielding, boosting or reviving them.
Lastly I highly recommend every Sadida builds the Water branch as it offers both damage and healing skills.
Introduction to Sacrier
You know I always thought there was something missing from a tank. I mean sure they can take damage and help their team and what not but.. Thats it?
Well don't you worry because I'm here to tell you there is more to Sacrier than what meets the eye!

Sacrier is your everyday typical masochist. The thing is he actually gets stronger as more damage is inflicted on him. The idea is for him to be in the very front line of the battle with his insane Health Point boost because of his passive. As he keeps his enemies in place they target him causing him damage. Now, his Attack Damage raises for every percent of his missing HP. So if you take all this into account you have one of the most aggressive tanks in the game so far.

Sacriers are great to play solo and are also practically built to support your team. First off, Sacrier has very high sustain due to his passive skills that boost his Health Points and Attack Damage. Also the Earth branch allows his to protect himself with armor at the end of every turn, and his Air branch helps him adjust his position by granting him skills that improve his mobility. Lastly the fire branch help in damaging himself and enemies for even greater damage.
As far as team-play is concerned, Sacriers can switch places with allies or enemies allowing you to save teammates from dangerous situations. Additionally, Sacriers have a skill called Sacrifice which allows them to take damage for them allies. All in all Sacrier is a primary pick when assembling groups.

Before you play Sacrier the only question you need ask yourself is, are you ready for a good beating?
Introduction to Pandawa
Who in here loves booze? Raise your hands. Wow you too? Well Pandawa should be fine for you.

Pandawa's are the drunk guys of the game. They drink bamboo milk, get wasted and get stronger (don't ask me why, I am still trying to figure this out). I should warn you beforehand that Pandawa is considered one of the hardest classes in Wakfu, mainly because it is not forgiving, hard to build and complicated in battle.

Pandawa playstyle demands that you stand as often as you can close to your bucket of sweet bamboo milk. Casting abilities on your enemies and the bucket have different effects so you have a lot of choices for interesting gameplay. Also Pandawas have very high mobility and damages, especially AoE, and they have a healing skill to help your allies. A drink with your buddy can never hurt eh?

In a nutshell, if you are up for a challenge, trying Pandawa out will most likely result in a hard time while playing solo at first, but a very smooth experience after level 80, when you can make great builds with your character. Playing Pandawa in a group will always be nice for you as people will often appreciate your healing and AoE Damages.
Introduction to Rogue
What do you call someone who loves to blow stuff up?

And that is just what rogues are. It seems quite unfair to bring guns to a sword-fight but that is what they do. Also bombs. Rogues are your typical non-team players who are only looking out for themselves, having not a single skill to help their teammates.

They rely on their Initiative, meaning they practically demand to play first, as they gain bonuses from that such as extra Attack Damage and Critical Damage. Their play-style is rather straight forward.

Earth Rogue
Earth rogue is the gunslinger rogue. Pick up your gun and start firing like a madman at your enemies or if you are lazy, consume all of your AP for very powerful shot. All up to you.

Air Rogue
The backstabbing rogue. Grab your dagger and start stabbing enemies repeatedly for as many critical strikes as you can. When you land one, get extra Action Points for more stabbing! Ain't the lovely! Also you have a boomerang, because why not.

Fire Rogue
That has to be my favourite one. This is the bombardier rogue. Placing bombs everywhere, making them go Boom! and gaining extra Action Point to do that again. We are talking about massive AoE damage you can not help but love.

In conclusion, Rogue is a class you are most likely going to play solo for a lot of time until you can help your team, somewhere around level 100 lets say. After that you should be a valuable asset to a team of tanks because you will be the easiest target to kill.
Introduction to Masqueraider
Its time for a very cool class, the Masqueraider class. Masqueraiders use masks, hence the name contains "masque" literally meaning "mask" in French, which is the native language of the developers of the game, Ankama.

So masks are what give the Masqueraider the ability to use his unique skills. Each mask unlocks a specific branch and he can change his masks during the fight. He can also summon a double that can the same or a different mask than the actual Masqueraider.
Masqueraiders are ranged and great healers, damage dealers and have high mobility but on the downside they tend to have low resistances and Health Points.

Water Masqueraider
The Water Masqueraider is ranged and can deal very high single target damage as well as use his skills to heal his allies or himself, by using the double to shoot at himself.

Fire Masqueraider
The Fire Masqueraider is branch that acts as a double edged sword. While wearing the Fire Mask the Masqueraider gains massive boost to his damage output and an equally grant reduce to his defences. It means he is out for blood and does not take any danger into account. Be careful when using this mask especially in PvP because it could turn out deadly if you can't finish your target fast enough. Also fire skills deal damage in small to medium areas and give some mobility to the user.

Air Masqueraider
Air Masqueraider is what you call your ninja Masqueraider. The Air branch grants him major mobility and allows him to push himself and enemies around the map. The Mask has no drawback and it gives you a chance to gain extra AP while it boosts your teammates damages. Very classy.

Masqueraiders do well both in solo and groups and they can offer very nice support with two of their masks and their double. Very forgiving character and a fun game style. Try not to mess your level 80 revamp though as it is important to make up your mind before that which branches you will build as Masqueraiders rely on their masks, you should be clear as to which you will use from then on.

Note: Each mask can be seen on the right side of its category.
Introduction to Foggernaut
Why hello there robot fans, this is the character for you.
This is your average destroy-all-things robot which features a unique element, Stasis!
Now, I will get to that in another chapter of the guide but Stasis is the element of destruction in this world, so you can get a pretty nice idea that your damage output will be high.
Also the Foggernaut class just got an update featuring a new female model, sweet.
Looks like a cowgirl in my opinion, but anyways.

So as a Foggernaut your primal role will be damage dealing, no wonder as you have Stasis, but you can be a little defensive too.
You are most likely going to build Stasis no matter what, its too valuable not to. The question is if you will build Fire/Earth or both.
I decided to focus a lot more on Stasis, as it this classes signature skill line so the reference for Fire and Earth will be rather small.

Stasis spells apply a debuff to targets, that must be reapplied each turn and stacks up to 100 levels, that decreases the resistance of the weakest element that the enemy has. This is an excellent way to abuse an enemies defences, especially by your team if that resist is Water for instance.
Now Stasis spells do a lot of damage but they have a serious drawback. Each spell reduces your own HP by an amount (from 1% to 3%) which should concern you. This means that getting yourself a shield and a good way to replenish health is critical when using the Stasis branch.

It is recommended that you use a skill called Turbo-Critical which after spending Wakfu points, transform damage dealt in a round into health points. Another alternative is Stasis Flux that will prove useful against enemy groups that have healers as you can abuse their healing, to heal yourself.

Note that Stasis damage is calculated as follows:
(3 highest masteries)/3 + damage from Stasis Mastery (passive)
For more information check these two links:
Tri-Foggernaut Build[forum.wakfu.com]
Spell References[forum.wakfu.com]

What happens to machine when the work for an extended time? They Overheat. That is the name of the passive you are going to deal with if you play as a Fire Foggernaut. Overheat offers increased damage for a few rounds and then it applies a Cooldown debuff on you that greatly reduces damage output for a little while.
This branch offers medium to high damage as well as range. It helps picking off enemies and offers good alternatives to Stasis spells if survivability is not guaranteed, therefore use of Stasis spell might be risky.

Now the Earth branch is your defensive branch. This branch is designed to be used alongside the Foggernaut Blockade, an active skill that places a blockade. Earth spells have medium damage output however they provide sufficient healing and very high resistances. This is your best bet at surviving tough fights, and in my opinion it is mandatory for you to have at lest two Earth spells with you one of them at all times if playing solo.

I wanted to make a quick reference to some of Foggernaut's Skills that will prove handy. As I mentioned Foggernaut Blockade is a necessary skill as it provides healing and resistances. Another great skill is Cybot that summons a small robot which helps in several ways, such as teleporting the Foggernaut or it Blockade, turning itself into a Turret etc. Note that depending on which branches you build, you will have to equip the respective passive skills to get the most out of your character.

So I'm not a Foggernaut expert but from my experiences Foggernauts are a very well rounded class. Playing solo as a Foggernaut will be really easy as their skills offer mobility, high burst damage and healing abilities. Building Tri-gear is of course a no-brainer as it boosts your Stasis damage. Last but lost least Foggernauts are primarily single-target damage dealers but they have decent AoE as well.
A great Foggernaut guide can be found here[forum.wakfu.com].
Branding image:
William Roberths on Behance[www.behance.net]

Character's Section:
Feca information and photo credit from Wakfuattack.
Osamodas images from Wakfu's website[staticns.ankama.com].
Xelor information and photo credit from Wakfu forums[forum.wakfu.com].
Sadida photo credit from Wakfu formums[forum.wakfu.com].
Masqueraider mask icons from Wakfu Wikia[wakfu.wikia.com].
Foggernaut image, from Wakfu's original post here[pbs.twimg.com], made by KME.
Sentry Buster May 7 @ 5:56pm 
so you're telling me that the funny time controlling dude is both the most difficult to play as? meaning i can play as both a character i like yet also experience nothing but agony and torment as i play through the game? meaning that if there is PvP in the game others will feel happy knowing i lost? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!
大Okaysho丈夫 Jan 18, 2023 @ 8:38am 
Thx bro
Dusk Deadman Jul 9, 2020 @ 6:51am 
Hello! I know this is outdated, but it still helped me a lot! Thanks for your hard work @Pocket Mage!
//mage  [author] May 21, 2018 @ 4:41am 
So long as they link this guide and my profile, totally fine with me! :D
Jüno May 20, 2018 @ 3:37pm 
I mean how about someone copy and paste and continue from there? :p
SininenBlue Mar 20, 2018 @ 3:33am 
@Pocket Mage kinda sad but theres nothing that can be done.
//mage  [author] Mar 18, 2018 @ 7:49am 
@SininenBlue sadly I've given up on the game, and I haven't followed any of the updates for the past 6 months. The guide is partialy outdated and I'm positive I will not finish it in the future. Really sorry to disappoint you :( I will label the guide accordingly as well for any future readers.
SininenBlue Mar 15, 2018 @ 8:40pm 
@Pocket Mage is there any chance that you finish this in the future or are you just gonna let this sit as is, cause i was kinda looking forward to the leveling and moneymaking kind of stuff
//mage  [author] Mar 15, 2018 @ 11:27am 
@SininenBlue An incomplete, outdated one to be exact! ^o^ Never got to finish it, it would have included so much more but... oh well.
SininenBlue Mar 15, 2018 @ 8:57am 
So basically its a character guide