Knee Deep

Knee Deep

30 ratings
Bear's Knee Deep Achievement Guide
By Bearboots
This guide will help you unlock all 43 achievements in Knee Deep
Hey and thanks for reading my achievement guide for Knee Deep. I haven't made a guide before but was quite perplexed that this game didn't have one yet so I thought I would take a stab at it. Before reading this guide it's important to keep in mind that it is not possible to 100% complete this game without a minimum of three playthroughs. I did it in four because my first playthrough I wanted to focus on enjoying the story and letting it unfold naturally instead of achievement hunting.

I do however suggest that with each playthrough you pick one method of reporting namely

  • Cautious
  • Edgy
  • Inflammatory

This will help you unlock the following achievements

I hope this guide helps!

x Bearboots
Auto Unlock Achievements:
The following achievements can be completed by simply finishing the game. You don't need to do anything fancy - they unlock automatically throughout the story.

Choice Achievements:
The following achievements come from selecting different options at critical or normal choice moments throughout the game. This is partly why more than one playthrough is necessary so that you can select different choices.

Phaedra's Second Blog Post

Upon arriving in Cypress Phaedra talks about the last notable media occurance in the town. You are given the option to discuss three different items.

To unlock the achievements you need to select each of the 3 options in different playthroughs/savegame files and then blog straight after talking to the man at the protest. Your report will automatically include the last notable media occurance based on what you selected. It doesn't matter whether the report is cautious, edgy or inflammatory.

Kern's Hotel Room

When you get into Kern's hotel room you have the option of looking in his bag and looking at the pizza box on the table. Upon opening his bag you can read his journal or go through his emails. Luckily you are able to do both of these things in a single playthrough. Make sure that you download all his emails and read his journal to unlock the achievements.

In the Shack

You are giving the option to stay in the shack and wait or leave to go investigate further. In two different playthroughs/save files you need to select each option.

Collecting Gaddis's Mother

Woodstep is faced with the decision on whether to let Gaddis's mother leave with what's-his-name or not. In two different playthroughs/save files you need to select each option.

Chucks Ending

Right at the end of the game Chuck is standing outside a hotel room and needs to decide whether to go into the room or not. In two different playthroughs/save files you need to select each option.
Crazy Playthrough:
Once you have completed your first/second playthrough there are some achievements that make this a bit of a crazy playthrough if you will. You should only need to get to the end of act 2 to complete all of these.

In order to get these achievements make sure that you;
  • Only give strange responses with Phaedra
  • Only give cynical responses with Gaddis
  • Only give billigerant responses with Bellet
Opto Tests:
There are six achievements linked to the Opto tests. During the test you can come out with the rating of Unworthy, Ascensitive or Dark Matter.

Unworthy: 0 - 150
Ascenitive: 200 - 250
Dark Matter: 300

It's important to make sure that you exit to the main menu after taking the Opto Test so that you can simply load you last steam cloud save and retake the test to help you unlock the following achievements.

For Romona her test takes place in Act 1 Scene 1 and fortunately there is a steam cloud save right before her test. So make sure that once you get the test result (while the test screen is still up) that you press escape, go back to the main menu and load again so you can retake the test.

For Bellet it's Act 1 Scene 5 just as he leaves the hotel room after talking what's-his-name and Eula. Update: the devs have created a steam cloud save just after chatting with what's-his-name after exiting the hotel room so you can go straight into the test - hooray!

During the test you are asked a series of questions and based on your responses you will earn or lose points. You will be able to see your scoring system at the top of the test. I would recommend that when you take the test you write down each possible response on a piece of paper and mark whether your response made your points go up, down or not move at all.

Once you get to this screen where you get your final rating the applicable achievement will unlock. At this point press escape and go back to the main menu then load the last save and take the test again until you get your desired result. Using your notes on how responses impact your points will help you with this.

There is another guide available which lists some of that users answers which should act as a useful tool for you.

Hope this all helped you! Happy achievement hunting ^^
Bearboots  [author] Jun 15, 2017 @ 7:02am 
Hey there. I would say realistically 10 - 13 hours. This game takes a little longer to complete but it's worth it for the story.
Strategius Jun 14, 2017 @ 5:25am 
How long do you need to 100% this game, a rough but realistic estimation please. Sometimes my time management is strikt, so I want to know how much time you need to plan for this game. Thanks :itsmyground:
theRoodieDoodz Mar 26, 2017 @ 1:47pm 
Thanks for the guide.
KaityChameleon Jul 27, 2016 @ 8:08pm 
Sorry if the question seems odd, but how do I get to Kerns' hotel room? I've played through twice already and as far as I know haven't been given the option to go to any hotel room. Is there a certain choice I have to make to get access to it?

Also, I'm not sure 'Ferreting out the Facts' is an automatic get; I haven't asked about the ferret in what I assume is scene 8 in either playthrough, so I think that could be why I haven't gotten it. Plan to test this theory in my next attempt, though.
jointhesaga  [developer] May 12, 2016 @ 6:40am 
Thanks for working on this guide and sharing!