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Bangstick Guide
By NeViLLe
Alright this is my first guide. so if there is any mistakes dont h8 on me k. My name is Neville im 14 years old. Yes you might be thinking srsly. yes im this young if you have any problems with that. then thats your problem im just here to have fun and play depth. Im 3rd place on sharks banged so im experienced. Now these are my tactics/tips. they might be different than yours. Have fun reading. :)
Alright so the bangstick cost 800. you can buy it at the start of the round. You will be pretty slow as you dont have a DPV but i will talk about that later. so you have the bangstick what do you do with it .Well you try and hit the shark. But some sharks need 2 hits why is that ??. well those are what we call (tank sharks). they are the heavy sharks who deal the most damage on divers. The 2 tank sharks are Hammer and Great white shark. They are not too difficult as most sharks swim straight to you. you can one hit them and then shank them once. and they will be left dead like every shark in a net. but they can also upgrade their health which will take a bit longer to kill.
Tactics to kill sharks
Alright how to kill the shark. Obviously hit them. but some sharks dont go down so easy. For example high leaderboard sharks. can easily kill a bangstick player. by moving side to side. until you lose the shark. So when they try and go around you like a real shark. try to keep up.
A huge aspect of banging sharks is timing you will have to know when the shark will lunge at you if you are in Open water. sometimes you will need to guess. For example i had a game where i was facing a tiger i pressed my left mouse button before he even lunged and killed him.
that is just pure luck and guessing tho. So guess sometimes. And when a shark is lunging at you try to sometimes dash to the left or right so the shark will lose sight of you for abit. and If you have a DPV try to go after him and explode hes ass. Dont forget baiting whenever a shark has one of your mates go for the shark always works as he cant get away.
Tactics to kill sharks. P2
Another tactic is following the sharks when they are on low health or are trying to get away. Most sharks dont turn around when they are trying to escape to eat seals. Making the shark an easy kill you. Another tactic is using a netgun . (i personally dont use a netgun as i like the fast paced dpv action stuf). using a netgun is great aswell as if you hit the shark. The shark cant get away. getting you an easy bang on him.
Fast sharks
Mako and Thresher 2 of the Most annoying sharks in my opinion. Well how do you deal with them.
I personally hate the thresher more than the mako as the thresher is so thin. and the mako is a bit fat. What i do when i see a thresher or a mako i simply try to hold my position and when they lunge move out the way and then bang em. Or i try to bait my mates and then bang the shark when they got one of my mates in its jaws. Or i try to go after it when it try's to get away.
Video of me playing bangstick
This is a pretty old video i was in 23th place on sharks banged But im too lazy to make a new one as it does lag when im recording :(. Dont mind My friend or my youtube in The background xD
Golf Jun 28, 2017 @ 2:05am 
Stabbing things with a stick is fun, specially when the stick has an explosive head.
God Apr 5, 2017 @ 10:28am 
love it :yun:
Itsuka Shiori Feb 5, 2017 @ 3:27am 
I think so
Aussie_Nelson Apr 30, 2016 @ 10:34pm 
Nice Guide and video. Keep up the good work :)