Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

952 hodnocení
Goator Who
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15. dub. 2016 v 8.31
4. úno. 2018 v 6.57
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Goator Who

V 1 kolekci od uživatele Geneosis
Geneosis' Goats
73 položek
Definitely a mad goat with a box!

They call him, the Goator... Mysterious creature of an ancient race, travelling through space and time in a big blue box, nobody know who he really is but everywhere he goes they remember him.

Any question or problem to use this mod? Click here to read the FAQ.

- Goator Who: You have a sonic screwdriver and a TARDIS.
- Leave Me Alone: [Locked]Stone-made alien creatures no longer chase you.

- [R]: Hold to repair nearby objects.
- [R]: Press to enter the TARDIS.
- [1]: Hold when ragdoll to call your TARDIS.
Driving TARDIS
- [E]: Hold to transport the tardis to the pointed location.
- [RagdollKey]: Hold to travel to another map.
- ???: Select TARDIS destination.
- [R]: Leave the TARDIS.

- [Y]: Hold to repair nearby objects.
- [Y]: Press to enter the TARDIS.
- [LB]: Hold when ragdoll to call your TARDIS.
Driving TARDIS
- [X]: Hold to transport the tardis to the pointed location.
- [B]: Hold to travel to another map.
- ???: Select TARDIS destination.
- [Y]: Leave the TARDIS.

- The sonic screwdriver can repair broken items and exploded items.
- Only the owner of a TARDIS can drive it.
- When the owner is driving his TARDIS then other players can enter it as passengers.
- Nobody can enter or leave a TARDIS during transport.
- You can only travel to the maps you own (eg: if you don't have GoatZ you will never reach the GoatZ map).
- When travelling to another map, you can reach any map available on your machine (including modded maps and "secret" maps like the Launchpad map).
- When you travel to a new map, you will keep all the mutators you had on the very first map you played (any mutator added later ingame may be lost).
- The game mode of the first map you played on will be conserved if you travel to other maps. So this means that you can play on any map as the infected goat from GoatZ (broken since the last update :/), or with the 4 team members from Payday, or with the space suit and hoverbike from Waste of Space, etc...

- When you change map using the TARDIS, your game mode will remain the one you had on the very first map.
- You may encounter a few Weeping Angels after some time if you didn't see any on the previous map you visited :pIf a Weeping Angel catch you, you will be transported to a random map.
- To unlock the 'Leave Me Alone' mutator, you must trick two Weeping Angels into seeing each other.
- When driving the TARDIS, there is a secret key that let you select your travel destination. Hint: This is a really large keyboard key :p

- Repairing items can rarely fail.
- The TARDIS sound and/or animation may fail to play correctly when entering a new map.
- The TARDIS may end up floating near the ground or be partially stuck inside structures.
- When a moving item collide with a TARDIS, the TARDIS may glitch a bit, but it will go back to its location almost immediately.
- Sometimes the TARDIS transport can fail and you will simply end at the exact same location you were before.
- When entering a new map with the TARDIS, you can rarely end up in a glitchy location (stuck inside building). Travel again to fix.
- When transporting multiple players to a new map in the same TARDIS, some players may be a bit glitchy. Try to exit the TARDIS and/or respawn with every player to fix it.
- If you change map with the TARDIS and without it (tunnel, portal, etc...) multiple times then the game may break and send you back to the main menu.

Update 1 (06/06/2016) původně napsal:
- Fixed compatibility with Waste of Space.
- Improved TARDIS model.
- Added a secret key to select the next map you visit with the TARDIS.
Update 2 (16/12/2016) původně napsal:
- Reworked Weeping Angel spawn conditions. They will now spawn only if you didn't see any angel on the previous map visited.
Update 3 (04/02/2018) původně napsal:
- Added 'Leave Me Alone' mutator that will prevent Weeping Angels from spawning when used.
About this mod původně napsal:
This is a mod I refused first, because the request was a bout time travel and sadly there is no way to do that in this game as far as I know :/ Anyway a couple more ideas have been suggested on the request thread later and some of them were fitting perfectly with a "Doctor Who" themed mod, and that's how that mod came about ^^
So first things first: the ability to repair items. This one was part easy and part tricky. For some items all I had to do was to store how they looked like before exploding, and for others I had to determine if a broken item was previously a movable item (barrel) or a static one (fence) in order to be able to restore them correctly later :) The Payday cars were the hardest part because they have their own destruction system and I had to hack a little into it to avoid that cars will repair on their own (that's their default behaviour) >_<
Then came the TARDIS :D I was thinking about using that blue box I saw on several maps for a long time now, and the first thing I tried to do was to use that box as a model on my UFO vehicle. This was not working as good as expected because the structure of the box model is different of the structure of the UFO model... Which means I couldn't replace the UFO model by the box model, but I was still able to make the UFO invisible and stick the box to it :p Anyway the main problem with this setup is that the physics is not working fine at all on that vehicle, that's why I came up with the teleportation system to make it possible to move it in the map. Also one little point that may seems easy was actually really hard to make: the "dissapearance" effect of the TARDIS. In fact there is no way to make an item partially transparent without changing some properties in it's material (the thing I try to avoid doing), so I had to do it the hard way: by hiding / unhiding the whole TARDIS every 2 frames X)
When that was working as good as possible, I started making the "time travel" feature, which is actually a map travel ^^ That part worked exactly the way I imagined it, so it was done pretty fast. Basically it's using a console command of the game that let you change map, and send it the correct parameters to reach one of the maps available on the computer of the player :)
Finally since the first time I saw that "cow guy" on the Payday map that keep teleporting around and out of sight, I thought that I must use that somewhere to create an enemy :p And hopefully the Doctor Who series have the perfect candidate for that: Weeping Angels :D Sadly the way they move is a bit easy to avoid once you understood it, so I won't give much infos about that, but the surprise effect work pretty well I think. Oh and of course if one of them catch you, as there is no real time travel in this game, they are using the only alternative I found and used alreayd in this mod ;)
Populární diskuze Zobrazit vše (5)
3. srp. 2022 v 11.33
Weeping Angels
24. úno. 2019 v 12.52
love to see some updates
7. dub. 2017 v 11.51
can you ....
Počet komentářů: 709
Geneosis  [autor] 21. dub. v 2.28 
@HendrixRiot: Why not?
HendrixRiot 20. dub. v 19.05 
Child 2. bře. v 12.14 
weeping angel will always haunt my dreams
Chazbrew 23. úno. v 9.32 
Wow because you're one of the best Teardown modders in the world
Geneosis  [autor] 23. úno. v 8.38 
@chazbrew: I don't ^^ This mod just lets you navigate between existing maps already available in the game ;)
Chazbrew 23. úno. v 3.55 
wait... you make GOAT SIMULATOR MAPS TOO?!
wpbdan 15. říj. 2023 v 9.20 
update its my favorite mod!
avast windows 6. čvc. 2023 v 12.19 
doctor baaaa
Geneosis  [autor] 3. dub. 2023 v 9.13 
@jimmytime studios: This mod is up to date, if you see the outdated mods message it must be because of some other mod you installed, and there is instructions on how to fix that in the FAQ (link in description). About Goat Sim 3 I don't think any existing mod could be ported to it as it uses a completely different game engine, and the game is not really designed to be easily moddable like this one was in the first place :/
Toppinbot guy 3. dub. 2023 v 8.32 
it says 'outdated mod' even tho its goat sim 3 came out so can you port these mods into goat sim 3?