ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

69 ratings
Full Player Guide - Settings/Maps/Strats/Events
By Mobo and 1 collaborators
Settings & Performance improvement settings has been updated - thanks for all the input!
Settings / Performance Improvement
Adjusting your settings and trying to get the best experience for both yourself and your performance is important in any game - and of course SOTF is no exception. When it comes to ark unless you have a beast of a PC, SOTF has had difficulties combining performance and high end graphics.

The following settings are what are recommended for optimal FPS (depending on your machine also) and maintaining graphic quality. There is a brief explanation for the settings below which will help you set up yours to get the best gaming experience!

*credit for this goes to Residualion & Lil Panda
This is under the assumption the game is launching in "normal" mode - see selected below

In the options you will find all the following settings. The right hand side are to do with your assigned keys for control but on the left you will see the main settings you can customise for youself!

The following will focus on the main settings and notes on the setting option/setting itself;

  • Resolution= Whatever your screen is

    Resolution scale = 100% / All the way to the right

  • World Tile Buffers = This depends on your pc but if you can put it in High or better you'll benefit at the start of the game.This setting controls how much you load and when (This is what i've been told by others). As an example if you put it to Epic it will try to load most of the visible map at the very start of the game meaning you'll have to load less once you actually run to those areas. If your pc is not the greatest i would not put this higher than low or medium since you in most cases don't end up going to all places on the map which means you're wasting resources loading it all. However on a high-end pc it can be worth it if you can spare a few fps.

  • View Distance = Low
    This may be a little confusing. I mean "why would i want to view only short distance?" is a question that has been brought up a lot. This setting does not affect how far you can see in the general meaning of the word. It effects when for example a rock will render in meaning you may be able to see someone hiding behind a rock if you are far enough away and said rock did not render yet. This is a major advantage that i'm sure everyone that knows about it are using. Just make sure you remember this when someone suddenly finds you behind a rock and you're unsure how they found you ;)

  • Antialiasing = Low
    Higher gives more edge smoothing of objects, cost in perf.

  • Post Processing = Low
    Higher processing of lighting and I think some shadows w/ regards to lighting. post processing I believe for example would occur
    within caves and like loot drops (especially in caves) as they alter the lighting temporarily when active.

    General Shadows = Low
    There is no benefit from having shadows on other than maybe make the game look a tiny bit better. However the amount of fps you
    lose by having them on is not worth the tiny amount of better looks. Shadows will make the game darker and it's easier to see when low

  • Terrain Shadows = Low
    There is no benefit from having shadows on other than maybe make the game look a tiny bit better. However the amount of fps you lose by having them on is not worth the tiny amount of better looks. Shadows will make the game darker and it's easier to see when low

  • Textures = Epic
    Now this one is in my opinion the most important setting. This is the setting that makes your game look good or bad. The higher you can put it the better. It will cost you a lot of fps if you put it too high compared to what your pc can handle but it will be worth it if you don't go to low on the fps. The big difference for me is that it is now easy to see if those few pixels in the distance is a dilo or a person.

  • Sky Quality = None / All the way to the left
    This doesn't make the game look good in any way it only swallows your fps.

  • Ground Clutter = None / All the way to the left
    This is one of those huge advantage settings again. It will make your game look good but it adds a lot of (mostly) leaves on the ground making it a lot harder to spot someone proning right in front of you.

  • Bloom = None / Unchecked
    This will only effects some weird light settings that will make it feel like you're staring right into the sun.

  • Light Shafts = None / Unchecked
    This will only effects some weird light settings that will make it feel like you're staring right into the sun.

  • Motion Blur = None / Unchecked
    Streaking of rapidly moving objects. Don't wanna get sick while playing ;)

  • Film Grain = None / Unchecked
    Added grain filter to visuals, reminiscent of film artifacts.

  • Distance Field Ambient Occlusion = None / Unchecked
    Shading and rendering setting for how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting.
    Softened shadows for objects in the distance. Again shadows is a fps killer.

  • High Quality VFX = None / Unchecked
    Checked gives higher quality rain and underwater effects. This is not super important for looks and will decrease your fps if checked.

  • Distance Field Shadowing = None / Unchecked

  • Shadows has always been a fps killer.

  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion = None / Unchecked
    Shadows for near objects, making them softer. Again shadows is a fps killer.

  • Camera Shake Scale = None / All the way to the left
    This will make your screen/camera shake a lot if something big is nearby. So for example if a rex is stomping next to it's gonna be harder to aim.

  • Camera FOV = 100% / All the way to the right
    I am not really sure about how this one works but it feels like it makes you see a wider area and seeing more can only be a good
    thing in this game ;)

  • Blood Damage Overlays = On / Checked
    This can give you a bit extra fps if you turn it off but it's ingame effect is worth much more for me. First of all you will be able to spot the difference between a desync arrow and an actual hit because of the blood spatter coming from your opponent. Secondly you will be able to easily see if a dino is low health because of all the blood marks on it. This is really important in the last
    mid fight. For example you used a nade on a rex and wonder if you should throw another or just shoot it down with arrows.

Maps & Locations
Metal Nodes Locations*:

(*please note this map does not show how many nodes just where they are)
Credit to: KiiGoku

Base Locations Map

Credit to: Sol
Starting & Gamemodes

Ark: SOTF has two game-modes and within each game-mode broken down team-modes. The two game-modes that SOTF currently has are Official (ranked) and Unofficial (Not ranked). The difference between the two is that in Ranked you receive a score and can increase or decrease depending on game time/kills/survival time etc. In unofficial there is no score given and game time is for learning game play. Often it is better to start out in unofficial to learn the game play but this is your preference.

Within Official and Unofficial are 4 team-modes – Free For All (1 Man Tribes), 2 Player Tribes, 4 Player Tribes and 6 Player Tribes. It is recommended that you have a team based on the suggested team size however you can enter with less members.

The breakdown here shows each mode:

  • Tribe Size: 1
  • Game Max Time Length: 35 mins
  • Max Number of Starting Players: 25
  • Max Number of Starting Tribes: 1 per player (25)
    The wall is constantly moving throughtout FFA very slowly but towards the last couple of minutes the wall accelerates and closes in much faster.

2 Man Tribes
  • Tribe Size: 2
  • Game Max Time Length: 45mins
  • Max Number of Starting Players: 40
  • Max Number of Starting Tribes: 40
    The wall does not move but in the last 10 minutes of the game there is a notification that "The Wall is Moving" and the wall quickly moves in.

4 Man Tribes
  • Tribe Size: 4
  • Game Max Time Length: 1hr
  • Max Number of Starting Players: 60
  • Max Number of Starting Tribes: 60
    The wall does not move but in the last 10 minutes of the game there is a notification that "The Wall is Moving" and the wall quickly moves in

Currently not available any more

6 Man Tribes

  • Tribe Size: 6
  • Game Max Time Length: 2.40 hrs
  • Max Number of Starting Players: 72
  • Max Number of Starting Tribes: 72

Lobbies & Characters
Starting out:
Whether you go for Official or Unofficial there are some thing you need to know.


Lobbies automatically start once the max level of players has been reached – no one person is in control of this.

Depending on your ranked score you may decide to only join lobbies of a certain score and above – this means you will get a higher boost from a win/kill in game as the ranks you are against are higher.

Take note while you are waiting of the players with the higher scores – these are the main players you need to keep watch for throughout the game :d

Creating a Character:
ARK provides a lot of modifications for characters once the game has launched. Increased body size and weight do not add any extra stats and in short means you have a larger hitbox. Between myself and my crew we have always settled on the smallest female characters (smallest hitboxes) with long necks and small heads to increase the deadspace between the head and the shoulder. It might be something to help save your life or never come in useful ever but hey why not try and increase your chances. Many people choose to have very darker skin characters also as this makes hiding in shrubbery or in shadows easier.

Once you have created the perfect character in the top left screen is an option for you to save this preset. It is recommended you do this and load (please note gender does not load so you will be required to change to a female each game). Each time you play you can select this preset and not have to create the character from scratch each time.

Then name your character and hit “Create Survivor”

Tribes & Hotbar in Starting Dome

Getting your hotbar ready

When you reach the starting dome you want to take the time to do the following

Open your inventory (by pressing i) and you will see “Inventory” on the left and “craftables” on the right in the top left corner. “Craftables” are referred to as engrams. These are blueprints for crafting that item. If the Engram is red the item cannot be crafted as you are missing resources required. If the Engram is Grey you have all the resources necessary to craft.

Depending on the game-mode you have chosen some or all of the engrams available to you prior to start. In FFA all of the engrams are available in the starting dome. In 2 players and above you will need to level up to get access to the engrams.

Either in the starting dome in FFA or when you learn the engram you can speed up your crafting by pulling the engram in to your hotbar (you can do this in your inventory). Once the engram is in your hotbar you can hover the mouse over it to find out what resources you require to craft this item.

When the engram is in your hotbar and turns grey you can press the corresponding number key and craft this automatically in your hotbar. (Note: this does not replace the engram in your hotbar so if you are happy you do not need to craft any more you can replace this in your hotbar with either another engram or with an item from your inventory)

In FFA my starting hotbar generally has 1-5 all empty, 6 Engram for Spear, 7 Engram for Bow, 8 Engram for Arrow, 9 Engram for Pick-Axe and 0 Engram for Hatchet. The spear and bow (with arrows) are super important for the first 5 minutes as people will be building up their resources so it’s highly recommended.

Creating a Tribe:

You must create a tribe for each game mode. Even in FFA you will be required to create your own tribe. You do this by pressing L and entering a tribe name and hitting create tribe. If you are playing a game with more than 1 per tribe you will also do this however you will be required to find your teammates in the dome and invite them to the tribe. You do this by standing in front of your team mate and holding E and hover your mouse over the top option “Invite [player name] to tribe [your tribe name]. To accept this request you will stand and hold E and select the option that states “Accept invitation to tribe”.
Tribe Flag - How to upload your very own tribe flag!
To make a flag go to:

If you have been able to download a .pnt flag for your tribe the following is how to install
A good guide for this is:

How to install

Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK SOTF\ShooterGame\Saved\MyPaintings


To Go to your Steam Library
Right click Ark: SOTF go to properties
Click local files tab, then browse local files.
Once in The SOTF game files go to Shootergame, Saved, MyPaintings and put the attached file into that folder.

Want to make your own?

The Middle & Ramp
The Middle

EDIT: They have removed spears from the middle and added a shield. A shield is a "Off Hand" Item. You will notice on the right side of where your clothes go is an extra item. The shield in the middle is made from wood. You automatically carry this around with you and can perform actions as normal with your hands. As soon as you equip a handheld item the shield is put away. The shield does NOT provide protection while away (i.e does not go on your back)

The middle circle where all the characters spawn once the timer has run down in the dome contains boxes of loot. The items always spawn in the same point so do your best to note where you picked these up. You have 3 options when it comes to the middle:

1. Run to middle, try get some items and get some kills – downside to this is you are at risk to die yourself if someone else has a spear

2. Run to middle, grab some loot and run away - still dangerous but safer than option 1

3. Do not run to the middle but run far far away – safest

Although dangerous the benefits of getting this starting gear is pretty big and a few kills at the start can really help you out – it’s all up to what type of strategy/game play you are going for.

The Ramps

There are 6 ramps coming from the middle to the outside world you can use these to run down (or back up at the end if the walls are closing in). There is no falling damage for the first couple of minutes in all game modes so you can run and leap off the sides to get a good start. Remember that fall damage turns back on so do not jump off the ramp any later than 5 minutes in.

Levelling & The Wall
Levelling Up

One of the most important things to note in survival of the fittest is maintaining your levels – in your inventory you will see a list of stats for your character down the right hand side. If there are flashing arrows next to these you can increase these levels depending on how much XP you have. In surivival the main stats to put your XP into are 1. Health 2. Stamina 3. Weight or Movement Speed. Again choosing which stat to increase will all depend on what type of player you want to be – if you want to be a “Tank” go Health & Weight. If you want to be stealth go 1. Health, 2. Stamina and 3 Movement Speed. The most important thing to always remember is “Health is King”. Obviously this is just a beginners guide so the more experienced players will probably choose various options but this is a good starting base.

The Wall

Each survival game is a portion of map with a wall called “The Ring Of Death” that closes in on the survivors pushing them closer together to eventually leave only the middle remaining. If you go outside the Ring of Death for longer than 20 seconds you will die. This is worth remembering if you build a house or run very far from the middle – keep watch on the clock and the wall.

Strategies (WIP)
Please note this section will be updated


There are numerous strategies (and probably many more that I have not encountered yet) for survival of fittest. So far the main strategies I have encountered are;

1. Terror

2. Tamer

3. Tinker

1. Terror

The Terror strat is basically going around the map and trying to destroy other tribes by killing them.

2. Tamer

The Tamer strat is all about taming dinos – the more health in a dino the harder it will be to kill. So far many tamers choose Trikes and Stegos as their main tames as they are fast and strong. Remember that dinos can be mate boosted and gain extra health by having a partner so use that to your advantage.

3. Tinker

The Tinker strat is all about metal. The tinker finds metal spots (each rock of metal is referred to as a Node) and uses this metal to craft weapons and ammo to give themselves an edge. In FFA you are reliant on yourself so often the best way to do this is to find some nodes and build a 2x2 platform with the following layout:

This will come with time and practice. See the below map for location ideas.

Metal Nodes Locations*:
(*please note this map does not show how many nodes just where they are)
Credit to: KiiGoku

Base Locations Map
Credit to: Sol

Weapons & Tools
Weapons and tools run out after a certain amount of damage taken so be careful as they run out and you need to repair them!

If you leave the item broken in your hotbar it will have a large red X in front of it and you cannot equip it. If you have the resources on you to repair (or the item can be repaired without a smithy etc) it will be gray behind the X and you can click the button corresponding to this and repair it in your hotbar. If the engram behind the X is red you do not have the resources to fix and need to get them or go to the appropriate structure.

Different tools harvest different items better than others so if your need of hide or thatch or meat make sure your harvesting the item with the right tool

  • Stone Pick:

Damage: 16
Harvests: Thatch, Raw Meat, and Flint

  • Stone Hatchet:

Damage: 20
Harvests Wood, Hide, and Stone

  • Metal Pick

Damage: 34.3
Harvests more resources at a higher rate, including Metal

  • Metal Hatchet:

Damage: 40
Harvests more resources at a higher rate

  • Metal Sickle:

Damage: 50
Harvests Fiber

Melee Weapons
Melee Weapons are great for fighting the "bugs" such as Meganeura

  • Wooden Spear:

Damage: 30
Has a chance to break on use

  • Pike:

Damage: 55


  • Wooden Shield:

the Wooden Shield is the first unlockable shield. Shields can be equipped in the Off-Hand slot. Block using the Alt-Fire Key (Default Right Mousebutton). Despite its low durability it has comparatively little weight and can be carried around easily. It can be unlocked at level 10 for 7 engram points.
Protects against damage from the front while blocking

  • Metal Shield:

The Metal Shield is the upgraded version of the Wooden Shield. Though its durability is much higher, it weighs much more as well, making it difficult to carry around. It can be unlocked at level 30 for 9 engram points and crafted in the Smithy
Protects against damage from the front while blocking

Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons are good when trying to defend yourself in SOTF. Ranged weapons break after a certain amount of use - be sure you have something to repair it with you if you need it!

  • Slingshot:

Damage: 14 (23.8 torpor)
Ammo: Uses Stones
Use: Can knock targets unconscious
Ammo use before breaking:

  • Wooden Bow

Damage: 55 (Stone Arrow), 20 (40 torpor + 50 torpor over 4 sec) (Tranquilizer Arrow)
Ammo: Uses Stone Arrows or Tranquilizer Arrows
Use: Tranquilizer Arrows can knock targets unconscious
Ammo use before breaking:

  • Crossbow

It is currently the only weapon that can be fired underwater.
Damage: 95 (Stone Arrow), 35 (70 torpor + 87.5 torpor over 4 sec) (Tranquilizer Arrow)
Ammo: Uses Stone Arrows or Tranquilizer Arrows
Use: Tranquilizer Arrows can knock targets unconscious
Ammo use before breaking:


Guns are the end goal of the "Tinker" route and are strong against dino's and for defense. Same as the ranged weapons they expire after a certain amount of rounds.

  • Simple Pistol

Damage: 100
Uses Simple Bullet
Damage/Resource: 200/ Metal Ingot, 33.33/Gunpowder
Ammo use before breaking: 48

  • Long Neck

Damage: 280
Uses Simple Rifle Ammo and Tranquilizer Dart
Damage/Resource 280/Metal Ingot , 46.66/Gunpowder
Ammo use before breaking: 10

  • Shotgun

Damage: 630 (10 pellets)
Uses Simple Shotgun Ammo
Damage/Resource: 25.2*10/Metal Ingot, 5.25*10/Gunpowder
Ammo use before breaking: 22

  • Fabricated Pistol

Damage: 28
Uses Advanced Bullet
Damage/Resource: 84/ Metal Ingot, 28/Gunpowder
Ammo use before breaking:

  • Pump Action Shotgun

Damage: 494 (10 pellets)
Uses Simple Shotgun Ammo
Damage/Resource: 19.76*10/Metal Ingot, 4.12*10/Gunpowder
Ammo use before breaking: 20

  • Assault Rifle

    Damage: 29.4
    Uses Advanced Rifle Bullet
    Damage/Resource: 58.8/Metal Ingot, 6.53/Gunpowder
    Ammo use before breaking: 100

    Fabricated Sniper Rifle

    Damage: 165
    Uses Advanced Sniper Bullet
    Damage/Resource: 165/ Metal Ingot, 27.5/Gunpowder
    Ammo use before breaking:

Recipes: Stews, Brews & Soups
Recipes are extremely useful in certain situations - depending on what you need there is one that will help give you an edge against your opponent or just to survive.

You can only create brews in the cooking pot in sotf. Soups, stews and steaks are found in Red Drops and Superloots only at the minute.

This is not the entire list of recipes from ARK Survival Evolved but the ones we have been finding in the drops and most useful.

  • Calien Soup

+50 Hyperthermic insulation +Slow water consumption by 25%
Time: 300 Seconds

  • Fria Curry

+50 Hypothermic insulation +Slow rate of food consumption by 25%
Time: 300 Seconds

  • Enduro Stew

+35% increased melee damage +Heals 1.2% maximum hp per second
Time: 300 Seconds

  • Focal Chili

+25% movement speed +100% crafting speed
Time: 600 Seconds

  • Lazarus Chowder

+Slow rate of oxygen consumption while underwater by 85% +Regenerates 1.2% stamina per second, enough to maintain constant swimming
Time: 300 Seconds

  • Shadow Steak Saute

+50% hypothermic insulation +50% hyperthermic insulation -80% weapon recoil +Able to see the in the dark
Time: 300 Seconds

  • Medical Brew

+Heals 40 hp
Time: 300 Seconds

  • Energy Brew

+Restores 40 stamina
Time: 300 Seconds
Events happen periodically throughout the game. They are random events and happen at random. There are a couple of pro's and con's for each event - if you are unsure about what event is happening press "H" and in the corner it contains a description!

Pressing H also shows a timer in the bottom left corner which is the in-game time which is important to note as certain events happen at certain times!

  • Acid Rain

Acid rain that slowly drains your health and ruins your armour overtime.
Get into cover or remove your armour if you're in the rain.
All tribe size matches.

  • ARKtic Monkeys

Two aggressive, poop-throwing Mesopithecus per player. Check their inventory sometimes they have a Chitin Helmet. Arrows are quite effective against them. If you get hit with faeces too much you will fall unconscious so when this event starts I tend to put Stimberries in my hot bar.
All tribe matches.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Beast Within

Passive herbivores become aggressive this includes Trikes, Stegos, Anklyos etc. Parasaurs and Phioma's will run away.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Carno Drop

A random carnivore is dropped on you. My advice is run when you see the image appear in the corner until you know what it is. If it's a raptor then great tame it and go, if it's a T-Rex - you may have a much harder time. Up to 4 dino's per player.
All tribe size matches.

  • Daytime Switch

Reverses the current time of day from day to night, or night to day.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Double Taming

Taming speed is doubled!
All tribe size matches.

  • Food of the Gods

On the middle platform will be a drop which contains 3 "food of the gods". Be warned it expires very very fast.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Hail to the King

When the wall has gotten to the middle platform and sudden death (when the timer runs out) happens, random explosive will fall on to the middle platform to annihilate your enemy. Don't blow yourself up :D
All tribe size matches.

  • Harvest Bounty

You can gather at a much higher rate. Don't get encumbered - watch your weight:D
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Harvest Famine

You gather at a much much slower rate. Do not bother gathering during this - go tame!
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Herbivore Drop

A random carnivore is herbivore on you (up to 4 dinos per person). Be careful you don't hit the leg of a Bronto if it falls on you. Also prepared to be irritated when a Mammoth is dropped on your base and glitches into your foundations and furnaces! Great source of hide and tames.
All tribe size matches.

  • Mega Cold

It will get cold to the point you will die fast. I carry around 2 campfires with me now because I underestimated the cold so many times. Wear no less than hide Armour - and get some cooked meat. Berries are fine but meat is better.
All tribe size matches.

  • Mega Fog

It will get foggy. Great for sneaking around. You can still see tribe tags through the fog though.
All tribe size matches.

  • Mega Heat

It will get hot. Only wear Cloth Armour. DO NOT TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES :) - get berries and put them in your hotbar.
All tribe size matches.

  • Predator's Night

Like the day night switch it changes daytime to nighttime or vice versa. Range of dinosaur's aggression is increased.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • Super Loot Crate

Middle platform gets a super drop. It contains Rocket Launchers, Ammo, Weapons (High Class), Armour & Resources such as metal. Be careful many players will want this and if you take too much you won't be able to run away (Remember a Rocket Launcher is weight 40.00 alone with 1 ammo)
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man and occurs twice in the game.
This occurs at 1.05.30 hours remaining in the game and lands at 1.04.35 hours remaining in the game.
The second occurs at 0.30.30 hours remaining in the game and lands at 0.29.30 hours remaining in the game.

  • Supply Overload

Red drops around the map. Ammo, Armour & Resources such as metal & oil. Be careful many players will want this and if you take too much you won't be able to run away
All tribe size matches.

  • Survivor Reveal

Yellow light over where a player is located at that moment in time. Use it for finding others. Remember its that moment in time so they will move :D The light does not move.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.
The Survivor Reveal happens when the in game time is between 23.59 and 00:00 midnight

  • Survivor Tracker

The light tracks your movement. Good if you want to find others, bad if you are trying to be sneaky.
Only happens in 2,4 & 6 man.

  • The Swarm

Meganeura ("bugs") will attack players in a large swarm. Use a spear and hit into the air. When they die harvest the chitin and meat from their corpses using a spear. Normally these creatures are passive, unless you kill a creature and they are coming to harvest the corpse. A nuisance.
All tribe size matches.
Boss Creatures
Boss Creatures

Events happen throughout your survival but there are also "Boss Creatures" which can be tamed.
They appear at the middle and you can tame them! But be warned they disappear after a certain amount of time (Around 15 mins?). They often have items in their inventory. This is only in 6 man tribes.

  • Broodmother

This spider type creature breeds many smaller spider creatures that will keep attacking your enemy

  • Dragon

Flies and breathes fire. Scary sh*t.

  • Megapithecus

Stronger than the normal Gigantopithecus this guy is strong and easily tamed.

Some screenshots!
Some screenshots for ideas :D

Thanks & Credits
People from MPG who twitch & people who helped compile this guide so give an aul follow :)

Thanks to @Sol for updating the map for me looks awesome!
Thanks to @KiiGoku for the metal nodes map :)
zangief_ Apr 2 @ 3:57pm 
i have ark. but i cant play too big and heavY aAAAaAaAaAaAaAa:steamsad::steamfacepalm:
ThatGuy Oct 29, 2023 @ 9:09pm 
how play single player
sabot01 Mar 25, 2023 @ 7:05pm 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░
寂 MiTiX. Jul 21, 2021 @ 10:34am 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS stan
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
Yodaswag May 1, 2018 @ 8:39am 
hey, do u happen to know the different map sizes (area of the ring of death at the start of the match) for ffa, 2 man tribes, 4 man tribes?
thazine Nov 23, 2017 @ 2:05pm 
Ofend me on profile pls
Fallen781 Aug 31, 2017 @ 10:37am 
great guide
Mobo  [author] Nov 28, 2016 @ 3:44pm 
What a great idea thank you Blacky!!
☠Blacky☠ Nov 27, 2016 @ 5:35pm 
Very nice guide, maybe add important wistles. :) greez
Mobo  [author] Nov 20, 2016 @ 10:19am 
Thanks Catcopter! It is out of date for sure but I will get something to fix it up shortly :D