RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker VX Ace

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Demon Reign
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UGC Type: Play Only
Game Genre: Adventure
Game/Resource Flavor: Fantasy
Dimensiunea fișierului
1.493 MB
28 mart. 2016 la 8:39
1 notiță privind schimbările ( vizionare )

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Demon Reign

Beta version of the prologue chapter of my first game "Demon Realm". I just want to see if I got it right. :)
3 comentarii
Chao Tsundo 29 mart. 2016 la 9:12 
A reccomendation I have is to make sure your events are not "below characters" which causes them to act like a warp point
lohis94  [autor] 29 mart. 2016 la 4:00 
Thanks Easter Chao, I appreciate your comment!
as an answer:
1) I'm trying to do that, but facing some difficulties of getting either the events to start or the actor walking over the event (on a tile that should be impassable). (I have pulled a few hairs out already)
2) I haven't tackled the battleback/ battle scenes in depth yet. I only tried if I got the makings right.
3) He should be there, on the upper left corner, by the wooden cross. (004,003)
Chao Tsundo 28 mart. 2016 la 15:30 
Great concept, but I have a few problems.
1. Try to make things examinable (Aka you can press z to check them and get some flavor text), not only does it pad the game out in way where it only lengthens the game for those that want to stop and smell the roses, but it immerses the player in the world a lot more
2. I've noticed some problems with the bridges displaying the wrong battleback, or maybe a certain troop type.
3. The sage wasn't at the graveyard. (I think that one's intentional)