Tom Clancy's The Division

Tom Clancy's The Division

110 beoordelingen
Medic Guide [Talents/Perks, Builds, Playstyle, Team Setup, More]
Looking to become a Medic, but unsure which perks to use, or what kind of build you should go for? In this guide I will explain everything.
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Don't have a lot of time? Or simply don't feel like reading everything? Read only the Big and Underlined words/sentences to read faster, and still know everything about the Medic class.

As a Medic, it is crucial to have a good amount of Electronics, aswel as a decent amount of health just in case. Besides that, having more health means you need to have more Electronics than the amount of Stamina you have, to be able to fully heal yourself with First Aid, or faster with the Support Station. Very basic, right? Right.
[Skills n' Modifications]
Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about the Skills and Modifications. I recommend using the following Skills with mods for the Medic Role:

- SKILL [MOD] <Example
- First Aid Skill [Overdose - Defibrillator]
- Support Station [Ammo Cache]
- Smart Cover [Recharger]

-First Aid:
For First Aid, I recommend using the mod called Overdose, as it is always useful to have that extra bit of healing, plus overheal to be able to take more damage. However, if you're not really using the First Aid Skill that much, or if you simply already have enough Electronics, I recommend using Defibrillator instead, as it is always useful to keep your teammates up in PvE, aswel as PvP.

-Support Station:
For the Support Station, I recommend using the Mod Ammo Cache. Why? Simply because you will be able to shoot tons of bullets without losing any ammo after a reload. Make sure to reload while in the Support Station Radius. Plus there is no need for the Mod Life Support, as you and your teammates are already able to revive yourselves by holding 'F' while at the Support Box.

-Smart Cover:
The Smart Cover with the Recharger Mod is pretty good. The extra damage combined with decreased incoming damage [aswel as the extra Healing and Skill haste, when Recharger Mod is equipped] works amazing in Supportive roles . However, I do have to say that I think you'll be better off using Support Station with the Ammo Cache Mod, simply because you'll always be able to revive yourself, aswel as your teammates when holding 'F' when close to the station. Plus, the "unlimited" ammo has proven to be very, very much needed when playing on Challenging mode, thus making this more useful for Supportive play. Do note, combining Support Station w/ the Ammo Cache Mod+ Smart Cover w/ Recharger Mod might be a good setup for you aswel.
For Talents, I recommend using Triage [2nd medic Talent], as it is always useful to have that extra cooldown on your healing Skills.

Then on to the Tech Talents Tree, I recommend using Tech Support [3rd row, 2nd Talent]. This Talent is great, because when you kill an enemy, the duration of your Support Station is increased, and thus allowing you to instantly reuse it once it does run out.

For the other two Talent slots you can just really use anything you like. In my case, for the 3rd slot I use Steady Hands [1st Talent Security Tree], simply because I like that extra Reduced Recoil boost everytime I enter cover. Another decent extra Talent is the Combat Medic Talent [Medical section, Last row, 1st Talent], because this will allow you to heal a teammate when using a Medkit. However, the actual health given to your teammates with this Talent isn't that much and thus making it an unnecessary Talent in my opinion.

-Triage [2nd medic Talent]
-Tech Support [3rd row, 2nd Talent]
-Steady Hands [1st Talent Security Tree]
-Combat Medic [Medic Section, Last Row, 1st Talent]
Now that you know the necessary basics, you might wonder, what would be a good build? Being the lovely medic I am, here are some standard builds you might go with, along with an explanation what exactly makes the Build good.

Paladin Medic Build:
For the Paladin Build, it is most essential to be able to tank damage, while healing teamates, aswel as being able to drop enemies efficiently. Find a balance between High Hp and High Damage Output and Medium Skillpower. Most importantly, make sure to have the maximum amount of Armor [65%]. Next to that, to increase your Damage Output, make sure your main weapon has a Strong Crit Build. This is a true Support Build. You will not be able to lead your team into battle. However, you will be able to provide them the needed Health and Armor, and fight alongside your team with succes.

Skills: Support Station w/ Ammo Cache OR First Aid w/ Defibrillator + Smart Cover w/ Recharger OR Pulse w/ Tactical Scanner
Talents: Critical Save+ Tech Support+ One is None+ On The Move

-Good Damage output
-Strong Tanking
-Strong Supportive Teamplayer
-Good healing

-Not for Solo-runs
-Easily overrun in PvP

[Combat Medic Build]:
This was my favorite build, because me personaly, I love being able to drop enemies fast while stil being able to heal teamates very wel. For this build you need to have a bigger focus on Electronics and Firearms, while keeping a good amount of Stamina. Try to find a bit of a balance between Firearms and Stamina. Once you have High-end weapons, you can make the gap between Firearms and Stamina even smaller, simply because the High-end weapons already have tons of damage on their own. This is my go-to build when playing Challenging mode.

The build goes as following:
Skills: Support Station w/ Ammo Cache+ First Aid w/ Defibrillator
Talents: Triage+ Combat Medic+ Tech Support+ Battle Buddy

-Strong/good damage output
-Strong healing
-Good amount of Stamina/Health
-Strong PvP Build

-Once in combat, you might focus less on healing
-Health might still be too low for some people when in Challenging mode

[Glass Cannon Build]:
Looking for a Damage build, with low/medium HP [AKA Glass Cannon]? Self explanatory, focus more on Firearms than on your Stamina. However, as a medic, do have a decent amount of Health just in case. Besides that, having more health means you need to have more Electronics than the amount of Stamina you have to be able to fully heal yourself with First Aid, or faster with the Support Station. The Skills best suited with this build are the Support Station, First Aid and Smart Cover. As for Talents, I recommend using any of the following: Triage, Combat Medic, Tech Support, Battle Buddy, Critical Save, On the move, One is None.

Basicly what you need is the following:
Skills: Support Station w/ Ammo Cache+ First Aid w/ Defibrillator OR Smart Cover w/ Recharger OR Pulse w/ Tactical Scanner
Talents: Triage+ Combat Medic+ Tech Support+ Critical Save/Battle Buddy/On the Move/One is None

-Strong damage output
-Good healing
-Non-stop, high damage Crits [If you have a Crit-build weapon]

-Easier to be killed when regaining skills
-Easier to be killed when reloading
-Easier to be killed when being Rushed [By multiple people]

[Hybrid DPS/Skill Power Medic Build]:
Looking for a good amount of dps, while maintaining that much needed healing power? Go for a Hybrid DPS/Skill Power Build. With a Build like this, you won't be able to tank any damage, as you will have a low amount of HP. But then again, your Firearms, aswel as your Electronics will be strong enough to drop enemies fast, while keeping you and your team alive. I have to say that once I tried this build, I was sold. It's a very strong Build when it comes to teamplay in both the Darkzone and Challenging mode.

Essential requirements:
Skills: Support Station w/ Ammo Cache+ First Aid w/ Defibrillator OR Smart Cover w/ Recharger
Talents: Triage+ Combat Medic+ Tech Support+ Stopping Power/Critical Save/Battle Buddy

-Strong damage output
-Strong healing
-Good PvP/Challenge mode Build

-Low HP
[Gear Attributes, Modifications and Talents]
As you guys asked me, here is a Section dedicated to the Gear Stats and Modifications.


As the Medic, it is important to have Attributes which contribute to your Medic Skills.

- +8.50% First Aid Ally Heal
- +8.50% Support Station Health
- +8.50% First Aid Self Heal
- +8.50% Support Station Healing Speed

Note: There are more Attributes contributing to the Medic Skills.

Now, not only is it good to have Attributes contributing to the Medic Skills, but also to your weapons. For example, if you want a Crit Build on your weapon, focus on getting more Crit Damage, aswel as Crit Chance Attributes on your Gear. Also, boosting your weapon damage by having a Damage Boosting Attribute for a specific weapon might be a good idea.

- +34% Critical Hit Damage
- +7.50% Critical Hit Chance
- +373 SMG Damage

At last, another good Attribute for the Medic is the extra Health, aswel as the extra Skill Power, simply because having a bit extra of Health, aswel as Skill Power is always nice.

- +2218 Health
- +3497 Skill Power


For the Modifications, just try to fill up the missing Firearms/Stamina/Electronics. While doing so, you will also have an Attribute for the Mod. For those, it might be a good idea to "add in" some extra Health, Skill Power or Crit Chance. Also, try to unlock the Weapon Talents with the Gear Modifications.

- Prototype Stamina Mod: +139 Stamina, +1,346 Skill Power
- Prototype Electronics Mod: +135 Electronics, +600 Health
- Prototype Electronics Mod: +135 Electronics, +1,50 Critical Hit Chance

When done Succesfully, you will have unlocked all Weapon Talents, aswel as a High amount of DPS/Health/Skill Power per Firearms/Stamina/Electronics.

In my case, I have 191K DPS per 2602 Firearms, 62K HP per 1997 Stamina, 30K Skill Power per 1950 Electronics. Also I have Non-stop Crits with a high amount of headshot and crit damage

Note: My Build is still far from perfect.


The Talents on the Gear pieces are EXTREMELY important to achieve a Strong Build. Not only are they useful for your Skills, but also for your Weapons.

Examples for Medic[Skills]:
-Rapid: "Decrease Cooldown for Healing Skills by 12,50%"
-Vigorous: "Grants overheal to all Healing Skills" [Currently bugged]
-Rehabilitated: "Heals 2% every second during Status Effects"
-Specialized: "Adds 12,50% of Firearms and Stamina to Skill Power"
-Resourceful: "All Healing is also applied to Skill Objects" [IE: Turrets]
-Recovered: "Damage taken during Cover-to-Cover is Regenerated over 5 Seconds when reaching the Destination"

Examples for Weapons:
-Reckless: Increase Damage by 12,50% and increase incoming damage by 10%
-Savage: Critical Hit Chance is increased by 13% against Targets out of Cover
[High-end drops]
As a medic, aswel as any other role, it is vital to have high-end gear, aswel as weapons at endgame level, because each and every enemy will have more HP, aswel as more damage output. Here I will write down the best ways to get the best gear.

[High-end Gear]:
Currently, the best way to get the best Gear drops is by doing Challenging mode. After completing the mission, you will be awarded a High-end Gear piece, aswel as Phoenix Credits. Make sure to pick up the dropped Phoenix credits from bosses aswel. Once you have enough Phoenix Credits, you will be able to buy High-end gear at the Special Gear Vendor in the Base of Operations. You can find this Vendor once you go up the stairs, and then look at the left side of the left door infront of the Tech Wing. There is also the possibility of buying High-end gear at certain Gear Vendors in the DarkZone.

[High-end Weapons]:
The same thing goes for High-end Weapons. If you absolutely need them, run Challenging mode with a strong group. Once you kill the Boss/named enemies or sometimes even regular enemies, you have a chance of getting a High-end Weapon drop. Besides that, you can also go to certain areas on the map while Freeroaming and kill Named Enemies to increase your chances. Also, the same as for the High-end gear, you can buy High-end Weapons both in certain Darkzone Safehouses with DZ-cash, aswel as with Phoenix coins in both the Base of Operations and the Darkzone.

[High-end Gear]:
-Complete Challenge mode
-Buy Gear[blueprints] at the Special Gear Vendor in Base of Operations
-DZ Safehouse Vendors

[High-end Weapons]:
-Run Challenge mode
-Buy Weapon[blueprints] at the Special Gear Vendor in Base of Operations
-Kill named enemies while freeroaming
-DZ Safehouse Vendors
[Challenge Mode Team Setup]
So you want to play Challenge mode, but unsure of which team setup works the best? After testing several Team setups, I have come to the conclusion that the following setup works the best.

-Combat Medic
-AoE [Area of Effect]
-CC [Crowd Control]

Now that you know which Classes are the best, here is a list with how to make those Classes perform on their very best.

[Combat Medic]:
As explained in the Build Section, you will be able to drop enemies fast, while keeping your team alive. Not bad, huh!
-Skills: Support Station w/ Ammo Cache+ First Aid w/ Defibrillator
-Talents: Triage+ Combat Medic+ Tech Support+ Battle Buddy

AoE, easily explained, is a circular area of effect, in which you do as much damage/control as possible.
-Skills: Sticky Bomb w/ BFB+ Seeker Mine w/ Airbust
-Talents: Wildfire+ Demolition Expert+ Chain Reaction+ Police Up

Sick of those pesky shotgunners, or Tanky bosses? Then you should consider taking the Crowd Control Class. Make sure your team won't get flanked by putting turrents and bombs at critical backrape spots.
-Skills: Turret w/ Dragonbreath/Zapper+ Sticky Bomb w/ Flashbang
-Talents: Fear Tactics/Wildfire+ Tech Support+ Strike Back+ Steady Hands

The Support class. Another very much needed class to keep the team going. Make sure your team does extra damage, while minimalizing incoming damage at the same time.
-Skills: Pulse w/ Tactical Scanner+ Smart Cover w/ Recharger
-Talents: Steady Hands+ Tactical Advance+ Tech Support+ Combat Medic
[Questions, idea's, and more]
Got any questions, idea's, or something else? Let me know by commenting in the comment section, or contact me in-game. My in-game name is iRobbaz.
15-03-2016: Added Sections
16-03-2016: Added "Build" Section
16-03-2016: Added "High-end drops" Section
16-03-2016: Added "Combat Medic" to the Build Section
16-03-2016: Added Big and Underlined letters to help you read faster
17-03-2016: Added "Challenge Mode Team Setup" Section
19-03-2016: Added "Hybrid DPS/Skill Power Medic Build" to "Builds" Sections
21-03-2016: Added "Gear Attributes, Modifications and Talents" Section
29 opmerkingen
shit owl 3 apr 2018 om 15:31 
fair enough this game keeps crashing whenever i use dx 12 its such a buggy mess :/  [auteur] 3 apr 2018 om 15:15 
I will make a new guide once The Division 2 comes out. Updating this one will cost too much time since the changes are extremely big.
shit owl 3 apr 2018 om 15:06 
this needs an update lol ecksdee not that anyone cares tho the game is utter trash and i can safely say that with +1k hours in game lol  [auteur] 5 jan 2018 om 3:23 
Writing this guide took a lot of time. Unfortunately I don't have the time updating this guide at this moment.
Colonel 3 jan 2018 om 21:02 
very old info's guide. is need to be update please :BITRAY_Mistrust:
crazie8 24 apr 2016 om 22:13 
There is SP caps in this game for all skills. Some are low (pulse@@55k?) while healing station gets max effect at around 88k SP (5k heals per sec max). First Aid is just a bit lower at around 77k I think. So if you want juiced heals, you have to use tactitions to get there. Heh.  [auteur] 29 mrt 2016 om 2:13 
Glad you do mate!
=UD= Flamepreacher 28 mrt 2016 om 15:10 
Nice guide, found it very helpful, thanks
Cmdo.Delta 28 mrt 2016 om 9:58 
Yeah completely agree with you on this. I would prefer skillpower and one of the 3 main attributes (depends on my needs for weapons, else would depend what i lack the most).
Well so we have same kind of huild ij mind I bet :p now we have to grind it. :)  [auteur] 28 mrt 2016 om 7:49 
For those, i prefer taking Stamina+Skillpower, or the other way around. It depends on how much points I need to get my weapon talents.