Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

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Activate 4+ Buffs at once with just one Button
Oleh Drake Ravenwolf
I can activate my Curiosity, Stimulant, Kickback, and Buff abilities all at the same time with one button click. Want to know how I do it?
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Kickbacks, Stimulants, Curiosities and self buffs can give you great DPS boosts, but having to activate them each individually can sometimes feel like you are losing DPS just from having to activate them all.

Well there is a way to active all four (or more) but it is not easy to do. Below I will outline the steps you need to take to set this up. While it is a long and complicated process; once setup, it is setup for good and you can forget about everything but the one button to activate all your buffs at once.

Now you may be wondering if this is cheating, it is not. We are only taking advantage of things that "Do not trigger and is not affected by the global recharge time."
Setting up the Hotbar mod
First step is setting up the Hotbar mod, if you installed it through the Curse client you only need to worry about the in-game settings. For the Hotbar mod to work correctly you need to change some keybindings as detailed in its readme file[] but I'll include here. Don't worry, your game will function just the same as it did before the keybinding change, afaik the mod intercepts the keystrokes and redirects them.

Open the controls menu, locate the following items, and change them to the values listed below.

Exit game SHIFT
Camp to login ALT
Offensive Target Self F1
Target Group Member 2 F2
Target Group Member 3 F3
Target Group Member 4 F4
Target Group Member 5 F5
Target Group Member 6 F6

Find the inventory bag with the name "Hotbar" and drag some items into it. Any item that can be activated and does not trigger a GCD will work. But for our purpose we want to put in our Kickback, Stimulant, and Curiosity – and we want them to be in positions 2,3,4 because position 1 sometimes bugs out.

Your new in-game hot bar should look something like this:
Next, we need to have AutoHotKey activate my script file each time you start TSW. For this purpose I also wrote a BAT file that can replace your normal TSW shortcut as long as your TSW is installed in the same place mine is. If you do not want to bother with this step you can just manually active my script file each and every time you start TSW. I will include the contents of both the script file and the BAT file below so you can assure yourself they do not contain anything malicious (PS some anti-virus programs flag the AutoHotKey program, but I have used it for years without issue)
TSW.ahk contains...
TSW.ahk contains:
Send +{F1}
Send +{F2}
Send +{F3}
Send +{F4}
Send 7

This script simply says when the middle mouse button is depressed trigger the Hotbar items AND what ever ability is in slot 7 of your normal action bar. This is where I put things like Do or Die, Master's House, or even Deadly Aim/Short Fuse. So in all your builds make sure slot 7 is your buff skill, or remove that line from the script.
The .bat contains...
The Secret World.bat contains:
@start C:\"Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Secret World\TSW.ahk"
@start steam://rungameid/215280

This simply says to activate my script file at the same time as you start TSW, you will need to place my script file at that location or otherwise edit the BAT file to point to the correct location for it.

If you did not install TSW through Steam you will also have to change the 2nd line to match the directory where you installed it on your machine.
Tying it all together
You may then run TSW by running my BAT file from the desktop or you may place the BAT file in the same folder as TSW and create a shortcut to the BAT file which you can then change the icon to match the original icon of TSW client, that is purely an aesthetic choice.

Once all that is done my script will run each time you start up TSW from my BAT file, which will then trigger the Hotbar items and your buff ability in slot 7 of your action bar whenever you hit the middle mouse button. You may edit my script file to use a different button, but you'd have to look up the syntax for other buttons in the AutoHotKey documentation.
I hope this was relatively clear, like I said it is a complicated process. If you run into problems I can try and help troubleshoot them. Otherwise thank you for taking a look at my guide, and remember to rate, like, and favorite this guide if you found it helpful!

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1 Komentar
Phantorang 16 Sep 2016 @ 5:55am 
Nice guide, have to implement this, thanks!
Going to check out your glyph guide later too :)