Rusty Lake Hotel

Rusty Lake Hotel

178 ratings
Rusty Lake Hotel: The Rooms + Getting Started
By Lucid
"Good afternoon. My name is Mr. Owl, I am the owner of the Rusty Lake Hotel".

The following walkthrough will guide you through each room and tell you where to find the items and how to solve the puzzles.

If you're looking for how to get each ingredient and the best order to get them, check this other guide I've made.
The goal in Rusty Lake Hotel is to help the five guests and serve dinner on the five days. To do so, you will need to gather the ingredients for the recipe. The stars you get on each meal will depend on how many ingredients you have collected for that dinner.

During daytime, you can talk to the guests and staff and find some ingredients, depending on the order of the previous room’s you have done. You can’t go to the guests’ rooms during daytime.
During nighttime, you can go to the guests’ rooms and help them out with certain tasks, as well as find some of the ingredients. You can choose what guest you will help each night, and this can affect what ingredient you will be able to get on the following day.

The following walkthrough will guide you through each room and tell you where to find the items and how to solve the puzzles.
Days and Nights
Day 1
On this day, you can talk to Mr. Crow, Mr. Toad (the Chef) and the guests. You have to take the cocktails from the front desk and give them to each guest. When everyone has a drink, click twice on a guest and they will say that it’s time to go to their room. Click again and the night will begin.

Day 2 onward
If you completed Ms. Pheasant’s or Mrs. Pigeon’s rooms on the previous nights, you can now grab the Red Wine or the White Wine on the window or the pillow next to the dining room.
On each day from now on, you have to go to the kitchen and give the ingredients you have found to Mr. Toad. He will prepare the recipe depending on the guest you have helped the night before. The recipe you have made will get a grade depending on how many ingredients you have found. After this, the night will begin.

Night 1
On this night, the telephone will be ringing. Click on it and talk to Mr. Owl. He will tell you to look at his portrait, which is located above the safe to the left of the elevator. Doing so will give you an ingredient.

Night 2
On this night, if you talk to the Crow, he will tell you to check his pocket. If you do that, you will get an ingredient.

Night 3
On this night, if you look out the windows of the lobby, you can see a bright white light falling down as the room goes dark. If you go somewhere else and go back to the windows, the Bat Bellboy will be on the ceiling. Click on him twice and he will go somewhere else. Keep clicking on him until the lobby is back to normal (three more times), and if you go talk to him next to the elevator he will give you an ingredient. The places he will appear are: top left next to the windows, top left next to the chandelier above the front desk, top right next to the dining room entryway, top right next to the elevator.
Room 1: Mr. Deer
The goal on Mr. Deer’s room is to make him a Bloody Mary. If you read the paper next to the empty glass, you will see the ingredients needed for it: blood, vodka, tabasco and a special ingredient. All of these can be found inside this room.

Next to the lamp, you will find a key. Use this key to unlock the cabinet.
Next to the door, you can find an empty bucket; on the bottom drawer, you can find matches; on the grinder on the wall, you can find a glass.
Behind Mr. Deer, you can find vodka.

Open the right window, put the bucket on the rope and click it twice to lower, and then raise it. Click on the bucket again and you will get a bucket with water.
Open the left window and you may find a butterfly. Click on the glass and use it to catch the butterfly while it is sitting on the windowsill.
There is a set of a scale and weights next to the cabinet. Some weights have numbers on it, while others have symbols. By using the weights and scale, you can find how much each weight weights. The plus is one; the triangle is three and the spiral is five.

Use this to unlock the safe in the room. The code is 3531.
Click on the handle and you will get a knife.
Above the cabinet, you can find a painting with a sequence of bugs. Put the butterfly on the frame next to the door. Now, click the bugs in the same sequence you found in the painting (middle, left, right, right, middle, middle). This will cut a hole on the butterfly and you can get a seed.

Raise the glass next to the lamp, put the seed in the pot and use the bucket with water in it. Lower the glass and use the matches to light the lamp. Click on the seed twice and then on the seeds that grown to get poisonous seeds.
In the cabinet, use the water on the flasks. Your goal is to have 8 measures of water on the left flask. To do so, pour water from the right flask into the middle; from the middle to the left; from the right to the middle; from the left to the right. Do this two more times. After this, you will get the 8 dl water.

Put the glass back on the grinder to the right of the door, put the poisonous seeds in the top and click on the lever to grind the seeds. Grab the glass again to get poisonous powder.
On the device to the left of the cabinet, put the poisonous powder in the middle flask, the 8 dl water in the bottom flask and use the matches to light the candle. Grab the poison.
Click on the right stump of antler from the deer skull and it will grow. Keep clicking on it and the left antler will grow. After it has fully grown, click again and Tabasco will pour from the skull’s nose. Use the glass to get it.

Use the vodka on the glass to the right of Mr. Deer, then the Tabasco to empty the glass.
Click on Mr. Deer and use the knife on his antler. Use the glass on the blood to get it.
Back to the glass on the table, use the blood and the poison in it. Click on the glass to get it, and give it to Mr. Deer. Click on it to make him drink, back up from the screen, and zoom into Mr. Deer again. Use the knife on him and click on him twice to finish the room.
Room 2: Mr. Boar
The goal on Mr. Boar’s room is to make him a sandwich and give him opium. You can find all the ingredients in this room.

Grab the lamp above Mr. Boar by clicking on it.
Open the curtains next to the drawer to reveal the toilet. Zoom in and click on it twice to get feces.
Zoom in on the drawer. You can find lettuce in the top drawer can find matches on the bottom one. Click on the bread and use the boar feces and the lettuce in it. Click on the bread again to finish the sandwich and click on it to get it. Feed it to Mr. Boar and click on him four times.

There is a painting above the drawer with red and blue circles.Note their position and use it on the heater to the right of the door. The left slat will open, revealing an opium pipe. Grab the toilet paper above the heater.

Zoom in on the three monkeys and click on the first one. The amount of time they strike the plates means which monkey you will have to click next (if he strikes the plates twice, the second monkey should be clicked and so on). If you click on the wrong monkey, he will open his arm but won’t strike the plates. The order is: first, second, third, second, first, third, third, first, second, third. They will all strike the plates. Click on any monkey and the third monkey's head will come off, revealing a key.

Zoom in on the flower, pick its petals until it opens up, and get the opium.
Use the key from the monkey to open the drawer under the pot. Use the lamp on it to reveal another drawing of blue and red circles. Recreate their position on the heater, and the right slat will slide open, revealing a hammer.

While Mr. Boar is still inside the bathroom, use the hammer on the wooden pieces on the ax to make it fall to the ground. Keep clicking on the handle to the left of the divan until it is close to the ax. Click on the ax to tie it to the rope and on the handle again to raise it.
Draw the red curtains, give the toilet paper to Mr. Boar and go somewhere else. You can now get more feces to make another sandwich, if needed.

Give the opium pipe to Mr. Boar, put the opium in it and use the matches to light it. Keep moving and the room will fill with fog. Keep moving and you will find yourself on a forest.
Search for the crow and click on it four times. After you move again, you will see Mr. Crow’s shadow. Click on it to approach, and again to zoom in. Click on him and he will raise a knife. Grab it. Click on him twice and you will be back in Mr. Boar’s room.
Use the knife on the rope and the ax will fall. Zoom in on Mr. Boar and click on him to finish the room.
Room 3: Ms. Pheasant
The goal in Ms. Pheasant’s room is to take pictures of her as three different characters by handing her different costumes that you can find in her room and adjusting the background. If the costume is right, the right lamp will be lit. If the background is right, the left lamp will be lit.

Click on the roll behind Ms. Pheasant to unroll the background.
Get the photo liquid above the cupboard.
On the right drawer on the table to the left of the cupboard, you can find a dry glass plate.
Fill the tray on the table with photo liquid, dip the dry glass plate on it and click on it again to get the wet glass plate.

Note the three pictures above the table with the three different backgrounds.
Zoom in on the empty frame to the right of the photographic machine to find a key.
You can find matches in the top drawer on the drawer to the left of the window, a magnifying glass on the second drawer from top to right, and a brush on the bottom drawer.

Open the window and a hand will creep in. Close the window and click on it again to get blood on the windowsill. Use the brush on it to get a brush with blood.
Use the key on the right side of the cupboard to get a hat.

Use the hat on Ms. Pheasant, and after zooming on the white background, use the brush with blood to paint it like the left picture you found (Lady in Blue. It looks like a cross, so paint over the first horizontal line and the second vertical line). If you make a mistake, click on the rag on the top right of the roll to clean it. Zoom in on the photographic machine, use the wet glass plate in it and click on the shutter. A picture will appear. Click on it twice and put it on any of the empty frames. You will get the wet glass plate again.

Use the magnifying glass on the photography to see three symbols: a cross-hair, a triangle with a line in the middle and an s. Use these symbols in this order on the safe under the pot to the right of the window and click on the button to get the crow mask.

Use the crow mask on Ms. Pheasant and paint the background like in the middle picture you have found (Mr. Crow. There are two parallel lines, so paint over the first and third vertical lines). Go back to the photographic machine, use the wet glass plate in it and click on the shutter. A picture will appear. Click on it twice and put it on any of the empty frames. You will get the wet glass plate again.

Use the magnifying glass on the bottom left of the photography to see a clock, its pointers at roughly a half past three. Click on the clock and adjust the hands to that hour (clicking on the yellow inner circle will move the hour hand while clicking on the white circle with roman numerals will move the minute hand. The clock will chime and a small rolling pin will fall.

Click on the red curtains above the cupboard to reveal a marionette show. Use the small rolling pin on the woman to the left and keep clicking on her until a small ax appears above the man to the right. Get the small ax and use it on the man. Click on him until the woman’s head comes off, and click on the wooden piece sticking out of her body to get a small torch. Use the small torch on her, use the matches to light it, and click on her to set fire to the man. Click on him and get the key.

Use this new key on the left side of the cupboard to get an owl mask.
Use the owl mask on Ms. Pheasant and paint the background like in the middle picture you have found (Mr. Owl. There is a “w” on it, so starting from the intersection of the first horizontal line with the left side of the background, paint over to the intersection of the second horizontal line with the first vertical line; then, to the first horizontal and second vertical; to the second horizontal and third vertical; and to the first horizontal with the right side of the background). Go back to the photographic machine, use the wet glass plate in it and click on the shutter. A picture will appear. Click on it twice and put it on the empty frame. You will get the wet glass plate again.

Use the magnifying glass to the right of Mr. Owl’s tie to find a pattern with 10 lines made of five circles.
Click on the music box to the left of the tray on the table next to the cupboard. Click on the piece of paper and recreate the pattern on Mr. Owl’s picture. (In order, from the first to last horizontal line: fifth circle, fourth circle, third, second, third, fourth, third, second, first, third). Click outside the paper and on the music box’s handle to start playing it. If the sequence is wrong, nothing will happen (in this case, click on the paper twice to try again). If it is right, the drawer at the bottom of the music box will open, revealing a key.

Use the key on the box above the drawer to the left of the window and click on it to open. Grab the pistol.
Give the pistol to Ms. Pheasant. Go back to the photographic machine, use the wet glass plate in it and click on the shutter. Click on Ms. Pheasant twice to finish the room.
Room 4: Mr. Rabbit
The goal in this room is to help Mr. Rabbit with his magic tricks.

Zoom in on the ceiling lamp above the bed. Click on it to get an Ace of Spades card.
Note the painting above the drawer showing the letter A and the number 5 above two symbols.
Zoom in on the drawer and open the bottom drawer to find a knife.
Flip the switch on the stubborn box on the table to the right of the door. A hand will come out. Use the knife on it and get the ring.
Note the symbol next to Mr. Owl on the painting above the table.

Note the position of the swords to the left of the sword box. Get the four of diamonds above the painting.
Note the symbols and the number of diamonds next to them on the “The Amazing Mr. Rabbit” poster above the sword box.

Note the symbol and the number of raised fingers on the top painting to the left of the magic wardrobe. Get the two of hearts above the painting.
Note the position of the colors on the bottom painting to the left of the magic wardrobe.
Use the ring on the box above the table to the left of the magic wardrobe. Click on the box to get a key. Get the triangle stone behind the table.

Get the hat above the magic wardrobe.
Click on Mr. Rabbit’s ear twice and on the card once to get a five of clubs.
Put the hat on Mr. Rabbit and click on his head and then on the hat to make flowers appear. Put the flowers on the same order from the bottom picture at the left of the magic wardrobe (purple, pink, white and orange). Click on them again and on the hat. Click on the hat six times to make a key come out of Mr. Rabbit’s mouth. Get it.

Click on the table to the right of Mr. Rabbit to zoom on the three cups. Click on the cups and one of them will rise, revealing a ball. Click twice on the cup and they will start moving. Follow the cup with the ball and once the cups stop moving, click on it. It will rise, revealing a shell. Follow it again and once it rises, a thimble will appear. Follow it again and this time a bug will appear. This time, when it rises, an eye will appear. Click on it to get it.

Click on the board with two cards to the right of the door. A king of spades with Mr. Owl on it and an eight of diamonds are already on it. Use the other cards on the board. Using the clues from the paintings, put the cards on the right order: the King of Spades equals the symbol from Mr. Owl painting; the Ace and the Five of Clubs equals the symbols on the painting above the drawer; the Two of Hearts equals the symbol on the painting with the hand holding two fingers up; and the Eight of Diamonds equals the symbol on the top of the Magic Show ad while the Four of Diamonds equals the symbol at the bottom (The final order is: Two of Hearts; Four of Diamonds; Five of Clubs; Ace of Clubs; Eight of Diamonds and King of Spades). If the cards are on the right places, the Five of Clubs will move and a key will appear under it. Move the card and get the key.

Use the keys you got on the locks around the magic wardrobe and click on the chains to make them fall. Click on the door to open it and use the triangle stone on the triangle slot on the door. Close and open the door and use the eye on the skull. Close and open the door twice and get the three swords.
Recreate the position of the words from the drawing to the left of the sword box in it (a sword on the first arrow, one on the fourth and one on the fifth). Click on the box twice to finish the night.
Room 5: Mrs. Pigeon
The goal in this room is to help Mrs. Pigeon with her bath.

Note the position of the red x’s on the painting to the left of the magnet contraption.

Note the equations on the paintings to the left and right of the zoetrope-like machine:
triangle + square = 4
s – spiral = 2
square + triangle + triangle = 5
square + spiral = 9

Get the piece of paper sticking out of the left side of the right picture.
Zoom in on the radio and get a piece of paper behind it. Change the stations in the order from the painting to the left of the magnet contraption by clicking on the left and right knobs. The order is: second, third, fourth, third, fourth, third, second, first (90, 100, 110, 100, 110, 100, 90, 80). Wait for the static to end before going to the next station. A branch will rip the radio and a key will appear. Get it.

Zoom in on the zoetrope-like machine. Get the key from the top left. Click on the circle with cube drawings. Use the piece of paper with the side view of the cube (with the line in the middle) on the bottom slot and the other paper on the top right slot. Click outside the circle and flip the lever to make the zoetrope work. If the position of the drawings is right, the light above it will turn on.

Click on the table to the left of the radio. The goal in this puzzle is to trap the stag beetle before it leaves the board by filling the circles. Each time you fill a circle, the stag beetle moves one space. Try to fill the outermost circles first. If you fail, click on the board to reset. If you manage to fill the six circles around the beetle, you can get it by clicking on it.

Use the golden key on the cabinet under the radio and get the corn.
Zoom in on the magnet contraption and place the stag beetle in it. It will start running, making the magnet spin and turning the light on.
Zoom in on Mrs. Pigeon and give her the corn. Click on her seven times and grab the key from the plate.

Solve the equations to find out how much each symbol is worth. Then, use the values on the slots on the machine to the right of the door. The triangle equals one, the square equals three, the spiral equals six and the s equals eight. The code is 8613. Zoom out.

Click on the door of the machine and use the keys on the locks. Click on both locks to take them off.
Flip the lever to the right of the magnet contraption and the Young Bird will hold it down.
Push the button next to the Tesla coil, and after it stops lightning, click on Mrs. Pigeon twice to finish the room.
Private Room (Only on Night 6): Mr. Owl
Talk to Mr. Owl. He will tell you to look at the black cubes. There are five machines around the room with black cubes inside them. Click on each one of them.

Talk to Mr. Owl again. The plate cover will rise, showing a white cube. Click on it twice.

You will find yourself on a forest. Click on the two cubes and keep moving until you have clicked on eight cubes. Move again and you will see an elevator going up. Click on it before it goes off the screen, otherwise you will have to move and return. Click on the elevator three times to finish the game.
Photiel Jan 9 @ 8:09am 
This one is so detailed, Thanks!
Dokkasan Dec 9, 2024 @ 10:56am 
The Ace you get from the lamp above the bed is from the suit of clubs, not spades.
Dokkasan Dec 9, 2024 @ 10:28am 
In the instructions for Room 1: Mr. Deer, where you are explaining how to get the 8 dl water, you say to "do this two more times." But you only need to do that two times, not two more times. Thought you'd like to know that needs changing. :D
Mz Cookies Feb 26, 2024 @ 4:05am 
Great guide, thanks!!
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. Oct 6, 2021 @ 1:33am 
Thx 4 the Guide <3
worfe Apr 16, 2020 @ 5:41pm 
Thank you for this. This was the only guide I found that actually explained the reasoning behind the solution for the freaking monkey puzzle. It was the only one I didn't figure out, but all I could find in other guides was the straight solution (first second, etc...)
turtles are very nice Dec 27, 2019 @ 12:48am 
Thank you for your work!
vipyouchang Jun 29, 2017 @ 5:49pm 
Rhinoel Nov 1, 2016 @ 2:42am 
@Lucid Atray Alright, thank you for the information.
Lucid  [author] Oct 31, 2016 @ 7:40am 
@Phoong the worrier, Floor -1 isn't an actual part of the game, but it is related, if I remember correctly, to the beginning of Cube Escape: Birthday.