Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

88 人が評価
Complexity: Low Complexity
242.317 KB
2016年1月31日 14時13分
2023年8月2日 16時57分
14 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


King Crazy 作成の 1 件のコレクション
9 アイテム
The base-game featuring the series 1 Dawn of Perim cards.

Big thanks to DanielsWorlds for contributing a large portion of the expansions!

Click on one of the expansions below to view it!
Zenith of the Hive
Silent Sands
M'arrillian Invasion
Rise of the Oligarch (DanielsWorlds)
Turn of the Tides (DanielsWorlds)
Forged Unity (DanielsWorlds)
Alliuances Unraveled (DanielsWorlds)
Promos (DanielsWorlds)

Chaotic is a card game in which two players battle creatures for supremecy. Using battlegear, mugic (magic based on music), abilities, and attacks, the players must defeat each other using strategy, wit, and a little bit of luck.

Chaotic was a card game that originally ran alongside a 4Kids TV show with a similar name. With the closing of the website in 2012, the game has since died down severely. During the game's lifetime, multiple series' of cards were originally released, however only series one: Dawn of Perim, is featured in this mod.

This mod provides the full game to experience as if from the beginning of Chaotic's lifecycle. All the original cards are present, along with the original playmats used to play the physical card game.

If you're looking for a place to meet up with other Chaotic fans, there is a forum that is home to a lot of fellow players![]

Regarding the Quality of the Cards
I really wish I could have provided high-quality images for cards and the playmat, but sadly there are very few resources available for Chaotic. I could have easily recreated the cards in a higher resolution, however the problem is I would need to recreate every card, meaning looking up stats and finding the original artwork for each individual card. Creatures would be easier, since some of the artists actually uploaded their work on the creatures to DeviantArt, however attacks, mugic, and other cards would be extremely difficult.
For now, my main concern is that it's playable and somewhat readable. I hope you understand. Thank you!

If there are any issues with stats, feel free to post a comment on what cards need correcting. I'll be more than happy to make those corrections! Thank you!

* The full Series 1: Dawn of Perim set of cards.
* A full-size playmat for the players to utilize. Featuring snap points for ease of placement.
* Decks organized by tribe and type for ease of search.
* Mugic tokens to help keep track of creatures' mugic.
* Snap positions on the side panel for placing a token to help keep track of creatures' energy during combat.

How to Play

Full documentation on the game can be found here[]
...or alternatively around other parts of the internet.

Games are strictly locked to two players, with as many spectators as you desire. The rules do allow for varied amounts of creatures on the field depending on the desired length of the game.
The rules support modes for the following amount of creatures on the battlefield:
* 1v1
* 3v3
* 6v6
* 10v10

1. To begin a match, each player choose the desired amount of creatures depending on the type of gamemode agreed on.
2. Battlegear may be selected for each individual creature the player controls.
3. Place the battlegear face down under the creature card, and place the creature card ontop.
4. Then, players must gather 20 attack cards, making sure the sum of all attack values (the number in the upper left of all attack cards) does not exceed 20.
5. Each player then gathers 10 location cards.
6. Players then must make their attack and location decks face down, and shuffle both decks. Both players must then place the decks on the indicated spots on the game board.

1. At the beginning of each players' turn, the player must select the top card from their location deck. This is the location at which the players will be fighting if combat is initiated.
2. Players then have the choice of either moving (if any open spaces are available), or attacking (You can only attack adjacent opponent cards).
3. If the attack phase is initiated by a player, the one who goes first is determined by the "Initiative" on the location card. For instance, if the initiative is Power, then the player who has the most power on their attacking creature goes first.
4. Combat is locked to the attacking creature, and the attacker creature. The players will draw 3 attack cards and take turns using attacks, abilities, battlegear, or mugic. Once a player has used an attack card it is returned to the "Attack Discard" pile. Upon completely using up all attack cards, the player takes the Attack Discard pile, shuffles it, and reuses it.
5. Once combat has finished, the losing creature must be sent to the owner's "Discard" pile along with their battlegear. The winner then gets to choose whether they wish to move one adjacent space in any direction or if they wish to stay where they are. The location card is sent to the bottom of the player's pile and then the opposing player begins their turn.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (6)
2019年11月6日 21時48分
ピン留め: New Card Writing Program
King Crazy
2017年4月3日 11時32分
ピン留め: [Resources] Looking to add cards?
King Crazy
2018年2月4日 16時58分
ピン留め: Card Stats - Report Any Errors Here
King Crazy
101 件のコメント
King Crazy  [作成者] 2023年8月6日 14時34分 
If you could let me know which cards have broken links, that'd be a big help!
SpaceCaronte 2023年8月6日 11時19分 
I can send you prints, but is the board and some cards
King Crazy  [作成者] 2023年8月2日 17時00分 
I was trying to find the broken links, but I can't seem to find any... Do you mind letting me know which links aren't loading for you?
King Crazy  [作成者] 2023年7月29日 15時51分 
Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see this message earlier! I'll take a look at the links as soon as possible!
SpaceCaronte 2023年7月1日 22時07分 
I know you've spent years doing this project but it's been having problems because of broken links. Is there any chance you might consider fixing it or showing a way to?
King Crazy  [作成者] 2023年4月29日 5時54分 
Good question! I don't recall... It might've been that the snap points were too close together and it got frustrating trying to place a token down where you wanted it haha
Agniko Fireking 2023年4月12日 13時11分 
Any reason there's no snap points for the stats besides energy?
ZoroTheBold 2022年11月25日 18時34分 
@King Crazy I already made a board that I use with friends with just drawing squares, Its just three boards with 3 spaces in the middle that you can use to get to the other boards, and then just last person standing from there! We've also done a game with another space in the middle and played like king of the hill.
King Crazy  [作成者] 2022年11月25日 17時43分 
That'd be interesting! I'm not sure how the rules would work, but if you come up with some homebrew rules for doing it, let me know!
ZoroTheBold 2022年11月11日 2時36分 
Awesome work! I loved this TCG Growing up. Would you know if you could make the fields seperate so if we wanted to do a 3 person/odd amount of players game?